The Curse of Consciousness.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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...Again, for those seeking tips, this isn't one. I'll preface that because personally, when I fall upon a new line of thinking, it aids me more than a tip. This will be long, too, but WORTHWHILE.

If you read the opening of the bible, you get a feel for life. In it, Adam is created of God, and Eve created of man's rib. When she bites the forbidden fruit, God forsakes them from the heavenly gardens and grants them the curse of "knowing" existence, pain, indecision, truth, and thought. Prior to all that, man lived in bliss and ignorance. That knew not what "naked" meant, nor what sex was. These "concepts" were only things. They had no meaning. But once Eve bit the apple, man had thoughts and meanings related to once beautiful things.

Moving forward on that note...

In life, anytime we have a good reason for something, we'll start chipping away at it to find the REAL reason why we should do it. This is the curse of our consciousness. We second guess our feelings. YOU DON'T NEED A REASON TO DO ANYTHING. We don't know the meaning of life, so why should you know the meaning of EVERY LITTLE DETAIL WE DO?[/

You see, there's lots of white noise whenever something occurs. You need REASONS for something. But why? Most of us here, have no reason for anything, or at least none we can accurately define. We can't say what our life means, and though we search for a reason for it, there won't be an end-all answer. Try as we might to discover meaning, we give meaning to life through what we do.

Our consciousness has turned life into a science experiment, not an art exhibit. Yes, we are furthering the bounds of human existence through experience, but the consciousness of our minds is locking away the hidden potential, sapping our energy, and draining the life.

From sources like "Psycho-Cybernetics," "Self-Reliance," "As A Man Thinketh," and so forth, you gain the insight that...Nature exists where man exists and The mind is the temple of life.

We ask for reason "why" we lift.
Or why we buy a certain car.
Or why we dress a certain way.

What for? These are all very semantical questions in the broad scope of life. Mere nuances to life, so that we might digest the overwhelming significance of an existence we can't comprehend.


There's no rhyme or reason to it. There's no reason why a person with an intellect of 150 and a good heart is born in a dreary ghetto, while some kid born in rich society America blowing coke off his girlfriend's waxed back drives a BMW and will never know what true work is. There's just no rhyme.

The of being on this site isn't to pick up chicks, though that is a by-product of it. The reason is to RELEASE the hulking-beast man lying just below the surface of what has been trapped underneath a consciousness attempting to do all it can to prevent it from being unleashed. It's akin to the catepillar becoming the butterfly. The catepillar IS butterfly, and through a transmutation, it BECOMES WHAT IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN. At that point, it crossed the chasm into what it was destined to be. The butterfly characteristics lied just below its surface, tucked away in its genetic potential.

And what of us men, seering with volcanic testosterone? Do we not have muscles hulking, seeking to be used, to grow, to lift, to shrug, and flex, and push and pull? Do we not have minds seeking to build, create, push existence, conquer, dominate, and fix?

Yet, all this lies dormant in thought?! In the internet, in the XBOX, in the PLASMA TV's, and Rims, and Burberry Hats, and Gucci Glasses, and Exotic Vacations.

You are nature. You are complete. Use the slopping genetics, chemicals, and hormones craving to be carved into the adonis through experience and effort.

You ask for life. You ask for women. For wealth. For happiness. These are but packaged little ideals. YOU ARE NATURE. Created of GOD or EVOLUTION for some unknown reason. GIVE YOURSELF A REASON, YOUR OWN REASON, WITH NO ADMISSION OF WHY TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING.

Use that mass above your head for 1 thing, moving forward. If it does not aid you in your quest to progress, or better yourself, or to just enjoy life, THROW IT AWAY. The inconsequential nature of it is useless when compared to the entire spectrum of life. Over 90% of what we worry about or concern ourselves NEVER happens, and the other 10% doesn't happen the way we imagine it.

Write down the new beliefs you want to have. Repeat them everyday to deprogram the old ones out of your system.
Grab a workout template and food chart and put it in clear view in your room or on your fridge.
Drown out noise that's useless to you.
Forget or forgive what people say that offends you, because come tomorrow, they'll forget it anyway.
When you make a decision, stick to it. Assess the results later only in making future decisions.

