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  1. A

    Wow..women are so fickle...

    Re: First off, she does not know what love is. To her, love is infatuation. Especially for it to be so instantaneous. Love is all en-compassing. It does not discriminate. It loves good and bad alike. Ex and New Girl/Guy. Love cares for both good and bad qualities. It's accepting. What...
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    why do hot girls get into porn?

    Re: Jenna's story is much the same as any other girl's story. Jenna had a mother who passed away young and a father who was very distant. She sought male leadership and affection, but never got it. At 16 years old, or so, she was raped by 1 of her bf's friends. Her bf never acknowledged what...
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    The Book : On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

    Re: I read many months ago, say Winter? VERY eye opening. You're forced to literally expand your mind to adjust to new levels of thinking. I don't feel many books offer such thought until you consider ones that are spiritual, new age, and so on. I absolutely believe everybody should give...
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    If Bill Gates were single

    Re: One thing you're forgetting... such titles or descriptions DO NOT APPLY to such famous people. They are not in a world of AFC vs DJ, etc. Most semi-famous people could pop into a person's life such as our's and scoop many girls by their sheer presence. Watching Real World...
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    Funniest Post Of The Year.

    Re: That's funny shyt, MANH :crackup: TuckerMax has a story about the same thing written awhile ago, more graphic, funnier. Check it out A-Unit
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    How are dominant females to be handled?

    Re: To varying degrees, all women seek control. Even the meek and timid women, will attempt to introduce SOME level of control, as that's their aim. Women are not producers in an economic sense. Instead they are manipulators, as they attempt to organize and control men to direct us toward their...
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    how to become a porn actor?

    Re: I did some research, and had a friend/acquaintance that did Check him out, we partied in manchester, nh 1 night with the guy who got us all together. Some pointers... 1. Have a few women, or 1 super star woman who can bring you along. Porn women are the backbone...
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    To all the "good-looking" guys

    Re: I dropped that to say people have types. Guys here like all types of girls, right? Maybe a skinny cute girl catches your eye, just right, but you're into a girl with hips and swager. Some boobs would be nice, too. In the S/T, you'll be into her, but in the long-run we have a paradigm...
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    Anyone watch 'NEXT'?

    Re: As much as I dislike MTV, that was the most realist dating show to date. The premise being (for those that don't) 5 members of the opposite sex are thrown on to a bus. They don't know what the person looks like, who they are, or what they'll be doing. One by one, someone is selected. The...
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    To all the "good-looking" guys

    Re: Any host of reasons. A decent-looking guy is no different than a 'dumb blonde' or a hot, empty, vapid girl. Guys put beautiful girls on pedastals, but don't realize most of them aren't worth the crap they're wearing. More time and money goes into their looks, than it does their head...
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    Do women give good relationship advices?

    Re: Understand something... Advice is given from a 'knowledgable and experienced person' who has the circumstances you desire, or from someone you admire enough to garner their opinion. You take health advice from a DR. You take financial advice from yourself, a rich person, a...
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    To all the "good-looking" guys

    Re: I have 2 scenarios for that. Either, they aren't good-looking (or they are in their mom's eyes). Or they're like SUPER knowledgable sales guys, who can't close the prospect. You know the type who knows the product inside and out, can tell you all about it, it sounds so good you want...
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    about the Self Improvement Theory

    Re: How about this...wouldn't it be PANDERING to women to NOT self-improve? If you KNEW that you could get HB10's riding on the coat-tails of good personality with no effort else where if life, you'd NOT be working on your life for the sake of supposedly EASY pvssy??? Would you not...
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    Hi Boys, I'm A Gal

    Re: We are complaining about the degeneration of posts and morale on this site, and a posting like this continues, when most likely it was done by a Troll or a 5hit starter???? A-Unit
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    The Odd Paradox of Feminism and Liberalism and your InnerSelf.

    Re: Those who fear death, are those not truly living. Death, physical death, is an inevitably. Everything that has a beginning, has an ending. It's the cycle of life. If people did each day what it is that made them TRULY happy, death would not matter. Because they left nothing in...
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    Hi Boys, I'm A Gal

    Re: First off, the title of the post seems to instill a flame war. It's like dangling fresh meat over shark infested waters. Secondly, what's the purpose of the site? Many guys here complain that we are not PUA enough and we are too Self-Improvement oriented. Many of the more...
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    The Odd Paradox of Feminism and Liberalism and your InnerSelf.

    Re: A redefination? Perhaps as it relates to USAGE. In former years, men were more cut-throat. More popular as well. Old movies/shows presented men as they are, not as they are not or some false ideal. I recall Wall Street, or Glen Gary Glen Ross. The salesmen were portrayed as...
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    The Odd Paradox of Feminism and Liberalism and your InnerSelf.

    Re: I got you on that, mods. Just pulling a little 'athletic' humor. "Second offense." Police. Get it? Well forget it. -------------------------------- Don't know if you can join the 'amish-hood', but I could recommend the Kirsty Alley/Tim Allen movie on that, where they infiltrate...
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    The Odd Paradox of Feminism and Liberalism and your InnerSelf.

    Re: That's the first time I can say my posts have been issued a warning. What happens on the second offense? :confused: A-Unit
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    The Odd Paradox of Feminism and Liberalism and your InnerSelf.

    The gender wars have wrought a struggle not seen in anyone's time. Women want to be autonomous, yet be married [a masculine concept]. Men want to go 'after the prize' [a feminine concept of how good a man truly is]. No matter what it is we are born as, there's only 2 options, male or...