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  1. D

    Why Don't You Guys Just Simply Ask A Hot Babe Out

    man... it may be me... but i have no idea what you're saying! and whether you are criticizing me, agreeing with me, or criticizing kk! delta
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    For all the Mystery haters...

    student associations often call all manner of people to go speak... but their affiliation to the actual school and the prestige of it is tenuous at best. heck, if you count all the various people who've been called over to speak for groups from harvard to ucla to caltech to wherever, you'll...
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    Why Don't You Guys Just Simply Ask A Hot Babe Out

    francisco, i don't understand your reply to my objection. kk is saying just go and ask them out... as if that was a process as simple as the one i laid out. my commentary was on that. what was your point regarding that comment? kk, right, body language.... but still, everything that goes...
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    Why Don't You Guys Just Simply Ask A Hot Babe Out

    kk, so it goes like this: you go up to hot chick who doesn't know you from a hole in the ground. you say, "hi, wanna go out with me sometime?" yeah. ok. delta
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    The SINGLE most important aspect of picking up women.

    persistence? that seems to be the opposite of what we're supposed to do: NEXT THEM. persistence creates stalkers and false hope... no? delta
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    How to be beyond bad handsome boys

    there's always someone better. hope that keeps you warm at night. delta
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    epiphane - i used to treat women like they don't know they're attractive

    and i think this might be the problem with a lot of guys. hence guys telling women how attractive they are. much of the dj advice is about avoiding that. and treating hot chicks how they want to be treated.... i would imagine it's similar to how celebrities want to be treated. as real...
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    not everybody can be michael jordan - a thread about PERSPECTIVE

    thanks.... another idea- be the best of WHAT YOU ARE. NOT try to be what you are not. i gotta think about that one.... delta
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    25 year old virgin

    ??? exactly where on the internet is that a pretty common thing?! where i DWELL (on the internet), i know that such claims are really really easy to make. delta
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    not everybody can be michael jordan - a thread about PERSPECTIVE

    howdy, and not everyone can be a rocket scientist. and not everyone can be gary kaparov. pick up and djing and attracting women IS INDEED A SKILL that can be learned as dave deangelo says. but NOBODY is cut out to be good at every skill. and unlike all the gurus around here, i...
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    25 year old virgin

    i call b.s. too. sounds exactly like some other guy round these parts claiming to be a millionaire. very sad. not that i care. but what's your story this time? what do you do that is so outside of the box that makes you rich? there was forex before... what is it now? delta
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    The dreaded cold approaches

    yeah, it is odd that the place seems to be literally SWIMMING with hostility. i don't get that. it must be all the bull hormones or something... :) don't worry about it. lots of helpful folks here too. first - there's a discrepancy that i don't get in your situation: "i do get numbers...
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    when ONS' go wrong

    you're not going steady right? it's not exclusive? WELL YOU HIT THE FVCKING JACKPOT!!! no strings attached and a world class bj anytime you want? hello! what's the problem! i can see that you might end up sticking with her just because she's so good and available but that is not a...
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    Approach anxiety.

    the acacia strain, if you're saying that i shouldn't interview them or grill them, i agree completely. but in as much as we will be asking some questions, occasionally, casually throughout a conversation, they say that we should ask questions that are not answerable with a yes or no. i give...
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    Approach anxiety.

    1. rehearse exchanges if you must to begin with. according to neil strauss and mystery and some guys, it seems that they are not so much great conversationalists but have simply memorized a large repertoire of lines that will work in different situations. imo, this is not the best way to go...
  16. D

    Does race have an impact in getting women???

    well.... asians did invent the printing press (not gutenburg) and gunpowder and noodles... that's pretty cool. most of the meditation and relaxation stuff that we talk about comes from asia. asians may not have invented most of the modern technologies (starting with tvs and cars i guess) but...
  17. D

    my looks get me again...

    sounds like she was trying to soften the blow after feeling like she'd harshed you. ok. first - IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER. it doesn't matter what you want. it only matters what you can get them to want. so get over her. get out of that relationship and don't let...
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    tips for beating this

    oneitis? were you ever with her? if not, you REALLY have to ditch this pattern. no more "i wonder if..." - just ask her out. and if it's no, then there's a good excuse to ending the relationship so you can end your oneitis. SERIOUSLY - NO MORE WONDERING. ASK HER OUT and get a yes or no...
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    Approach anxiety.

    i have approach anxiety as well... i think the biggest cause for mine is that i did not know the PROCEDURE OF WHAT IT IS EXACTLY I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO! but regarding this, it's pretty simple and the following is gleaned from education off this very site. 1. approach 2. open 3. GAUGE REACTION...
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    Pretending to be in pain to get girls' attention

    according to the seduction bible, aren't we supposed to appeal to self interest and not pity? one causes them to reach out for you while the other repels. not sure how effective it could possibly be in getting them in the sack. delta