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    Can anyone confirm this (crazy ****)

    Re: Good post, backbreaker. Very informative. Something to consider... The state must request assistance from the federal level to begin work. It's how the constitution works, though this is not always the case as we see the fed. step in when they want and choose to. The levies...
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    A DJ In Your Own World.

    Get the movie "whipped." Rent it. Use it. It's funny and it underlines a point, a theme that needs to be understood. A brief overview... Whipped is the story of 3 players who fall for the same girl and duke it out to win her affection only to learn she was playing them back. It's a...
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    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    Re: I don't believe students are totally lazy, that's our culture. Culture itself is a system of belief. America is a consumer's nation. Our savings rate is roughly the worst in the world, under 5%. Our consumption is what makes us so wealthy and our economy growing. Students USED to be...
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    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    Re: I claim no allegiance to any party. In the words of Chris Rock... "If you claim a side before you hear the arguement, your'e a fvcking idiot." And that's why I don't like politics, or anything else that precludes debate, discussion or open thought. How can life progress if we...
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    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    Re: I've met several millionaires, and 100% of what made them rich was never earned or learned in school. We MUST learn basics... reading writing math BUT...what about the rest? languages finance/investment health theory/thought/philosophy Instead of being courses and...
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    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    Most people feel that education is only bad because of it's deficiencies. It's costs. Teachers are under paid. Under appreciated. Not enough students are in school. Programs are slashed. The arguements are never-ending. The fact that the defense budget dwarfs the education budget by 100x (400...
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    The VMA's : Opinions of the Board.

    Re: The real talents have faded from the marketing machine that is MTV or retired. Or entered rehab. MTV was built upon the sweat and piss of drunk hard rock bands and come to the rule of rap bands. SOME, are talented, but they are few and far between. Greenday, while I liked their first...
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    The VMA's : Opinions of the Board.

    I got suckered into watching this out of curiousity and through the appeasement of my girl who's sick. We balanced our VMA's by watching GOLF/BASEBALL/FOOTBALL, so all was well. 1. Ever notice how MTV, is not MUSIC, but MOVIES? Only about 1% of all the music (if you call it that, is...
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    10 year old sluts

    Re: Personally, I dont' care. It is gross, because sexualizing young girls is, well, unfair. It's only natural to look, and quite frankly, it's hard not to. Youngest I've "dated" was 17, and she was 18 when we did anything to be considered illegal, and she was done HS. BUT... That's...
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    Cosmopolitan - The Magazine of Feminist Propaganda.

    "1. Even if you're with a man, flirt. It's good for your ego." ~ Most recent Cosmopolitan. While sauntering the aisles of Wal-Mart, the girl I was with screeched "buy me a cosmo?" I panned through the pages and tossed the little kindling gem aside after stumbling upon the little quote...
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    Post your picture ONLY

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    Advice from some older members.

    Re: That which feels good ISN'T necessarily good. Does it feel good to roll out of bed early and try to get ahead rather than sleep in? Of course it feels good! But nobody worth anything ever slept in. That was just a mere example. It feels good to eat nasty food and watch your...
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    The dangers and potential destructiveness of anti-feminism

    My Thoughts. Many guys who fail USE feminism or the surface concepts of it to justify their own lack of success. People do this many arenas of life. With health... "it's too time consuming" "genetics" "it's too hard" "i hate lifting" "yoga is for pvssies" And so on... It's EASIER...
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    Thoughts... I was approached in college while working at GNC by an Amway rep who told me he "had an internet company and I possessed great people skills to succeed." He handed me his video business card and off he went. Needless to say, I didn't stick with it. Not that it was shifty, not...
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    I want financial freedom by the time I'm 21

    I'll buck the trend. Don't let people impost limits on you. There are no ceilings. That said... I personally have a friend at the age fo 26, began at the age of 21, who is worth over a million dollars, EXCLUDING his personal residence. That's liquid, folks. How'd he do it...
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    Oneitis Takes Form in Various Ways.

    Oneitis. The ultimate. The only. The ideal. The perfect creation. The consummate being. It's not just applied to women, though of all our earthly desires, a beautiful woman sits atop the apex. Think of the last material possession you coveted? Or how about the last job...
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    Girls are becoming more evil....

    Re: Regardless of being a blanket statement or not, I have yet to meet a woman who "bucked the trend" so to speak. The one thing I've learned from women is to never, ever, never, ever, listen to a darn thing they say. Perhaps men are idealist over women, but we're supposed to be...
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    Could Somebody Explain NLP??????

    Re: My first introduction to NLP was through David Deangelo. In his only good course, Double Your Dating the Advanced Course, he spills the beans on the books he used to formulate his own game. Figuring the best way to create "my game" was to go the source and build from there, I purchased...
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    The DJ Dark Side: A tale of the broken condom

    Re: Mistakes are inevitable in sex. The more you have, the more likely you are to encounter SOMETHING. Do you have sex with ANY woman who looks good, but wouldn't make her your girl or wife? Or would do you only have sex with women you can COUNT on in times of high stress? - - - -...
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    Women Are Simple, Not Computers

    Re: It's all semantics anyways. Some guys don't want to succeed. Some guys will succeed. You don't know anything until you've done. Reading it, memorizing it, even testing yourself on it doesn't work. The only time you know it is if you've gone through it. You can't know sex by...