If you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.




Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Nice motivational post. Where in boston do you live?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

20 minutes north, between Dracut and Lowell.



Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
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south west, uk

You should have a piece in the Sunday papers, they write this sort of stuff and get paid for it.

Beliefs, they help you get by in life, simplify things.

Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong, but being wrong doesn't necessarily mean they don't help you and vice versa.


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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very nice post, there has to be more posts like this. i feel you right on point with this. i feel the more you think about being confident and fear and rejection the more it prisons your mind rather then setting it free consiousness as you say, i have tried all motovators confidence blah blah and the true one that works is being true to yourself- start living your own life and love your self plain and simple


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
I'm with you.

I say this because I've been there. And to me, my mine is always spinning and always thinking and wondering, and one day I just said "Fvcking stop." I get tired of semantical debates of nuances of one thing over another. Of dissecting confidence, or lines, or women, or this, or that.

Most people here wants results. They want to know if something works. Well ya know what, as I say in Stock Trading, any system works, but it has to fit the user, their personality, their profile, their goals and objectives. Nothing is absolute.

We get caught up in debates like politicians all the while progress SHOULD be being made now. Talking about something is what women do. They theorize everything before it happens, think about it, feel about it, and then cross-analyze it when it's done. It's gratification and validation for their lives. It's their nourishment.

Me, I'm more of a, "let's get down to business person." Let's get to the basics.

On a very basic level, attraction is quite simple. As put by David D, "it's natures of way connecting to species long enough to procreate and pass on our genes." We can fall in and out of attraction. Women more easily than men, because their attraction toward us is based on factors that change more rapidly than our own attraction factors.

And...when there's 3,000,000,000 guys on this planet, all of which would cheat or defect or bang a girl, what does she get by being with you? What benefit? Why should she waste a few egg cycles talking to you versus me, or versus your friend? We could site MILLIONS of reasons, but ya know what? They don't matter.

If you take care of yourself, life will take care of you. That's all that matters. Self-interests.

It's easier to wear slippers than carpet the whole world.

Yet, we attempt to change whole systems, and beliefs, and groups, and we charge back with anger when they don't.

Life is a process that changes you just as weather and erosion change the faces of rock that dot our planet. Just as a river will cut through a mountain like a hot knife through butter. Giving yourself into the process of life will change you into an attractive person. It will open up processes of the mind. But you can't force it. You can't acquire the personality, or the lines, or the body, IT RESIDES WITHIN YOU NOW. And as stated above, anything acquired can be lost. A beautiful woman. Wealth. A nice car. A chemically created body. Realizing you have within you all you need to go further puts you in the driver seat to stop seeking a quick fix and start working on yourself. Chiseling yourself into the adonis you seek.

The path of life is already changing each and every one of us, it's merely a matter of what we choose to be changed into. Some men will be upset about nasty women and change into recluses, or rapists, or bitter old men. Some men will be happy about the fun life offers and in turn life will reward them because they gave up to the process of growing. The programs are already running in your mind. WINDOWS 2004 for THE MIND IS OPERATING.

Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Good post, but I think this may go over the heads of many who read it. After all, can some of the AFCs here really contemplate the nature of their very existance?

But for those who are tuned in... this is an unexpected and well done post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

The biggest problem with an AFC is excessive 'thought'. They think through everything as if its some video game with logical parameters, logical conclusions, and expected outcomes. As if



1 + 1 = 2

As if...

Gifts ======> Respect, Likability, Etc.

Ayn Rand noted that giving should be done when you give for the good aspects of a person, and not for the bad reasons they 'need.' You don't give to a broke friend simply because YOU feel bad, but because YOU know deep down they can and will recover to pay you back 10 fold and have no fear of loss. You expect no return.

