The Odd Paradox of Feminism and Liberalism and your InnerSelf.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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The gender wars have wrought a struggle not seen in anyone's time.

Women want to be autonomous, yet be married [a masculine concept].

Men want to go 'after the prize' [a feminine concept of how good a man truly is].

No matter what it is we are born as, there's only 2 options, male or female. Masculinized women will spout aspersions that they don't like men, don't need men, and maybe, even despise men. Funny, those very women ACT like men. They embody men. They seek to usurp our role, or create a new one.

It must mean that the love/hate relationship that is out there driving a wedge between the male/female roles is true. That hate/love occupy the same coin, different sides, and that women who don't like men, want to be one.

Even dikes, who don't like men, are redundant, and want to BE men. They persue women. They dress like men. Attempt to act like men. Only difference is, they're uncomfortable in their skin due to some childhood trauma, they seek the feminine essence of women that is soft, caring, and nurturing, which is the opposite of the feelings consuming them.

In this time period, women who say they don't want men are getting what they want, to be men. Nature in all its goodness assures us that it will go on. It will live out and succeed. In animals, species will adapt to the changing sexual essences of its group. So if a group is becoming dominant in a femine way, it balances with men, and vice versa (think of Jurassic Park).

The balance here is my DE-masculinizing men. Cutting off their balls (as my parent's did my dog I entrusted with them). AFC's if you will, are a sort of anomaly and hybrid. But it's only a short-term fix. They don't succeed, but women do get a taste of a world that would be lifeless without men.


Last night I drove around in perfect quiet, solitude. Radio off on a dark highway toward Rhode Island. It was ALMOST (not quite), like meditation. Once removed from the hustle and bustle of society, the weight of looking good, saying the right things, a phat bank account, women, sex, boozing, competition, melted away. My own deep, internal and spiritual thoughts creeped up.

I began to feel a sense of who I was, what I was born as, and who I was deep down, a person that without society acting as a reflecting pool on WHAT THEY THOUGHT ME TO BE, I was able to understand the ME that exists beyond all the perceptions.

And guess what?


To me, that's the roadmap to life. And if there's one thing I told people about me and my beliefs, it's that we have roadmap when we are born. For those with absent parents and a tremendous drive, you know what I speak of. Sure, they were there to raise you, but bottom line, they gave no direction, rarely scolded you, and paid little heed in your maturation into a man. Not bad, which is why i believe THERE exists a spiritual essence, that comes with knowledge PRIOR to this experience.

If it's hokey, give it a try. Or stop reading. Nonetheless, there's this almost genetic encoding beneath the surface that is blueprinted with WHAT YOU ARE here for. That HAS your MASCULINE CODES WRITTEN right there. Yet, the bombardment of media, advertisements, sports, internet, cable, magazines, sex, tv, radio, video games, endless social introductions, is like a 'direct plug-in' to some network, that tells you WHAT society is or IS NOT.

It's Jessica Simpson being HOT, or NOT.
It's the latest investment tip.
It's the best car.
It's the show 20,000.000 watch.
It's the career everybody desires.
It's a drug sure to cure errectional disfunction.
It's boob implants and lyposuction.

It's all a made-up show, that sucks you away from your true self. A show that allows some players to get ahead and some to fall behind. You wonder in the outer reaches of the world where people dont' always tune into radio. And don't always tune into TV. And don't always read about the latest tragedy and say, "What are they thinking?"


The round-about point being driven home here is...

1) you get back your balls by getting rid of all the matriarchal clutter pumped in from this interconnected feminizing network and get "in tune" with your inner self.

Don't try to PAINT over your innerself with paint, when the surface is not primed. That's like dumping Blue paint on Black, when it's not been made ready, which most guys here do. Get down to who you are. Sit alone, quiet, in a peaceful place. Any peaceful place. And just sense. Let all the thoughts consuming your overactive mind go away and give time to WHO'S inside. That to me is the most important reason you are here. FROM THAT source, all other information springs forth.


Because if you have yet to enjoy a quiet moment with yourself, and remain "patched in" to the inter-connected network that is society, you'll be running the rat race for society and not yourself. Once you KNOW who you are inside, what you stand for, and what's aching to get out, you can put that to full effect in the world, BACK INTO the inter-connected society.

2) That just because it seems one way on the cover, doesn't mean IT IS THAT way. As much as 'free pvssy' has made life good for men in some ways, it's also made it worse in others, and now we are seeing the error in our ways.

