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  1. A

    Getting Lucky...In A Different Way.

    Re: I agree, some girls are whack. To me, we're the ying and yang of life. Yes, extremely crazy girls make your life hectic and troublesome. On the flip-side it's the minor eccentricities and oddities that are attractive and add to the fun. They're not all the enemy, just as NOT all us guys...
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    Getting Lucky...In A Different Way.

    It's often stated that most AFC's "get lucky." That is, whenever they find a GF, it was out of sheer luck. Perhaps it was through friends, or the stars aligned properly, whatever the case was, you didn't make your own luck, chance just happened. Well...I find that, the harder I work, the...
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    good looks bad thing?

    Single Serving Friend. Labeling people by classification of looks and assumable traits makes the attraction process easier for women. If you fit a certain 'type', then they can label you and make assumptive approaches. We all get it here. The music people might be assumed to not be quite so...
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    Too Many Girls

    Do whatever you want. I used to apply logic to cases such as your's my friend. No more! Case-in-points... I'd met a great girl (who is an X of mine, together 2 years) just prior to my 2nd year in college. She, too, was attending my college. We clicked very well, to the point where things...
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    Logical Reason for Men Why Too Many Compliments Don't Work.

    As if you need more reasons 'why' excessive compliments don't work, here's another. But this the evolutionary bottom-line. Prefacing that, I spend some free-time researching dating, sexuality, relationships, etc. Women seek the best mate for her potential because she, being very similar to...
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    The Fall of the Don Juan

    Awesome job, bud. Good job. Someone gets it. And you know what, it takes a rise and fall to see the total spectrum of possibility. You can't be a pimp w/out first knowing what the AFC does wrong. In life you must experience the sour, to enjoy the sweet. Only with brevity and value...
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    The Curse of Consciousness.

    Closed - Mindedness. That's the way of alot of people. They (and even I had) cling to ideals as they are our identity. Most time arguments begin because its in defense of one's beliefs, without even questioning their belief in the first place. To me, it's not about right or wrong in most...
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    The Curse of Consciousness.

    Certainly. The biggest problem with an AFC is excessive 'thought'. They think through everything as if its some video game with logical parameters, logical conclusions, and expected outcomes. As if A========>B or 1 + 1 = 2 As if... Gifts ======> Respect, Likability, Etc. Ayn...
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    The Curse of Consciousness.

    I'm with you. I say this because I've been there. And to me, my mine is always spinning and always thinking and wondering, and one day I just said "Fvcking stop." I get tired of semantical debates of nuances of one thing over another. Of dissecting confidence, or lines, or women, or this, or...
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    The Curse of Consciousness.

    Re: 20 minutes north, between Dracut and Lowell. A-Unit.
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    The Curse of Consciousness.

    ...Again, for those seeking tips, this isn't one. I'll preface that because personally, when I fall upon a new line of thinking, it aids me more than a tip. This will be long, too, but WORTHWHILE. If you read the opening of the bible, you get a feel for life. In it, Adam is created of God...
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    Sick of being lonely (long story)

    States of Mind. Loneliness is a state of mind. And it isn't that you're lonely, or quiet, it's that you maintain the belief that what you say or do has to be "cool" or "fun." I had similar beliefs in high school, but then came senior year and I was like "fvck it, gotta live life." Frankly, I...
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    ever almost rape your gf?

    Re: LoL. EVERY girl I have ever spoken to or been with had some "fantasy" of rough sex with the right person. You can do anything with the right person. I'd prefer to err on the side of too aggressive, than too docile. A-Unit
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    ever almost rape your gf?

    Second thought. Whenever you see somewhat primative movies, or even westerns for that matter, the sex is rough and rugged. Much of the reading I have done on primative tribes NOW in existence also point to the fact of somewhat rough sex. To a degree, we had little knowledge of sexuality, so...
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    ever almost rape your gf?

    Re: Fantasies of dominating a woman to the extreme circumstances, yes. I've seen porn setup like's actually pretty hot. And if you check out the good number of porn out there, most of it is gear toward domination and submission (not actual, but manipulating young girls), taking...
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    "Most" People Reside in the Matrix.

    Quite the Reponse. My post doesn't purport to ascribe to an arrogant position of total self-rightenous, it's an analogy to the fact that we live in a world where other people project their realities on YOU, or attempt to disseminate their REALITIES on the world. One can claim the...
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    George Costanza = DJ?

    Not to get too technical. But this gets to the hard of "self-perception" and "identity." Who are we? In most cases we are only aware of who we are under the context of the frames we experience. For instance, if all the people you hang around with are extremely careful about life, i.e. no...
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    Don't underestimate maturity

    Side Bar. Keep in mind also... When the unusual becomes the usual, your frame of reality changes. That means, as women age, and become accustom to a lifestyle, they expect it. My buddy's X-GF is the perfect example of this. A hot spanish broad, easily a 10, and completey untouchable...
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    Don't underestimate maturity

    Some pointers. 1. "I date older guys because guys my age or younger are like dating my brother or his friends. I hear their idiotic jokes all day and listen to their shows. So dating an older guy allows me to escape that, and contect with someone who actually 'challenges me'." That was...
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    "Most" People Reside in the Matrix.

    Right off the bat I will say this: this isn't a posting on how to pick up women, or even a tactic. It goes layers above that. It goes to the heart of the true matter. If you haven't already figured it out, most people aren't on your side. Frankly, control enables the *weak* or the lacking to...