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    Tell HER you just wanna be friends.

    Re: In the short-run, if well-delivered (as David D said, it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters) it CAN work. In the long-run, it's garbage. I've known people to chuck it out there just to keep any awkwardness down. Or to explain away weird situations. If you do this...
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    Your predictions - put your DJ knowledge to the test

    Re: I chose Other. Reason... ...when the masculine exhibits traits of the feminine (i.e. AFC), the feminine will exhibit traits of the masculine. Which means, the girl starts pulling away, being distant, requesting space, being demanding, and almost loathesome. As this spiral starts...
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    Does anybody delight in the afterbreak-up pain?

    In the past, in the heat of the battle, we all shed SOME emotion. Things get tense, it seems like someone will end it, and maybe you're just at the point where you despise each other more than your worst enemies. It's obvious you won't be together, now anyways. Dating back as long as I...
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    Should I join a Fraternity/Frat life [Official thread]

    Re: I did the same thing, twice in fact. Once at UMAINE, and Once at the college I finished at. Why? At Umaine I decided I would transfer. I stopped being a civil engineer, went to study business, lost my scholarships as a result and so went somewhere cheaper. The pledging process was...
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    For the economics guys

    Re: Somethings to note... A million dollars is NOT what it used to be. Granted it isn't something to shake a stick at either, but with more people than ever in history retiring, a million dollars is the MINIMUM people need to wade through the 15+ years of unemployment they will experience...
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    Women don't want sex

    Re: Women do want sex, but as RE put it, WITH A PARTNER. There are some women bold enough to buy sex toys w/out the companionship of a guy. And then there are other girls who DO IT FOR a guy because THAT is what makes them Sexy. A girl has no looks until a MAN is there to confirm...
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    How could you morons possibly disagree with this?

    Re: I agree with your points, DJDamage. And those are unrealistic and lazy demands women put forth as it relates to marriage. But guess what? We can do the same as well. Yup, we can. And I do. I act in accordance with the things I expect and speak about them honestly. I let a woman...
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    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    Re: ------------------------------------------- I won't disagree that Americanized women have turned the tide for the worse. Which begs the deeper question, knowing their mindset, why are men still playing with fire? It's of a foolish man's belief that American women are...
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    Is Monogamy Natural?

    Re: Fortunately, we have freedom, so that we can live as we choose. Some people can choose to be with 1 person. Some people choose to be with many. On a personal/emotional/rapport level, there's ultimately only a handfull of girls we'll be THAT in tune with. On a sexual level, we all...
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    stock question

    Earnings are earnings period. Corporations because they can write off expenses (i.e. computers, leases on automobiles, employee salaries) can't get the same tax 'deferral' benefits you are describing. Taxes get paid. HOWEVER...if a company wanted to 'invest' said money, they could boost...
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    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    Having your cake and eating it too. As a man, i know the plight of our sex. We have feminism. We die earlier. Courts are not skewed in our favor (which means we should avoid them at all costs, or accept their penalities gladly). Women and children first...
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    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    Re: I will admit women can avaricious little creatures, bent on manipulating the will of men, hard to read, harder to grasp, and requiring a never-ending source of pleasure and happiness. That's their whimsical ways. It's like getting a pet, you KNOW a dog will sht! on rugs, piss on couch...
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    How to eliminate fear for GOOD

    Re: Visceral, I've dug into the world of the ego quite a bit through various teachings and philosophies and still do. To an extend, as humans WE ALL have egos. We always will. Must not condemn ourselves for who we are.... I Step 1. Stop condeming yourself for WHAT and WHO you are...
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    How The Hell do you date a female DJ!!!

    Re: Maybe I see it different, but if I was ~turned off~ by her hoe-ish lifestyle, I wouldn't ax her out. I'd stay in contact, but expect nothing of it. Learn about her. Befriend her. See what other girls are in her arsenal you could score with. To me, there's girls of all sorts out there...
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    eBay, diablo, and the cops...

    Re: Diablo, I read your post the first time and assumed you meant "stock trader" and could have seen where the problem with dual jobs and no disclosure came from. But this, b.s. I have the same 'crack down' in my profession. Holding securities licenses requires me to...
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    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    The Problem... The Problem with this is...that it begins in the beginning. A child being brought into this world, once birthed, SHOULD have every right, entitlement, and opportunity to have love, care, and life afforded to him/her. It's not their fault, and the parents shouldn't bicker...
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    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    Re: Quite honestly, we're speaking of logical terms in an emotionally constrained view of the world. While a woman takes pains not to get pregnant because it would ruin her "freedom", should the right beau come along, she wouldn't feel touch of pain at becoming pregnant at his expense, as...
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    what are women fighting for?

    Re: There's a subset of the population (myself included), that believes feminism is a social weapon that has been yielded to blast apart the family and play role reversal. If you can't already tell, nobody gets 'why'. Why the fighting for feminism? Why the need for women to leave their...
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    "The Game" Excerpt - "Are You A Social Robot?"

    Re: Rollo, I've done alot of 'research' into the roles gender and their involvement play in people's lives. The emotional/psychological balance is different for men and women, but one thing is certain, both parents are necessary for each sex to grow up healthy and develop a sound...
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    How could you morons possibly disagree with this?

    Re: I would liken the family unit to a corporation, where the father or male figure is the CEO making the "big decisions" and the mother acting as manager, making the day-to-day decisions, acting on the instructions of the CEO and watching over the business. At least that's "my" analogy...