There's a few components to it. Bottom line, how she feels about you is all that matters. In the most infamous words known yet:
Attraction is not a choice.
It's a response to some "specific."
That "specific" thing is your communication, broken down into verbal and visual, of which 93% is delivery or presentation.
You can say anything if you're confident about it. You can't say anything if you're not.
There are things I've said the some may balk on, like laying down a sincere compliment, but they worked due to delivery and presentation. The girl I said such a thing to has been long-time friend and "buddy."
Convincing a prospective buyer occurs as a sales person motivates a person to take action. PUSHING a car, or insurance, or anything on someone who has no desire to change or upgrade doesn't work. People might think it does, but more often than not, it's merely haphazard selling where a person gets "lucky" so they feel they did it. You can tell when a sales person doesn't listen, because generally they're stating things more than inquiring.
Remember: Digging deeper about your buyer, will make them a better prospect and customer. The more you know, the more you can offer and bond over. In turn, they'll buy more as you're providing more value. These types of clients take less work and earn you more money.
From the standpoint of women, getting past the sexual level, will open up the other elements which will make you happier. Sure, if you want the "quick hit" or "sale," that's out there, but sex is obviously immediate gratification, just like being a churn and burn salesperson is. If you procure the talents of someone who knows how to dig into people, then both in sales and with women, you'll be more successful.
What makes sales interesting is that people who can be mindfull of digging deep into people's desire, are also great with women because they ask the tough, emotional questions. A friend of mine has that talent, of using lots of NLP type words to paint vivid pictures so your mind stays with him as he speaks. Though he can talk alot, how he presents it is very visual, so you never lose his point. The same applies with women. He has a very natural affinity for effective conversation.
Look over your statement:
"I'm not sure, I might be busy" is not indicative of High Interest, even if before that they called. Girls call all the time, but until they anty up and actually start doing things you want, it's low interest.
Don't interpret their intentions. If you feel it over time through actions, spill the beans, but be prepared to be wrong, or right, and back it up. I've done, and it goes either way. To me, if you have nothing, you've got only 'nothing' to lose. And anything you do HAVE, can be lost, so just take the risk anyway and MAN-UP.
If a girl isn't straight on about what you're asking, NEXT her. She HAS to counter offer. That's a must. If not, let her make it up to you by calling, and even then, I'm very suspect. If you make plans 2 weeks, few people are booked. If you're making plans 1 week out, unless it's of dire importance, such as a birthday, anniversary, wedding, event, most people are available.
In the "gut" you can tell who will do what and who won't. If you can do simple things like a bar drink, pool, chillen at your place, roaming a mall, cruising, the beach, a musuem, art can pick up the pace and should accomplish more. If the simplest thing is hard to manage like a date night, a dinner in night, or a phone call, forget it.
Remember this...if you have to SELL something, you'll also have to RESELL and REAFFIRM why it's been bought. Pushing yourself on someone always causes an imposition on the other person, tempting them to constantly require more "reasons" to have bought in the first place.