Yet, in ALOT of people's churns the belief that giving is ok, and people do it, and that by giving, you'll get. I believe in giving, but when I do, it isn't like Santa Clause. I have to keep my mental list, and therefore the receiving is a reward by people who feel "he respects me, likes me, etc". It's unique, it sticks out. When you give too much it dumbs down all the preceding gifts. Just like complenting a woman too much. It's ok when you first meet a woman to say something nice, as it opens the door. But after that, there better be more substance than the mental images you have of her and you rolling in the sands in Hawaii.

The quiet solitude of the mind yields amazing results. When you realize the excess chatter is worthless, that people who do not EASILY want to partake in the pursuits of your life, you come to say...

"Shyt, if I wouldn't take this BS from a friend, why a woman?"

If you had tickets to a World Series game, and a friend turned you down for any reason other than a death in the family (and it better be immediate), wouldn't you realize he's not really a friend and probably doesn't want to hang out?

The same happens with women. Is it so hard to eat dinner at a restaurant, watch a movie, take a walk or get a drink somewhere? It isn't brain surgery. If you can't do simple dates, how the hell would she ever have sex, meet your parents, go to a sports event, or come over to a dinner you've made?

Not that a woman should worship the ground you walk on (nor would you), but she should be upbeat about meeting a "new, interesting person that has potential."

The confident mind is clear. They don't necessarily know everything, in fact, they accept the reality that they won't, and never will, but that they are learning.

Until you broaden the mind, you can't escape the limiting beliefs containing you within the reality you currently live.

A Belief is what holds a skinny person trapped inside a fat body.
A Belief is what keeps the regular guy from dating stellar women.
A Belief is what keeps the ignorant, uneducated.
A Belief is what motivates.

IN life, whenever we have a good reason for something, or what seems a good reason, we'll reanalyze it and start trying to chip away at it.

The thing to realize is, nothing is inherently good or bad, it just is. A woman leaving a man is nothing, but a woman leaving a man. It could be good, if he views it as a means to seeking a more compatible partner. Or it could be bad if the woman is walking out on her family and kids.




New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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concious and investment smart that my type of game...

"Fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need"
lauryn hill unplugged

very touching album

Where else can i login into about these type of discussions...?

i feel this site is good but lacks a more open view to things.
fear and intimadation is all controlled by the others and the situations, - problem
but you want to control your fear and etc... so find where the fear comes from dimish it all in you - solution...

not text but what has worked for me and i was sick of being controlled by others. so i started controlling myself, mind, heart, and emotions


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Closed - Mindedness.

That's the way of alot of people. They (and even I had) cling to ideals as they are our identity.

Most time arguments begin because its in defense of one's beliefs, without even questioning their belief in the first place. To me, it's not about right or wrong in most cases, but about what works and what makes sense.

If doing X makes you happier and makes the girl attracted to you, then do it.

The tough part about a tip is that, results are very subjective. To me, it doesn't take much to meet a girl. It's meeting enough girls to find pleasurable relationships beyond sex. In fact...

I met a girl the other night at a bar simply by doing the following:

Her: Here's your bill, A-Unit. Thanks for coming, sweetie.
Me : Wait a tick, there's something wrong on the receipt.
Her: There is? Oh, no.
Me : Yeah, your number isn't on it.
Her: Ha. You want my number? Sure, but you probably won't call it anyway.

What comes of it, who knows? To me, there's no forecasting something, nor do I want to define it. When you attempt to define a great sexual relationship, you might spook a great sex partner away. This girl I met, through a playful meeting, could be nothing. We've talked on and off, but it's the fun in the meeting. Because only minutes before that the Red Sox had won.

The mind can be a funny machine. We can get ulcers simply by thinking too much. Or get grey hairs early, aside from genetics, simply by worrying too much. Our minds are on overdrive, but we're not driving our lives that way. We're not hustling to make it big, we're just overthinking everything to the point we kill it.

I'm not sure where to send you for websites, and frankly, I'd say go visit and talk with people. The net is a great thing, but as connected as it has made people, they're almost more reclusive. So go out there and meet people. Talk in coffee shops. Meet Dj's offline to chill, or lift, or sarge, whatever.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Great post A-Unit