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    Does all this seduction/pick up stuff work on all types of women?

    Re: It works on WOMEN. Some 'things' that look like women are NOT women. I'll say that again, not every creature out there will be the woman you want, no matter how hot she is. And I have a real adversity to pining over women, though hot, are useless, have bad attitudes, or do not fit me...
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    eagles or chargers

    Re: LT is a team all by himself. Gates is a WR masking as a TE and PHI has nobody to slow him down. Donnie Edwards is a Force in the best LB in the NFL right now. SD D's is VERY VERY sneaky. Terrence Kiel is a nasty DB, and will likely be PASTED onto T.O. Edwards will be all over the...
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    Why was backbreaker's post locked?

    Re Well, my gut sense that a 'lock' isn't coming, and much of that tirade was evidently direct at me, and anybody who posted something semi-credible. Politics or not, the 'anything else' forum highlights anything else, much like 'miscellaneous' would. The point of re-opening the...
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    Self-enlightenment versus women

    Re: You have a hard time-proving this point to a religious/spiritual zealot, such as myself, who does not belief we are here for that, Nor are we here. That's another rabbit-hole, though. ------------------------------ Intention. It's too random that all the pieces of your...
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    What are you being for halloween?

    YES! NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE. I was thinking a Hurricane. I don't know how to make the outfit, but after the all weather we had, most people will run in fear. A-Unit
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    Why was backbreaker's post locked?

    If anything, that post dealt with -economics- and not politics. Can we not add some feature that prevents posters from posting in certain threads if they deviate from the topic at hand??? How often does someone post on particular subject, only to take the whole thread down a new road. That...
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    GF made plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas without me involved wtf!

    Re: Thoughts... THAT is straight out of Dane Cook. "It's not that easy. I can't leave. I left my CD's in his truck. I can't just give up 40 or 50 CD's. Five or six more years of this and we can end it violently." :crackup: Anyways... Note this... you're expending ALOT of mental...
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    Essence of a Man

    Re: By the same creed and belief the knights upheld. In a time when control, government, and politics ran rampant, knights were in the best position. They had loads of power, tons of ability, they were feared and respected, yet they uphold a moral, ethical, and virtuous code even when no...
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    Gixxer, your answer to why women have guy friends

    Re: Women are emotion. Looking through that frame, you see what is in their life or not in their life revolves around that selection process. She keeps the friends she does because of emotion, either positive emotion or nostalgia. She discards the guy she's seeing or bf she has for...
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    Let's play a game... it's called "Top My Warpig"

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    Having worked in a consultative role, I can say the number one trait amongst those who are sucessful is: Experience and Experiences. Experience might be the degrees, it might be years of service, and it might be age. However, a person who immerses themselves into something, anything, head...
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    Essence of a Man

    Re: Ideals are not obtained or attained, but acted, redone, reworked, practiced, and done habitually, until THEY ARE WHO YOU ARE. I once read a great article on how to live on 24 hours a day. I posted on it before, telling people where to go to get it. The gist of it talked about what we do...
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    Bulking and Alcohol. A Contradiction? I think so.

    Re: I'd say this...if you lift on Friday, and then drink Heavily Friday and Saturday, scratch that workout. The few hours following lifting are critical at recovery. By immersing your body in a bath of alcohol, not providing it with the foundation of nutrients it needs, and not getting good...
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    The Contrarian I'll be the contrarian here. Having a few alcholics in the family, and an alcoholic uncle who recently divorced his wife and 4 kids after 16 years of marriage having received 2 DUI's, I'll chime in. Alcoholism is MORE prevalent than most realize. It is justified to be o.k...
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    Hypothetical: WERE It Legal ........

    Re: The claim behind 'legal age' is that fems are not of the 'state of mind' to handle the emotions involved in intimacy and sex. By that 'logic', we should have law enforcement watching all marriage consecrations. Even at 21, 22, etc a woman is not of the state of mind to handle it...
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    Essence of a Man

    Re: First, you're going to get different definitions of 'what a man is.' Some maybe totally 'out there,' others may reflect what society wants. Check that blog out. It's written by old school men, of the sort that would sit around a campfire or tribe...
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    F the rain, seriously

    Re: HAHA. I feel ya. I'm just north of Boston and there's flooding just over the boarder in NH. It's nuts. But kinda fun. I dig crazy weather like this, and living alone, I just chill inside, read, get some good cognac or booze and invite people over. The weather does hamper SOME events...
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    An Alternative Theory on the Ego and Life.

    Re: I'll consider the fact I got responses to mean I hit 'nerves' in some vein. To clarify, I haven't smoked pot in over 2 years, and never more than 10 times in my whole life. "I swear, I never inhaled." All forms of information go through 3 levels... 1. It is ridiculed. 2. It is...
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    An Alternative Theory on the Ego and Life.

    The ego is purported to be part of our psyche. It's supposed to be the *I*, and is normally seen as more a vice than a virtue. A separate theory I am going to consider and only post here is because I am looking for other viewpoints (otherwise it would be ego-tistical to keep it locked up...
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    The Book : On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

    Re: "The things you believe in constitute the baggage you carry with you in your life. The true sage believes in nothing other than the sacredness of all things. He lives in the spontaneity of energy. He doesn't defend or judge anything. His world is eternal and infinite; he sees beauty in all...