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  1. D

    Wow what am I doing?

    the thing that stands out to me here is the biological angle - she gets knocked up with someone else's seed and she needs another guy to take care of her (but not his) offspring... biological benefit to her (100), biological benefit to the guy (0).... an evolutionary trap. i agree that women...
  2. D

    "Don't HIT on total strangers. It's creepy"

    it's funny the idea that the woman in the original post is expressing. that "hitting on a woman", approaching the woman in order to get her as a date or girl friend is somehow wrong. mike pilinski talks about this feeling that we have as a "toxic shame"... that there is shame associated with...
  3. D

    thought: not everything works for everyone

    howdy, just had this thought recently. sure, all the cold pickups and stuff like that sound great in theory. but you know what? it's not really working for me... and maybe that's ok. it is certainly a truth in this world: NOT EVERYTHING WILL WORK FOR EVERYONE... and yet, the dj community...
  4. D

    When to say...I love you

    i agree with djd 100%... as sad a statement as it is.... i would love no girl that i couldn't fvck. and if we're talking about eros love, it's almost by definition that this be the case. delta
  5. D

    When to say...I love you

    warboss alex, THAT's a valid point. but it's somewhat of a "stick your finger into the electric socket" method of learning dontcha think? but valid point nonetheless. i definitely don't like taking my lessons like that but it can work. delta
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    Bad complexion = no sex

    hey specialed, actually, i will second your observation. when i was kid and had acne, sweating did indeed seem to help. delta
  7. D

    Bad complexion = no sex

    djit, WHAT IS YOUR DAILY ROUTINE? i keep asking this because acne MAY be like how some people are obese - it is because they have a daily routine that SABOTAGES them... but since it's the only thing they know how to do, they keep doing it and can't figure out why they're fat. so AGAIN: 1...
  8. D

    Knowledge and sadness...

    well, solomon, purportedly the wisest guys in the old testament, says as much so you've got scripture on your side. but the alternative is NO POWER. sure, "heavy is the crown" but would you rather be king or a serf or slave? delta
  9. D

    Lack of Social Skills

    hitman1000, there is indeed a girl out there for everyone. and that is a TERRIFYING idea. you're a nerd with no social skills, 50lbs overweight and a wardrobe from the 80s... ABSOLUTELY there is a girl out there for him. but it cannot be beheld in daylight or else the world will end...
  10. D

    Anybody got any arguments why I shouldn't go after a girl with a bf?

    well, there are precious few other things that inspire good ol' "murder/suicide"... ya know, that old chestnut? although he'd probably only take her out and then himself... unless you were on her. then you're pretty well screwed. not even kato can save you. delta p.s. haha... even if it's...
  11. D

    Girls with past issues

    good lord, tell me a girl who DOESN'T have issues! the thing about the divorced parent thing though makes me think you come from a "traditional" or perhaps religious background? well truth is, it has an effect! it does. but the unpredictable thing is what kind of effect. not everyone...
  12. D

    Too big?

    it might not work. it's happened before. but... don't give up too soon. after all, as big as you may be, you got nothing on a baby's head forcing its way out. it can accommodate quite a bit.... delta
  13. D

    Healed from social anxiety, now I'm going in for more (to be a journal)

    congrats! you're definitely working it. but there's no shame in not jumping directly into the deep end either. if you have the option of meeting people and girls in more organic situations like at a get together or party, it'll probably feel a lot better for you. yah, S.A.D. can really suck...
  14. D

    Is this considered Don Juanish, aka how should i handle this.

    good. don't sweat it. you go completely casual and non-chalant (IMPORTANT skill... the ability to seemingly not care). and remember, it might be that you have to next this chick. if it comes to it, don't hesitate. pull the trigger and move on. cuz as i said, pursuing when she shows...
  15. D

    How do I make an approach natural?

    here, i think the solution really is EXPERIENCE. you can study playing guitar and know all the licks and stuff. but you're asking HOW TO DO IT WELL... well, for guitar and pickups, it does indeed seem like the only way you can do it smoothly and seemingly effortlessly is to simply do it...
  16. D

    Don't Have Any Friends and I Feel Like ****

    this is the thing about making friends and dating that this site resolutely refuses to acknowledge: MOST PEOPLE TRY TO KEEP TO THEMSELVES! they REPEL invaders into their space/lives. it may not always have been like this but it tends to be like this NOW (in america). you don't get your OWN...
  17. D


    a big problem is that you want people to care and listen to what you have to say. who the fvck are you? you are putting the emphasis on yourself. think how attractive a self centered and selfish person comes off to you. you are seeking validation and approval and acclaim and glory... you are...
  18. D

    Two things my Mom taught me...

    problem with advice #2 is the collateral damage. we can all imagine being the victim of this by someone "hotter than us". not fun right? and yet, it DOES seem that the way this is supposed to work, we have to exploit each other in order to get ahead. this may be the way of the world but i'm...
  19. D

    How many of you shave 'down there'?

    trimming is the way to go. if you shave completely, it's actually PAINFUL for the girl. she grinds on the base of your c0ck in order to stimulate her cl1toris but if you shave, it's like rubbing the head of your c0ck on stubble... not fun. basically, the idea is to keep it from looking like a...
  20. D

    When to say...I love you

    considering it's his first real relationship and his sense of proportion may not be as well calibrated as others, is this really valid? some desperate people may be ready to say this the moment they have their first fvck.... delta