Essence of a Man


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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These are some questions that I've been thinking about lately and am curious as to other peoples' ideas and thoughts.

First, what is a man? In other words, what values, traits, and ideologies constitute those of a man, if any?

If there are concrete "ideals" that do in fact constitute a man, then should one strive for the ideas or are they instead formed?

How does one become a man? Is it through life's experiences, or is rather not the experiences themselves, but the way in which one approaches and reflects on these experiences?

And how does one come to terms with these ideals and such when they might contradict the mindset and ideology of the society in which you are in. How should one live with an ideology that is so far from the mainstream, norm, ideology that society ingrains into the minds of fellow citizens?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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First, you're going to get different definitions of 'what a man is.' Some maybe totally 'out there,' others may reflect what society wants.

Check that blog out. It's written by old school men, of the sort that would sit around a campfire or tribe and bestow upon the younger men wisdom from the sages about 'life.'


There's male , then there's man.

Male is a sexual essence.
Man is a being, that encompasses/embodies certain principles, values, beliefs, and customs, by which boys aspire to become.

As it stands, male role models are hard-pressed to be found, and with the re-defining of what sexual roles are, men are ever-more confused. You can see in the young men and boys who their role models are...

Some, fathers.
Some, rappers/celebrities (i.e. clothing and lifestyle, words, vocabulary, etc)
Some, athletes (i.e. clothing, lifestyle, words, vocabulary).
Few businessmen, politicians, and religious leaders.

What a man is, is what he stands for, each and every day of his life. Through what he stands for, you see what he is. And he is what he is, in the presence of people, and in the absence of people. His being is not an act of social gain, but a way of life. A way of life becomes easy to live through habit, done each day, and improved steadily.



A man needs nothing, but can get and give everything. Because of his ability to separate emotion from logic, he can harness his inner power and control it like a focused laser to accomplish his life's aim.

In doing so, he must exhibit temperance, which was put forth first by Benjamin Franklin. Temperance means he is not imbalanced in any way, because he needs nothing. He is complete as is. What he brings forth to the world is because of who he is, and not because of his need for completion or social gain.

Temperance in his lust for women.
Temperance in his desire for drink.
Temperance in his desire or leisure.
Temperance in his desire for food.

A shift in any direction throws the spirit off balance, thrusting him into a tail spin of emotion.


More than just with people, but with himself. He can honestly access a situation, and because of his lack of need, man can cut bait on anything. ANYTHING. He does things for the sake of doing them, but when loss excedes gain, he walks away.

A woman can surpass the gain of her presence in your life.
A job can surpass its benefit in income and priviledge.
Money can surpass its use to if it corrupts the soul.
Friends can surpass their gain if their presence is a deteriment to your goals and your being.
A habit can surpass it's gain if it outweighs other values, causing a lop-sided pain in your life.

Honesty means walking away from a situation, and assessing the situation realisitically. It means living in truth, because so few ever do. So many live in lies and a false reality of non-truth that pain exists because of a lack of honesty.


More than running into a losing battle, courage requires growth in all areas. When you're not growing, you're dying. Because the essence of life depends on the masculine (man) presence to push forth, man must engage courage to grow beyond its boundaries.

Courage is chatting up a girl knowing you do so because it is who you are. Period. End of story.
Courage is facing a confrontation you fear for the sake of the growth and inspiration you will feel.
Courage is looking into the face of fear, knowing each time you do, you've already won the battle.
Courage is looking into the face of honesty, knowing that you could lose, but knowing you need nothing as you are complete as is.


Man is of use. To himself and others. His value is high because he is of value to himself and his life, first. Many make their value to others high, as they do so , their values rises and falls based on the opinions of others and the relative value of the market place in that value is traded.

If you're highly paid at one company, but cannot be gainfully paid at another, your value is relatiely low in the market place.
If you're skills in life are bent toward your value at your employer and not your value on the homefront, your total value is not high, as it relates to your own life success or family needs. Concurrently, women will not see high value either.
If your survival skills are low, the success of your family will be low. Their confidence in you low, and your offspring will be lowly valued as well, since you cannot impart on them anything of value to be used.

Value CAN be a true and tangible quality. Value is not physical appearance, though it does make value increase. Instead, value is self-reliance, its of use in increasing life, protecting life, and adding value else where.

Value is born from ability. Some of not ability has no use, and therefore, no ability. Paper money is of no value as it stands, but the perception of what it is, and the value attached by the market place for what it can provide is very high.

A man of high value and ability will have high confidence, and be self-sufficient. He will be the owner of his life, instead of the employee of it.


