There's a subset of the population (myself included), that believes feminism is a social weapon that has been yielded to blast apart the family and play role reversal.
If you can't already tell, nobody gets 'why'.
Why the fighting for feminism?
Why the need for women to leave their children behind at daycare to persue loveless careers?
Why the need for women to dominate men?
The whole debate should have ended eons ago when we gave women the same 'rights.' Problem is, women already get priviledges based on their sex alone. Giving equal rights bolstered by their equal priviledges means greater power than ever before.
The fight wages on because in TV, the media, internet, comedy commercials, etc, the 'ideal' lifestyles are portrayed. That which is deemed to be socially acceptable is played out publicly. If it is accepted without question, it becomes the norm. Later, it is used as a benchmark by which all situations are measured.
The feminism war is fueled by the programming all around us. You see stupid men played out on tv by domineering women. You see slutty girls living it up in various 'hot spots' around the world, seemingly free of obligations and responsibilities, with their only true job being the maintenance of their looks. College isn't an educational period of growth, it's one of experience, a costly experience, in which the morals and values of a young subset of the country casts them aside for 4 or more years. For guys, it's like pillaging a village that has no defenses and taking the gold, without fear of recompense.
As extreme as I may sound, it's being tried to be covered up with happy horse sh!t tv, consumerism, sex, alcohol, drugs, risque lifestyle. If you keep the mind flooded with emotions like a kid with candy, that don't have second to think and reflect on what's really happening. And by the time they do, they're so dependent on that rush or so far into the sh!t it's too late anyways.
I don't see feminism played out violently before my very eyes, but if you ask yourself questions about the going-ons of the world right in front of your very eyes, perhaps you will get deeper answers to those questions.