i have approach anxiety as well...
i think the biggest cause for mine is that i did not know the PROCEDURE OF WHAT IT IS EXACTLY I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO! but regarding this, it's pretty simple and the following is gleaned from education off this very site.
1. approach
2. open
4. develop/continue or EJECT! (good place to put in an artificial time limit "i gotta go soon but..." to let her know you're not gonna cling to her for the rest of the evening/day) if she's interested, SHE WILL THROW YOU LIFE LINES for continuing. if she reacts badly, coldly, with disinterest, YOU EJECT! you're NOT trying to win her over. you're seeing if she's receptive to you. if she is not, you move on. and you will have risked NOTHING.
5. close (get her number)
a few things that are helping me overcome anxiety:
1. you are just PINGING them when you first meet. you're not asking for their hand in marriage. you are simply initiating ANY KIND OF TRIVIAL INTERACTION FOR ONE PURPOSE ONLY: GAUGE HER REACTION!
hopefully, you can talk about something in the environment.
2. they always say ASK OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS. but for the longest time, i had a HECKUVA TIME formulating questions that don't require a yes or no! well, turns out, it's the rules of journalism:
a. WHO
d. HOW
e. WHY
begin your question with one of those and it is IMPOSSIBLE to answer with a yes or no.
3. it is JUST CHIT CHAT. you're just starting up a conversation with a stranger... like how you might do so with an old man or something... nice day huh? except there is a possibility of getting laid here.
you're just trying to MEET them.
and if they resist, you really lost very little, if any, face.
i've been thinking about trying the direct approach - usually, on the approach, the awkward thing is TRYING TO JUSTIFY YOUR INCURSION into her world.
with the direct approach, you are telling here straight away.
"listen, i was just doing some shopping but i was really struck by how attractive you are... and i really wanted to meet you. hi, my name is XXXXX."
that is an OVERT PING and you will get your CONTINUE or EJECT
message very clearly at that point.
but if you get a go ahead, then you can continue with the procedure after having very decidedly broken the ice.
haven't tried this yet myself but a few have been advocating this and i can envision it working if done correctly.
good luck. i'm right there with you man.