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  1. D

    Should I transfer colleges

    right. that's natural. but that's timidity. you've already made up your mind. do what you will. delta
  2. D

    "Don't HIT on total strangers. It's creepy"

    read what she says. there's no real distinction in her mind between approaching (to get a date, i.e. sexually - not platonically) and "hitting"... you guys are reading into her statements an evenhandedness that simply is not there. delta
  3. D

    "next" theory

    well, it depends on what you mean. you're right to question being a harda$$ - it doesn't work in all situations and depending on the girl, it might end up being the deal breaker. so what's she doing? delta
  4. D

    "Don't HIT on total strangers. It's creepy"

    it didn't sound like the girl was hot. it sounded like she was not viable sexually and was bitter. i'm not hatin'... i'm pretty bitter myself. but her words are unmediated bitterness. they have no value in themselves... the only way what she said is defensible is if we try to read things...
  5. D

    "next" theory

    you articulated it perfectly. you're giving her the ball. delta
  6. D

    Stop Trying So Hard

    if only that can work for everyone. to some of us, going out is HARD. hanging out with lots of pals is HARD if you don't have them. and when you're out of school, new friends are pretty hard to come by. actually, the american average on how many friends someone has is "2.5". and if your...
  7. D

    Should I transfer colleges

    it sounds like win win win.... and it's only an hour away so that if for some reason, you don't meet a lot of friends at the new school, you can still come down and hang with your previous buds. in situations where the choice is either go or stay put, these days, i am very wary of the fact that...
  8. D

    -- When...At What Age --

    nowadays mid to late 20s. lots of hot chicks in their 30s but then the pressure is really on. yes, even in today's society. no girl wants to be single long into her 30s. delta
  9. D

    The biggest lie of all AFCs are not nice guys they are wimps and liars

    meh, it's definitely not new. i've been saying this for years and i get it from mike pilinski. delta
  10. D

    how not to be intimidated - pep talk me

    wow.... umm, i'll preface this by saying that i'll take the props. :) but... errr... if you slow down a bit and read what i wrote again, considering your opinion on the matter, i'm pretty certain then that you will disagree completely with my sentiment as it is actually written! delta
  11. D

    Wow what am I doing?

    izza, some good points. but one bad thing - she gets fatter... not just her tits. that's as close to a deal breaker as there is. prmoon, she may have her stuff together but no matter how together she may be, being a single mom is not anyone's idea of a good time. trying to juggle JUST a...
  12. D

    Why is having girls as friends so bad?????

    i actually was not saying anything of substance whatsoever. i was being playful with your typo. "plutonic" in my mind elicits PLUTONIUM (hence my reference to uranium's "uranic").... the word you're looking for is PLATONIC... as in plato. delta
  13. D

    "next" theory

    also, if she is disinterested (rather than insulting), you can make a STRATEGIC WITHDRAWL to try to stimulate interest without nexting her. delta
  14. D

    "next" theory

    i dunno... i wouldn't next until she deserved it - that is, she makes an E-fing-GREGIOUS slight against your sense of self respect. if that's happened, there's no coming back from it. and if it hasn't, nexting at the drop of a hat is not smart either. imo, NEXT should be final. not a tool to...
  15. D

    Don't Have Any Friends and I Feel Like ****

    some of it is wishful thinking though: esp the thing about women LOVE being approached. just check out one of the main threads in the discussion right now about how women hate getting hit on by guys! there's a thing about sosuave, dj philosophy and self help stuff in general where we insist...
  16. D

    Why is having girls as friends so bad?????

    actually, the more plutonic friends you have, the more likely you are to suffer from radiation poisoning so i recommend against it. it is even more dangerous than having uranic friends. also, if you're fvcking your friends, they are friends indeed. don't you dare change your lifestyle...
  17. D

    "next" theory

    well what else are you going to do? you NEXT because it is the ONLY OPTION LEFT FOR A MAN WITH SELF ESTEEM AND DIGNITY. the situation is usually that she does or says something(s) that indicate she's not interested. or she insults you in such a way that you cannot possibly stay without being...
  18. D

    Write about your awesome/exciting/memorable dates here

    hahahaha... is it telling that this hasn't got a single response yet? perhaps many of us are in the same miserable boat desperately trying to bail water so it doesn't sink.... good luck getting good examples though. it would be an interesting read. delta
  19. D

    how not to be intimidated - pep talk me

    hmph... yeah, everything's competition... but hasn't it always been that way? one thing that i have to keep realizing though: ALMOST EVERYONE LEADS A DULL, PROSAIC, MISERABLE LIFE! people who seem really together likely have better FRONT than most but most people are insecure, weak and...
  20. D

    When to say...I love you

    it's a fine distinction that you're making... and when push comes to shove, and ESPECIALLY if we look at the biological animal level.... THE OFFENSIVE SENTIMENT MAY BE TRUTH! human beings are INTELLIGENT and we have abstract ideas. and so, we have a tendency to DRESS UP all these base...