Yes, love. Masculine love. Masculine love , loves all. Because of its need for nothing, attachment to no one, man can love all equally for what they are. His lack of need does not warp things to his will. His lack of need does not manipulate people or things to his end goal. His complete as he is.

He is accepting.




Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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A-Unit, excellent article.

However, still the questions remain.

I believe those are great "ideals" of a man. Now the question is to look at these ideals realistically and ask how one obtains them.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Ideals are not obtained or attained, but acted, redone, reworked, practiced, and done habitually, until THEY ARE WHO YOU ARE.

I once read a great article on how to live on 24 hours a day. I posted on it before, telling people where to go to get it. The gist of it talked about what we do with our day, and what the accumulation of days yield.


Temperance is a habit. It's done emotionally, since the emotional soul swings out of balance according to the winds of change. It's binging and indulging, and then fasting. Moderation is temperance. We all know what it feels like to swing in directions too far. Perhaps too many nights at the bar. Or too many days with 1 woman ends up in fighting or boredom. Maybe you beat too many video games. Or perhaps you're burnt out at the gym and losing drive, despite your affirmations and positive thinking.

Whatever it is, each DAY is the only day you have. And while we plan out the week, "there's no guarantees on tomorrow, we could lose this sh!t tonight." As such, plan your day like a regimen...alotting time for the important activities.

We believe that time HAPPENS, like calendar events falling and pages unfolding. Nope. Time is merely the changing of events. Time is endless. Things ONLY change with events. Time is what happens when we act. Sure the clock moves, and sure birthdays come, but time does not BRING forth with it rewards or opportunities, they are created through successive actions and activities.

Temperance is balance.


Honesty is a habit. I would do this meditating, or quietly alone. Listen to your inner voice and hear it speak. What yearnings do you have with life? What problems should you just resolve and get on with? What opportunities are you let slip by out of fear? What things can you do now?

Honesty is telling people, rather than waiting. I never really employed honesty straight up with friends in the true sense. That was until I understood I could give myself permission to take time for me. I met a friend 'K', who when I asked if he wanted to catch a flick or go golfing, would honestly just say he's tired and wants to do his own thing.

Most times we can't honestly say that, and it's even less likely with women. However, if you find yourself doing it alot, I would re-evaluate your relationships. If you're being so honest with a woman you don't want to be around, down grade the relationship, move on, or make time.

It's really a daily living activity. You can't fake your job or career, or degree or finances. It's facing LIFE NOW. It's paying debts you have. It's saving and investing now. It's doing things now like they're due tomorrow. Your deadlines are closer than you think.

Honest living is living in the truth of who you are and not denying that to have things we really don't want.


Courage is also a habit or activity. You do it now. The courage to start something you've long wanted to. The courage to chat up a hot chick, just because there could be a hot chick looking for someone JUST like you, and once you conquer that fear and install that courage, you could meet your dream girl. The courage to get the car you want, or live the life you want out from under the shadows of other's criticism and expectations.

Courage and Honesty are intertwined, but the Courage must be engaged to be honest. It Takes courage to be honest. You can be honest, but not courageous. Those pioneers who blazed new paths were often ridiculed, but they lived out honesty and courageously what they were and received acclaim AFTER they showed people what they already knew.

Courage is established by doing. The minute you hestitate, POUNCE. ACT. You'll be so focused on acting you'll have nothing else to hold you back.


Ability is accomplished through self-sufficiency. It means operating independently. Be a resourceful guy that's counted on when sh!t goes nuts. When a car breaks down, or someone needs help, be of use to yourself, learn to live without strings on others. Expect to be a source of information and not a someone who needs it. YOU be the 1-800 # people call, so you can confidently live alone in the world if you so choose.

Be autonomous WITHIN the matrix, until you decide to leave or not. There are people who are like this. They have finances in place so they're not worried. They have minimal needs so they don't tax their finances. They are healthy, so they do not burden anyone. Granted, these are ideal states, but else would we aspire to, mediocrity???

These can be any abilities you seek. But have a mastery over the basics. Know your money. Fix your own car. Know your mechanic. Cook simple meals. Fix simple household things in your home. Defend yourself. Have a variety of marketable skills that enable you to travel amongst the US, or the world, so you're not stuck by yourself or just with your family in one location. Be so valuable, if your company bombed out like Enron, you'd get an offer THAT day to be hired for MORE than you're worth.

A person who gets results GETS PAID!!! That's it. RESULTS = PAY. That's what we pay for in this world.


LOVE...simple sounding, but fundamentally, if you care positive feelings and emotions despite those around, despite hostility, despite guys who want to one up you or beat you up, you STILL OWN YOUR LIFE.

