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  1. A

    Rate these girls

    Re: Cute. Ya'll are too skinny. Get some meat on those bones. The cigars are cute, but learn to never take an upclose pic of a girl smoking a cigar who isn't cute to begin with. It only drop her to the impossible level of a -1. Glad to see ladies mix it up with stogies. I'm out...
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    Re: I love how people attempt to discredit truth and serioues life situations by downplaying the severity of the case or dismissing it as "a statistical improbability." As you sleep with more women, you're odds of "striking it rich with STD's" improve remarkably. And it stands to reason that...
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    27 and nothing

    Re: Most people who feel such utter pity haven't failed enough to experience the joy they seek. If your dreams and desires are so important to you, you should be willing to sacrifice your life. LIFE ISN'T FAIR. If it was, we'd be a socialist society where the government aportions to...
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    Long Term Relationships

    Re: On the same topic, I would say you can't determine the longevity of a relationship. Even if you know you want to be exclusive with this one girl, it might be exclusivity for a week, a month, a year, or a life, but expecting to know that up front puts your fortune telling skills on par with...
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    The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.

    Re: I agree's an art, not a science. There's no structure, and as much you try to apply that, be prepared to lose opportunities to it. Jackie Chan once alluded that the best form was no form. And he's right, having no form is what works best. In my opinion, on a grander...
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    Good pointer on changing your mentality.

    Re: Having not experienced abuse as mentioned by the previous poster, I don't know, and wouldn't comment. What I do know is, where you are now is the result of "programming" and "imaging" in your life. Deep down, there's more desires. Consider this example... A child, even myself...
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    The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.

    Re: O-o-O. I'm not the one with 1,111 posts. If you don't like what I say, don't read them. Applies in RL, too. I state what I believe, see, know, feel, experience, and am taught by various peers and mentors. Virtu, Were a person to resolve to an existent of failure, lack of...
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    Good pointer on changing your mentality.

    Changing your mentality, your thinking structure is alot like reprograming a computer. Simply install new programs and update those programs regularly. While I think the analogy of a computer is a bit simplistic when drawing visions of the brain, it's the best we know of right now. Some steps...
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    The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.

    Re: Poetic and true. Consider the magnificent feats of our armed forces, or of the country's athletes, or the corporate raiders who rose up from ranks of poverty. If their metal wasn't tested, they wouldn't be the men they now are. If they backed down at their weakest moment, they wouldn't...
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    I hear about acting higher than women but how do you do it?

    There's no greater than. If you ever attempt to be such a rugged leader that you're "better" than her, most women worth being with will see through you. If you ever attempt to be such a rugged leader with a woman not worth being with, you'll succeed, at least in controlling her, but you...
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    The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.

    The veterans and seasoned visitors know this. Newbies, and those still feeling as if they're AFC, don't. The odd catch-22 of dating sites, such as this one, as helpful as 'info' topics are, is that when you post asking for feedback, you've already killed it and revealed your hand. Asking for...
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    Is anybody else here pissed off at women right now?

    Re: Ricky, If she did something worth calling her on, do it. Let her confront her behavior. If her sister (your buddy's wife) knows anything about her, she'll come to expect this. Just do it in a manner becoming of a gentleman, and not an *******. They'd find a way to turn the blame on you...
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    the hottest sex

    Re: Sea, In one man's opinion, "specifics" aren't as hot as the "moment. There's been times when a girl in a skirt (no panties) and corset was hotter than sex I've had. So it isn't so much what's done as how and with whom it's done. I've had stupidly rough, spanking, yelling sex, and...
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    Trynna get the condom and car barrier

    Re: There's no connection between love and doing something she doesn't want to do. How does that mean she doesn't love you? Some girls have sex in cars, some don't. Big deal. Be more creative. Rather than trying to ram up against the wall of her adversity, find another means. I dated a...
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    Questions for you older people with jobs.

    Easier. Dating when you're working is more fun, not less. First, I think by virtue of your schedule, what you do, and who you associate with you become more attractive. Time constraints, mentors, associates, busines deals, put the whole dating thing into perspective where you really have no...
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    Salesmanship-an overlooked DJ quality?

    Re: There's a few components to it. Bottom line, how she feels about you is all that matters. In the most infamous words known yet: Attraction is not a choice. It's a response to some "specific." That "specific" thing is your communication, broken down into verbal and visual, of which...
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    Success with women driving away friends

    True enough from both of you gents. It's possible. I feel it's that more guys are LIKE THAT than are NOT like that. Not once have I had a friend try to hook me up with someone, which is why I find myself associating with guys 30+. First off, they're fun. They truly know how to be lax with...
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    Success with women driving away friends

    Keep in mind. If you're dating the upper echelon of women, and most NON-friends would want this girl, wouldn't it stand to reason your friends are no different? I've heard the following comments. "If you don't tag her, I'll hit her in the shyter." "That girl you were dating mentioned...
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    Salesmanship-an overlooked DJ quality?

    Re: "If you don't want to go, just give me ample notice. I have this extra space, and I'd like to go with someone who wants to go with me. If you don't, I'll find someone else." Quite the paradox though. Definite interest and hesistance is not quite possible, at least it's an oxymoron. I...
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    Success with women driving away friends

    Reality. Realize, most times friends never viewed you as a threat to them. Once you par-take on bettering yourself, you're enlightened to personal power and become a threat to their mating strategies. As you progress, MOST guys/friends aren't TRUE friends. The more women you approach, the...