Enabling is a term I like to dub for "giving in." Many guys with a push-over philosophy say "it's chill" and move on. This allows feminine bad behavior to continue. It's ok to "be chill," but stand your ground and walk away. Having that headache around your life is an emotional leak and leech, to which you will be sucked dry, and not in a good way.

I believe that women are 1 way, and men are another, but that we have societal masks we wear that may influence behavior in undesired ways. See any number of cases related bullemia. Or breasts implants. Or career chasing. Or hags in courts sucking men's money from bank accounts. Beneath the cruds EXISTS the feminine, but enabling that behavior is what allows it to continue and grow.



Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
I will let this post continue. Keep your comments on topic and try not to let this post turn into a battle.

I'll ask the posters not to insult anyone personally and to respect others opinions.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

That's the first time I can say my posts have been issued a warning. What happens on the second offense? :confused:


Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit
That's the first time I can say my posts have been issued a warning. What happens on the second offense? :confused:

The warning wasn't against you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score

Your post is fine. The warning applies to subsequent posts on your thread.

Thanks for the backup Gio. You already know what's gonna happen with this one :rolleyes:

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
a unit are you saying the secret to happiness in this lifetime is to be amish?
no tvs, no radios, no jessica simpson commercials?
no infomericals at 2 am...
no such thing as feminism or liberlism there right?

wait, do the amish make you be born in it? or do they let you join??


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
a unit are you saying the secret to happiness in this lifetime is to be amish?
no tvs, no radios, no jessica simpson commercials?
no infomericals at 2 am...
no such thing as feminism or liberlism there right?

wait, do the amish make you be born in it? or do they let you join??
I think this was meant to be more subtle than that. A-Unit is saying that the secret to happiness in this lifetime is to not let the TV, radio, or commercials tell you who you are and what you want. I think these things are fine as long as you see them for what they are, mindless entertainment - not some standard for you to live up to.

I think A-Unit's trying to say that knowing who you are and what you want can only come from within, revealed to you only in those quiet moments when you're not distracted by anything from outside or from memories of them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
ive been saying for years that society messes people up, and im sorry if you didnt get the amish pun.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Well if you want to live in a society, you have to conform to a degree. If you live in the US and don't know who Jessica Simpson is, or what a hamburger is, or how to count in the Imperial system, then you're either Amish or a hermit.

The whole purpose of society is conformity. Even social deviants (ie. goths, punks, neo-nazis) conform. Even your concepts are conformity to some extent.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by Paradox

Your post is fine. The warning applies to subsequent posts on your thread.

Thanks for the backup Gio. You already know what's gonna happen with this one :rolleyes:
I got you on that, mods. Just pulling a little 'athletic' humor. "Second offense." Police. Get it? Well forget it.


Don't know if you can join the 'amish-hood', but I could recommend the Kirsty Alley/Tim Allen movie on that, where they infiltrate the amish society and indoctrinate themselves.

Or 'The Village,' where they seemed to have ripped off their societal structure from the amish, though they were not of amish descent.


Society came as a growth of labor division and support. The assumption was, we lived individually, labor was borne by each individual in total. *I* had to do everything on my own. Cooking. Cleaning. Gathering. Defending. Life was all work, because there was nobody to sub labor out.

Early marriage only divided responsibilities by *2* and enabled early men to protect and provide, while the woman raised the youngling during the days.

As people integrated more through commonality, we became -interdependent-, where each person towed their own weight. Men would start up various shops, and the sons would follow suit. Last names originate in this fashion, and in other varying degrees.

Every played a role in the show so we could live comfortably. It was 1 gigantic symbiotic organism. And because life was so intergrated, most people felt life swing the same way, except a small minority. Some people would feel the waves of change dramatically, others not so much.

Even now, changes in the economy effect the poorest people the most, and up to the top of the food chain in declining fashion, until you get to the wealthiest 1-5%, where economics makes no difference. Up or down, sideways, they make money, survive and grow. THEY control society, because they control the resources, the companies, the politicians, and laws that make up this integrated network.

Is it bad?

No, not compared to the alternative. We ALL can't have our own island in the Meditteranean, nor can we act as an island in this country, avoid taxes, yet sell/create products.

However, most people are raised inside the societal system, and thrust on to the stage of life in it, without ever knowing if they want to play a part, and what part they want to play.