Guys think for some reason it pays to be angry, or easy to anger, or tough, or any of those bad emtions. THAT's fine, if you choose them. But most guys don't. They shirk off stuff with excuses by saying "well I'm a guy I have to be tough." That's just giving your independence to some THOUGHT or DEFINITION. True control is true emotional control. If you don't control your emotions, you have no control, because others do it for you or events do it for you or circumstances do it for you.

If you let the outside world determine your inner state, then gimme .25 and be ready to ride a fun ROLLERCOASTER!!!

In the morning you're unhappy to be up.
In the afternoon you're happy to take a lunch break.
In the evening you're happy to finish work and have drink.
At night you're unhappy with the evening news.

See how dumb this whoe MATRIX of emotion is???

People's inner state is controlled by the external world. WELL GUESS WHAT??? You're external WORLD is a byproduct of your INNER world, so if the inner is screwed, so will the outer. And if you don't control the inner, you have no chance in the outer world.

So place positive emotions there and stay with them, no matter what. Be grateful always. Emotion might fly away, but GRAB the positive emotion BACK. We ALL like a person who's happy with themselves no matter what, and a happy person WILL ALWAYS get the opportunity they desire over a person who's qualified but unhappy.

SO...practice positive affirmations. Be thankful for the little things but shoot for bigger things. When it goes short, don't get pissed. Course correct and move on. That's it. Trial and error.

Emotional control is the #1 control we can have in life, and also the easiest to give up, yet most guys LOSE it. Women do it negatively, men do it aggressively.

Love and happiness and peace foster positivity. You can still HAPPILY beat a guy up or correct him and be in control, it's only if you don't choose and the emotion is trigger that you're done in.



Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Excellent insight.

It sounds like you have given a pretty solid description and idea of a virtuous life, but how should a virtuous person sustain himself in a society that could be considered unethical?

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

It sounds like you have given a pretty solid description and idea of a virtuous life, but how should a virtuous person sustain himself in a society that could be considered unethical?
By the same creed and belief the knights upheld. In a time when control, government, and politics ran rampant, knights were in the best position. They had loads of power, tons of ability, they were feared and respected, yet they uphold a moral, ethical, and virtuous code even when no one was looking.

We do not consider what the "outside" world is, but what our "inner" worlds are, for that is all the "outside" word is:

A collection of the inner worlds molded together.

Most view life as pain, or the world as bad. This is poison to the soul. In order to bring forth life, gain, positive expression and emotion and be of influence YOU must be the source of all that and bring it forth into the world.

Many ask:

What should I be? And then they let the market reflect what it is they desire.


You must be what you desire. Only you know what lurks, good, or bad, in your heart, in your soul, in your spirit, and must put your full effort into bringing that forth. If you express the strength of your character and love in the adversity of life, you will ring true. You WILL win out the day.

Life was by no means meant to be a struggle, and some do purposefully struggle. However, life was meant to throw challenges so we could see who's deserving and who's not.

Life is very much a FAIR capitalist system, even if society isn't. It thrusts challenges to be overcome so those with ability and drive can succeed. Otherwise, if we had nothing like that, even the unvirtuous, negative-thinking minded would lead great lives.

Pain is very much on a subconscious level and related to attitude. There's no 'why' to me in life about why things happen. To me, the world is a stage, much like an ant farm we have, where everything conceivable is thrust upon us, and those able to survive and live on enjoy the fruit of that labor.

We must NEVER consider what the world IS, but what it can BECOME if we live FULLY in the power and strength of what we are.

Moreover, you become MORE powerful by staying on the course you lay out. You gather energy. And charisma. And clarity. And luck, but staying on a path, while others spread their energy EVERYWHERE over everything.

One day they're upset about their job, the next their gf/bf, the next their family, or finances. This sort of dissipation of energy NEVER gets you anywhere because the energy is not focused enough. Your emotions ride such a roller coaster that you're doomed.


The world begins and ends WITH YOU. Inside you. That's all you must be concerned with. So many people attempt to save themselves AFTER the world is ok, so now we have a whole world of crack-pots who need saving, too, because those crack-pots are trying to save the others. It doesn't work that way. Give, but don't endanger yourself.

Volunteering is good, but until you're ok, working half-azzed and not at your potential, you can't do enough. Sure, a guy like Bill Gates might have been able to donate here and there if he'd never gotten wealthy, but now he donates buildings and to causes around the globe to aid those in need.

I believe in helping these people stand on their feet, rather than enabling them and debilitating them, but that's another story.


Point is, the world is, as is, and has been as it is, so that those virtuous souls can step forward and claim ownership to that title of virtue, regardless of the circumstances and the opinions of on-lookers.
