Originally posted by b0bby
Wow, I just wish I could go kill my self, im really tired of this bull**** world and everybody in it. I hate school, hate life. What more could I hate. I dont know what I need to do to make me feel better, I always feel like **** and feel sick. Im a failure, have horrible grades, no job, nothing. I ask my self why am I even here, Im always in pain. I would rather be dead. I know I have problems and issues but im just tired of this ****, and had to get it off my chest. Errr
Hey b0bby,
Don't do anything stupid man!! Read this book:
"The boy called it" (Dave Peltzer) Some seriously fvcked up shyt happened to him, like I wouldn't wish it on anyone!! You'll see why your situation is not as bad as it might seem at the moment, and you'll see how things can work out really well if you persevere!
There are soooooooo many people out there who are depressed and pi$$ed off at everything and hate people, life, themselves. No-one understands, or seems to understand what it feels like for you, no-one seems to give a shyt and no-one can help. That's the thing, you've got to sort this out for yourself - big step to being an adult! People have been there before you and can help, don't do anything stupid in the mean time cuz you'll learn from this.
At least you know that you're depressed! That's an important thing. Loads of people are like that and don't even know it. Now that you know that you're depressed, you've got the power to
DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Get your ar$e up and actually change this situation so it works out for you!
Where do you get started? Well, anywhere you like, whenever you like; but right now is probably best!
A good place to start, that worked for me, was to figure out: Do you know exactly what you want to get out of life yet?
Sit and think about this for one second. Put everything that you're doing down, log-off, sit down and completely chill out best you can away from everything and everyone. Relax completely, and then think about what you actually WANT life to be like for you. For example:
- If you could change things like magic right this second, what would make you not feel depressed?
- How do you want your friends and family to behave towards you?
- How would
"YOU" ideally like to feel towards your family and friends? (Eg, I presume you would want to get on well with them really well and have fun all the time and not hate them. Imagine that!)
- What sort of grades do you want to get in school? Be realistic.
- What job do you want to be doing when you're older, or even right now?
- Anything else that's important to you?
Just imagine it all for a like an hour or however long it takes Take your time. If you switch everything around tomorrow, how do you want for it to turn out? Set up your
best case scenario -
it's your time -
it's your imagination - let it rip!
It's hard, at first, to see the best scenario. It may seem "fake", but that doesn't matter for now - force yourself! WRITE IT DOWN. Do a brainstorm of everything you want and how you want the world to look from your eyes - it's important to actually
feel these things as if they were really happening
right now.
You need to figure out what you want. I don't think you do. Without goals and ambitions, life's meaningless.
1st step: know what you really want?
2nd step: get your booty off the ground and work hard to achieve it.
Learn everthing you can from people here and books and stuff and put it into practice. These guys have posted some good stuff here - other people have been there too, you're not alone. It's not easy, but once you've started to get your shyt together, it gets much better man! And never underestimate how a competent counsellor can help you. If you get a good counsellor (they're free if you're at school), then you'll see for yourself - you've got nothing to lose!
When you put the effort in to achieve "what you really want" and then it works out, the feeling's unbelievable!! But you got some work to do man.
Two other books you
need to read:
1. "How to get what you want and want what you have" - David Gray.
2. "The powers of the subconscious mind" - Joseph Murphy.
but get Dave Peltzer's book (mentioned at the beginning) first!!
Good luck