"Atlas Shrugged" sought to demonstate how withdrawing the greatest minds and capitalists of their time would effect society. The devastating effects were somewhat obvious, if not contrived to LEAD that way. Nonetheless, withdrawing components of society lead to 2 things...

1. A decline in some sectors, OR
2. Opportunities.

Obviously if there was high demand for a certain position, offering big pay and big benies, people would flood it until the wage was pushed down.


The real issue comes because, this 'soceity' thing has a life of its own, and its in motion before you're born, while you're born, and when you pass on. It has values, and though we might change just slightly from it, it all meshes into one, especially when you take an outside looking in approach, we are the US of A. Regardless of your individual beliefs inside the construct, we're that 1 big glob.

"We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world." ~ Tyler Durden, Fight Club


I make mention of ALL this, because I believe in an AFTER life, a sense of sprituality to the individual. With that in mind, I'm also of the belief that we have a BEFORE life. A sense of spirit instilled in a body. Our purpose for being infused into a physical specimen is known only to us. It's not something a career test can tell us. Or our parents can. Or even guidance counselors, or mentors. Those are all well and good inside the glob of society.

They know the rules to playing games inside this whole boardgame (like a giant Life/Monopoly game), but they don't know us. Inner thoughts, inner feelings.

It's like....

Pre_life -------Physical Life----- After_Life

or Pre_body ----- Physical Body----- After_body

If we aren't discovering who we truly are, and what we came to being for and how we make the most of it, what are we doing?

People have their own beliefs in such things, and it is of no benefit for you to believe mine, but I would advocate there's more evidence supporting such things than denying, making the questions I've posed all the more relevant.

As long as people are 'plugged' in or connected to the things that make us this glob, the achievement of that goal is near impossible.


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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A couple of thoughts

After reading your posts (which I always enjoy), I had two things come to mind that may give you some mental chewing gum here. First, I think that your observations of the feminization of western culture is accurate, but is it really so much feminazation as it is a redefinition of the masculine? Masculinity implicitly requires femininity. Popular culture simultaneously ridicules any notion of positive masculinity in regards to the male sex, yet holds it's attributes up as an idealized state for the female sex. This is the source of our present gender confusion, in that in popular culture's striving for this idealization of gender identity (usually the masculine) is sold to us as androgeny being the ultimate goal - a balance between both gender attributes in the same individual irrespective of sex. What it fails to define is that not only is this a physical impossibility, but it is an unnatainable 'idealized' state. Homogeny and androgeny are not a goal and every species so disposed has become extinct in the past.

The second point you made about isolating your self from distraction in order to better focus on your thoughts or meditations isn't uncommon, but what is is the reasoning behind it. There is a school of philosophy that considers that everything we do in life is merely a distraction from the one overpowering knowledge that we all know we'll face at some point in our lives and that is "I know I will die one day." Everything we experience in life, no matter how meaningfull or trivial, is a distraction from our own mortality. We've got a hell of a lot more of these distractions in this century.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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This is the same old choice between freedom and security that people have been faced with since the beginning of time. Maslow may have put self-actualization at the top of his hierarchy to suggest that it be our ultimate goal, but in practice, it has instead proven to be at the bottom of our list of priorities. Take a look at Iraq; they're complaining about danger and discomfort instead of celebrating their new freedoms.

The same is probably true for Fate vs. Self-Determination; people aren't comfortable with fate - with having who they are and what they do decided by some external force - but they are equally uncomfortable with taking their lives in their own hands, fully aware of the burden that it represents. And so, faced with a choice between two essentially equal options, we choose the easiest.

Society is a necessary evil. Thomas Hobbes characterized human life without a repressive institution like society as: "Nasty, brutish, and short." We all like to think we're tough enough to survive and thrive in Darwin/Nietzsche/Rand World, but I doubt that this is the case. Every day we gladly surrender to society in exchange for the security and prosperity it provides, and enjoy the life we otherwise would not have if everyone were allowed to do as they please.

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Visceral
Every day we gladly surrender to society in exchange for the security and prosperity it provides, and enjoy the life we otherwise would not have if everyone were allowed to do as they please.
To each his own I guess.

But as for the non-conformists of this century...

"Lean freedom is better than fat slavery."

~ Aesop's Fables

Sad to say though, that it is quite difficult for the average mind to achieve an enlightened state since there are way too many external influences that can obscure one's path to spirituality. My guess is that, the reason why those who seek a way to free themselves from their own mind are willing to travel to the most secluded areas of the world, is because of the many influences that society will bombard one with.

