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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Knowing When To Let Go...A Reality Check

    Good thread Wyldfire. And an IMPORTANT thread too. knowing the difference between "love" (something you DO), and "infatuation" (something you FEEL) is ESSENTIAL when it comes to protecting your heart. Failure to being able to distinguish the two apart can mean the difference between a life of...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Would you date a girl you're only half interested in?

    Yo Dharma, My answer is NO...I wouldn't. And here's why: I have found that there are usually only one of TWO reasons why a man would date, fukk, or flirt with women he's only half interested in-----He is either BORED, or he has fallen prey to a SCARCITY MENTALITY. Inability to, or...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    I need to get my head out of my a$$!

    Yo Str8up, No matter how "hot" you say these chicks were to you in retrospect, I would bet that IF they really were YOUR type of "hot", there would be no way on earth you would miss them giving you buying signals. Sure, every woman has at least SOMETHING about her that is attractive---if...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Maxim Magazine advice on dating and age.

    Right, Francisco. Addicts of ANY kind...should NEVER "trust themselves". Nor can they "be" trusted. lol But yeah, men with a proven track record of wise decisions, and a firm grasp on reality CERTAINLY can trust themselves though. The distinction between the two is EVERYTHING...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    gf wont get off dating site?

    Yo Troops, Lots of DAM good advice on this thread. I just hope that the original poster takes it to heart. Use this SHYT as fuel for the fire that sparks him to change his life for the better-----so that THIS never happens to him again. I KNOW what I'm talkin' about. I've been there. Got...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Someone Please Enlighten Me....

    Yo Str8up, Definitely words to live by, my friend. WORDS TO LIVE BY...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Someone Please Enlighten Me....

    Dude, I have implemented the Strategic Retreat Initiative that you just mentioned in your post JUST 2 weeks ago. You are VERY correct when you say that women love to drag you down into an emotional tug of war, HOPING that once you're in HER arena, you will start fighting by HER rules, and thus...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Someone Please Enlighten Me....

    Yo DJKADASH, We've got yo' back here in THIS branch of the Sosuave Army, soldier. I will tell you right off, that much of this talk of strategies, techniques, and manuevers you should use to engage women DEPENDS upon the situation or circumstance. Nuianced approaches are weapons that...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Was I AFC, and then unknowingly DJish?

    Yo Weak, First of all, I humbly and respectfully suggest that you might want to change your screen name. Around here, we usually try to accentuate and build up our STRENGTHS rather than IDENTIFY and remain comfortably entrenched in our WEAKnesses. Of course, I also realize that I may be...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    When can you stop "running game" and relax?

    Yo LJC, I believe that the answer to the question you are asking lies within the first half of THIS statement that I made: Of course, I can't know for sure, but I suspect that both "slips in the game AND setbacks that come with the territory" are signs of THE BEGINNING of a guy losing...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    When can you stop "running game" and relax?

    Yo LJC, I hear you, man. But I believe we're actually in AGREEMENT. The short explanation as to why the level of "game" between a man and the type of women BEST suited to him should be minimal is based on just ONE thing: Mutual high interest level between a man and woman, but with the...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    When can you stop "running game" and relax?

    Yo Mr. Bubble, Finding the right woman for YOU is all about mutually high interest level. Ideally, you want a woman who is a little MORE into you than you are into HER. And the ideal woman for you is the one where the AMOUNT of "game" you'll have to run in order to KEEP her interested is...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Pressure to get engaged

    As long as you, and ANY man believes this, he has sold himself into SEXUAL SLAVERY. I, and many of those who serve with me, believe that too many men here blame what's in their "genes" TOO OFTEN when it's really their lack of control over what's in their "JEANS" that's REALLY to blame...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Do you have a moral obligation to hit on women?

    LOL. Good point, Grinder. I tend to believe that anything that's done in the spirit of TRUE altruism should be done from a place of INSPIRATION rather than OBLIGATION. Otherwise, the person who acts in this manner really will receive only minimal spiritual, mental, or emotional benefit...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    Yo LAST MAN STANDING, Your assessment of the outcome of Docv's Battle of the Sexes is DEAD ON TARGET, soldier! lol My observation, and unfortunately, my OWN experience is that the "feeling" of a lack of closure tends to lead to the worst cases of Post Relationship Stress Disorder----or...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Don't ask women for advice on seduction or relationship and here is why.

    On the subject of pickup lines...Well, there's really NO SUCH THING as a corny line...if it works. lol A woman's interest level in the man that approaches her is the primary deciding factor of whether or not that man's approach is REJECTION-worthy or not. I've often used the same verbage...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    Yo Docv, I have found out that romantic love is all about Interest Level. Interest level has to be maintained throughout the relationship by BOTH party's display of positive, selfless actions towards each other. However, ONCE that interest level drops below a certain point, then chances...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    Oh, and I'd have been remiss if I did not post THIS to you also: The Victory Unlimited New Recruit Briefing: Consider the information you get here as WEAPONS for you to sample. Pick out a few, try them out, use them on a few FIELD MISSIONS, THEN decide whether or not THAT weapon is...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    Yo Docv, What you are dealing with here is the withdrawal symptoms of an emotional involvement that has gone badly. It happens, man---and it's happened to MANY of us here. I have found that usually what we call "love" is really more of an emotional attachment that has an obsessive aspect to...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Ex fukk buddy is moving to be with her LDR but sparks are still flying between US

    Yo Str8up, I understand you TOTALLY on this point, man. The time inbetween meeting a chick and finding out if she's even WORTH consideration for exclusivity can be a helluva testing period. SO MANY of them "come out of the box" with some bullshyt revelation of who they REALLY are at the...