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  1. D

    DJ MARKET - when people tell you what you want to hear....

    right... and that's only worth so much. as i say, $15 seems about right to me. delta
  2. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    yes, and with all you "cool emoticons" and "lol"s, you clearly have showed all of us how tremendously superior you are. we kowtow in awe and reverence. delta
  3. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    personal experience eh? well then, it may be the case that "you shouldn't ask a race horse why he runs fast". what you do may work for you. work very well. but don't assume that you have the analytical ability to properly articulate the WHY AND HOW. from what you've been saying, you clearly...
  4. D

    co workers -says no car how can one have a gf or date

    alas, status symbols are important. and it is just as demeaning that a woman considers it important as it is demeaning for men to want a hot chick. don't get me wrong, you've never met a person who has so strongly despised status symbols his whole life than me. but in regards to the...
  5. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    this is not to demean you or attack you. i just want to clarify - is english your first language? cuz there is a serious disconnect between what everyone is saying and what you're apparently understanding. delta
  6. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    oh dear... explanation: asserting yourself enough to grab chicks - although it is crude - can be construed as being confident and dominant. you're kind of out of your depth here. retire the argument. certain things that you say are correct. but the reasoning behind why you think it works...
  7. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    ahh... now this i understand. he's swinging at everything that moves but this single point, i understand. i argue this myself. i too agree that self improvement is not the proper answer to "how do i get women". as i mention in another thread, it may be the answer to how do i get a...
  8. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    hmmmm. we're not saying all women want to fvck all guys "DJ"F.... you don't want f a fat ugly woman do you? so JUST as you have a built in predilection for certain traits, SO DO WOMEN. just as there is a biological imperative to fvck, there is a biological mandate for certain traits, those...
  9. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    i point at two dogs fvcking and you lose your argument. come on man. this is like 3rd grade sex education on the level of BIRDS AND BEES! birds and bees spend very little time watching tv! delta p.s. the imperative to reproduce is EXTREMELY STRONG. but the inability to satisfy that impulse...
  10. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    the only women that are with guys like that are DAMAGED CHICKS. you go talk to those women and see what the condition of THEIR LIVES and minds are like. you will find that they have horrible self esteem and seek out abusive relationships because perhaps that is the only thing they've ever...
  11. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    no. wrong. nobody has to teach animals how to reproduce. sexual attraction is the mechanism by which animals are induced to propagate the species. this is as INGRAINED in us as the instinct for a mother to protect her young or some animals to migrate during seasons...
  12. D

    DJ MARKET - when people tell you what you want to hear....

    oh, also, yeah, sometimes you wonder what part of all the advice and strategems and techniques ACTUALLY END UP WORKING! there's so much of it that sometimes, it can seem like just throwing everything and seeing what sticks. personally, i think that it may indeed be that the most valuable piece...
  13. D

    DJ MARKET - when people tell you what you want to hear....

    thanks for iterating this point clearly for me. agree absolutely. some of it is indeed not only viable, but genuine truth. but just try to get it for free from the community and other open sources. in my mind, $15 for a good book is worth it. $200 for a video set or thousands for a...
  14. D

    remember guys - number rating applies to us as well....

    we are quick to rate women on the hb0 - hb10 scale... funny thing is, we have a tendency to judge ourselves much more binarily... DJ or AFC (well, we do have some gradation like RAFC). this is both unfair to us and unnecessarily harsh. think about how liberating it is to realize that we...
  15. D

    DJ MARKET - when people tell you what you want to hear....

    haha.... this all brings to mind the quote from "the princess bride": life is pain. anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something. delta
  16. D

    co workers -says no car how can one have a gf or date

    it depends on what the "norm" is in your area. if most adults in your area have cars and you don't, that can be a problem. remember, girls compare you with other guys. and if other guys have a car and you don't.... also, a car represents certain things - ABILITY and FREEDOM. not having a...
  17. D

    doyou guys believe in attraction=not a choice?

    attraction is indeed not a choice. just look at your own response as you walk around at the beach. you don't have to think about whether you are attracted to hot women. it's pre-conscious and instantaneous. no reason to believe it is any different with women - but with different criteria. delta
  18. D

    DJ MARKET - when people tell you what you want to hear....

    if that were true, wouldn't everybody be "actualized"? i think the reality is that we all DO need education and help. but when that education comes not at the price of a book (<$20) or found free at a temple, church or synagogue - when the price comes at $50 a pop and up, over SEVERAL...
  19. D

    DJ MARKET - when people tell you what you want to hear....

    it just dawned on me (even though i've said things to this effect before) - really dawned on me - how much of the dj community is now in part a MARKET. even "free" resources are plastered with ads. right? and that many of the promises of massive success with women is connected to e-books...
  20. D

    How to be beyond bad handsome boys

    and rightly so.... the karmic way of thinking about it doesn't only apply to the good side of life: "do unto others...." can be a bytch. delta