Solitude and silence is magical in the sense that it reminds us that we are more than pawns of this egotistical world. We are told how to dress, how to speak, and how to prosper socially. We are given reasons on why one should act morally (take note of the word act). We are identified externally and must constantly prove and protect our egos.

"The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, personal and family history, belief systems, and often also political, nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you."

~ The Power of Now

Anyone can act compassionate, generous, and loving. But to actually be compassionate, generous, and loving, is a whole different story.

With all sincerity,

~ J


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
I'm sorry; we've been talking about different things.

You and A-Unit have been referring to the skin-deep conformity of people who don't know who they are and what they want and so imitate something society provides for them, or who buy completely into the myth and do it as part of a greater agenda of acceptance and prosperity. I agree with you both that this is a bad thing.

I was talking about society in terms of Order vs. Chaos, as the product of the fact that selfishness eventually reaches a point of diminishing returns. We play by the rules so that others will do the same, as we'd never survive a world where anything goes. In this context, as screwed up as society may be, it's still better than the savage alternative.

I hope this cleared up what I was trying to say.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

After reading your posts (which I always enjoy), I had two things come to mind that may give you some mental chewing gum here. First, I think that your observations of the feminization of western culture is accurate, but is it really so much feminazation as it is a redefinition of the masculine? Masculinity implicitly requires femininity. Popular culture simultaneously ridicules any notion of positive masculinity in regards to the male sex, yet holds it's attributes up as an idealized state for the female sex. This is the source of our present gender confusion, in that in popular culture's striving for this idealization of gender identity (usually the masculine) is sold to us as androgeny being the ultimate goal - a balance between both gender attributes in the same individual irrespective of sex. What it fails to define is that not only is this a physical impossibility, but it is an unnatainable 'idealized' state. Homogeny and androgeny are not a goal and every species so disposed has become extinct in the past.

A redefination? Perhaps as it relates to USAGE. In former years, men were more cut-throat. More popular as well. Old movies/shows presented men as they are, not as they are not or some false ideal.

I recall Wall Street, or Glen Gary Glen Ross. The salesmen were portrayed as 'go-getters' as sharks. They epitomized wall street. Now, we have dumbed down men. King of Queens. Homer Simpson. Family Guy. Ray Ramano. Probably the last great TV dad was Tim Allen. With his handy man work, his involvement with kids, and his down-right man-like nature. This is TV/media stuff, but most kids grow up before tv sets, and the mainstream media reflects popular trends in society and what the current thinking is.

It is very much a blurring of the lines, as men are touted to be 'more sensitive, style conscientious, and nurturing.' Books are put out trying to push this agenda. Most times the arguement is that 'why aren't you more like so-and-so.' And they're usually written by women, so women are all the more empowered by what appears to be credible evidence.

Girls play on boys teams, but boys don't play on girls team, in girl's positions. I think of Michelle Wie. She wants on the PGA tour. If so, compete from the same tees. In the past, they try to send women to the men's arena, but they don't want to play by the same rules. If men bow to women, we'd inevitably crush them in most categories. Golf was just applicable, because her presence brought the ire of many male golfers. My only point is, you want to compete with us, let's level the playing field. Those who don't want to, don't have to.

If women want to do something in society, let them go for it. Funding it is just encouraging it and tipping your collective agenda. No funding, level playing field, then we let the sexes sort it out themselves. If girls are getting grants to do things boys absolutely.

My solution?

For men to be as they will be. Men know deep down, women need us more than we need them, especially in this society where sex, our only driving need, runs rampant. Men can remain autonomous for basically ever, if only just out of principle. Our driving mission is not relationships; it's positive uplifting ones.


As far as society goes, we have distractions because death seems like a horrible, unknowing end. Of course, party it up. It's the same mentality we have in college. It seems like the beginning of the end, when it's really the end of the beginning. We're starting better and fresh NOW!

Yet, most concepts on death remain a territory for religions, and religions usually indicate some sort of control. People don't consider religion until they're later in life and have to. Some consider it now, myself included, but it seems to be a negative connotation.

Dying is only a bad thing because it's perceived that this is the ultimate party. That we hail from amoeba life and we must make this count. Yes, I believe we must make it count, but as evidenced from positive and negative thinking (energy), our soul/spirit rises levels according to lifestyle and what comes into it.

