Understand something...
Advice is given from a 'knowledgable and experienced person' who has the circumstances you desire, or from someone you admire enough to garner their opinion.
You take health advice from a DR.
You take financial advice from yourself, a rich person, a successful investor, etc.
You take career advice from Jack Welch, successful business leaders, Jim Rohn, etc.
You take PUA advice from successful PUA's.
Where do you take relationship advice from?
Mostly yourself.
I despise when women get involved. You'll never get objective advice, most women, if they hear about your difficulties will formulate an opinion about your girl further damaging any advice they give and any civility they may have should they interact.
My guy friends who are single and can't land chicks use the same patterns in life and get the same things. Their sturbborness to change yields them the same results. Why would I listen to them?
Girls in general want to be dotted upon, princesses, and cattered to...listening to women only makes you sappier (unless it's your mom, or aunt, for the most part).
Advice is ok, because it's good to have a sounding board, but we need to learn reliance and self sufficiency, so I normally reject advice, unless I respect the person as wiser (2 of my friends are 40 and 49, and are very successful sales/business people and have very enjoyable relationships).
Bottom line, it's like taking advice from the 'enemy'. It really is.
If stuff is going wrong with your girl and you tell a woman, she most likely won't like her because they are catty, so her judgement is clouded.
Only you know what is in the best interests of yourself, and only you can give you what it is you only by listening to yourself can you get and own your own life.