This is where the 'feast or famen (sp?)' mentality comes in to play. It's play by our rules, or don't play at all. I agree society affords some specific benefits as it relates to total survival, and it is well-wishing to think we can live alone on an island that's uninhabited. However, I don't think a societal mentality supports the lifestyle most seek to live.

Each country/nation affords a specific lifestyle based on their values, beliefs, laws, economics, etc. Some guys move abroad seeking supposedly better women, more lax tax laws, a better leisure life, stronger divorce laws, and so on. It's like picking the society that supports the LIFE you want to live.

I ask the question, if people are SO consumed by what death means, why do they DISTRACT themselves from what they want and just follow the lead of everybody else??



What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Very interesting thread.

What I've noticed is that people tend to thrive off other people's realities, or realities created by other people. Many will sit in front of the television absorbing someone else's reality (or artificial reality). After they've absorbed their fill, they will use others' realities to create conversation and relate to other people.

Why can't people create their own realities and draw interest off each other?

I haven't gone amish, but I couldn't tell you the last time when I sat in front of the television and watched a program filled with the latest gossip or scandals about someone else's life. I get my information from listening to the news in the morning on the radio, and that's pretty much it. Outside of that, I create my own reality. I use that to converse with people.

As for artificial realities, I'll watch a pre-recorded episode of something while eating dinner. Paying a cable company for a continuous flow of other people's realities is a waste of time and money. I'll never watch them all, and most aren't interesting.

If you ask me, entertainment has gone to 5hit. We now have reality TV shows. Someone sets up a camera in someone's home, puts them in a situation or activity, and edits the crap out of it later. But people thrive off it. It gives them meaning to their meaningless life.

It's the interesting people that find television a waste of time. They use their time to put their own creative mind to work for their own personal satisfaction. They know that television can't give them that feeling of achievement.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desdinova
Very interesting thread.

What I've noticed is that people tend to thrive off other people's realities, or realities created by other people. Many will sit in front of the television absorbing someone else's reality (or artificial reality). After they've absorbed their fill, they will use others' realities to create conversation and relate to other people.

Why can't people create their own realities and draw interest off each other?

I haven't gone amish, but I couldn't tell you the last time when I sat in front of the television and watched a program filled with the latest gossip or scandals about someone else's life. I get my information from listening to the news in the morning on the radio, and that's pretty much it. Outside of that, I create my own reality. I use that to converse with people.

As for artificial realities, I'll watch a pre-recorded episode of something while eating dinner. Paying a cable company for a continuous flow of other people's realities is a waste of time and money. I'll never watch them all, and most aren't interesting.

If you ask me, entertainment has gone to 5hit. We now have reality TV shows. Someone sets up a camera in someone's home, puts them in a situation or activity, and edits the crap out of it later. But people thrive off it. It gives them meaning to their meaningless life.

It's the interesting people that find television a waste of time. They use their time to put their own creative mind to work for their own personal satisfaction. They know that television can't give them that feeling of achievement.

Excellent post Des....



Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desdinova
Why can't people create their own realities and draw interest off each other?
Disillusionment? Disbelief? The reality they see around them gives them reason to seek another, but the one that they would choose is mere fiction, and the ones available to them can only be reached one at a time and only through grueling effort.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Visceral
Disillusionment? Disbelief? The reality they see around them gives them reason to seek another, but the one that they would choose is mere fiction, and the ones available to them can only be reached one at a time and only through grueling effort.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Originally posted by A-Unit
I ask the question, if people are SO consumed by what death means, why do they DISTRACT themselves from what they want and just follow the lead of everybody else??

It's a paralyzing fear of the unknown that causes people to distract themselves from their own mortality. It's the fear of having incorrectly chosen how to use their time in this form which causes most people to seek the security of the familiar. If for no other reason, most will continuously distract themselves as a method of avoidance. They are avoiding even considering for ten seconds the possibility that they live in and act from a paradigm of fear.

The societal system you frequently post about A-Unit, the one most never understand they are a part of, provides the perfect distraction. Most people become so institutionalized by society that the distraction of it only reinforces the vault of their minds where the fear lies. The further one ages, the closer they come to facing their fear of mortality. Unless one truly purges themselves of this fear, they will always be forced to continue avoiding it altogether. When this fear is gone, nobody needs the lead of others to serve as a conveniently distracting comfort blanket.