Someone Please Enlighten Me....


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Mar 30, 2007
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Long story short.... 37yo, trying to get with a 29yo hot blonde mother of three who has been giving off positive vibes over the last couple of weeks.

She's a waitress, and I usually go in once a week to have lunch after the initial lunch crowd takes off leaving her with some more time to interact. This has been going on for a few weeks. I've made it clear I'm interested by my actions and smack, and she has played with it. Last week she was more playful than ever, and I thought I was close. She even asked if she was going to see me this week, in which I said that it "depends." She purposefully went to the back to check her schedule and let me know what days she worked this week.

Well, I texted her this past Tuesday pretending to forget when she worked this week:

Me -- So I can't remember do you work today?
Response -- Nope... Just at home enjoying the day...
Me -- and you were going to invite me over to say Hi?
Response -- You don't know where I live otherwise it would be OK

She had told me weeks earlier what street she lived on

Me -- I'll just drive down "X" street blaring my horn until I get to the right one - you can flag me down


I was pi$$ed. 45 minutes later I texted saying that a simple "no" would have been OK

Someone hit me in the head. Why do women just not beat around the bush. If she wasn't interested, why not say so. Don't ignore. Wow. Being ignored is worse than being shot down, especially when I don't think I did anything wrong.... at least I don't think I did. Anyways, I haven't texted or gone to see her the rest of this week.... Thoughts??


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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DJKadash said:
Someone hit me in the head. Why do women just not beat around the bush.
A) Because even when they are not interested in you they still like the attention.

B) You are a 37 year old that tries to play it cool on text messaging like a teenager?? If you would have spoken to her on the phone like a man you would have known pretty fast where you stood.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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DJKadash said:
29yo hot blonde mother of three who has been giving off positive vibes over the last couple of weeks.
Strike One!

DJKadash said:
She's a waitress,..
Strike Two!

DJKadash said:
Well, I texted her this past Tuesday,..

DJKadash said:
Someone hit me in the head.
OK,...Here goes,..

DJKadash said:
Why do women just not beat around the bush. If she wasn't interested, why not say so. Don't ignore. Wow. Being ignored is worse than being shot down, especially when I don't think I did anything wrong.... at least I don't think I did. Anyways, I haven't texted or gone to see her the rest of this week.... Thoughts??
Damn. 37 y.o. and you haven't figured out that it's a woman's behavior that defines her intent and NEVER her words? She wan't beating around the bush with you, she was communicating COVERTLY with you, but you can't understand her way of communicating.

Numerous studies have been done in regards to women’s grasp of language and communications skills and evidence suggests that this is even an inborn ability. Men have rational skills that match these, but women can accurately infer communication from looks, (i.e. the 'dirty look') and speech that men in the same instance are unaware of. It's also important to understand that this skill is a passive one; meaning she does so without any real effort or recognition she's making communicative connection because of it at all times. That's not to say this ability goes unrecognized by women, quite the opposite actually, how often do men hear the 'feminine intuition' boast or about how men "just don't get it"? Most women take this as a point of pride - and a point that men can use to their advantage if they're patient and have an understanding of how this works.

Women have a natural preference to communicate covertly (dirty looks, inferences, innuendo, subtle language manipulations and physical presentations), but that's not to say that this doesn't break down into an overt communication (direct telling of intent, crying, vocal outbursts) when it serves them better. When I advocate communicating to a woman that you aren't exclusive with her you have to do so covertly. Overtly saying to a woman, "hey, we're not exclusive" or "other women find me irresistable" comes off with the obvious egotistical overtones and would most likely be met with an outright rejection (depending of course upon her self esteem). Women understandably abhor overt communication in this manner. But, if you can master a woman's covert form of communication and 'imply' with your behavior or 'infer' confidence from your speech that you are in demand and are someone for whom she should 'feel' she ought to be competing for, then you can set the balance for your relationship with her. If you have no desire to become involved with her in the long term this works in that it keeps her returning to a source of attention that she highly values because you 'speak her language' to your advantage.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Maybe you don't see it now, but it will click someday. Try pulling a little before pushing further. Make her guess. This makes her want you. Maybe that doesn't make much sense now, but I'll explain. See basically,

Me -- So I can't remember do you work today?
Response -- Nope... Just at home enjoying the day...
Me -- and you were going to invite me over to say Hi?
Response -- You don't know where I live otherwise it would be OK

She had told me weeks earlier what street she lived on

Me -- I'll just drive down "X" street blaring my horn until I get to the right one - you can flag me down


I was pi$$ed. 45 minutes later I texted saying that a simple "no" would have been OK
You kept pushing. Nobody likes somebody who tells them what to do, yourself included. Everybody wants to find something on their own and think they won a great catch. Appeal to peoples' self-interests, not their obligations. You even went as far as to say "a simple no would have been ok" giving her the vibe that you're deadly serious and not playful at all. You were basically forcing yourself upon her. Next time you engage a women, try this. Show a little interest by giving her the look into her eyes, smile, talk a little, then pull back a little by saying something small like "oh, we couldn't good then because..." or whatever and make her earn her way back, then push a little further. Then withdraw again. She'll be engaged in you and won't feel like you're pushing her into something but rather after you pull and she pushes back, she'll feel that she is earning a catch through her own merit. It is basically what everybody on this site calls "being a challenge."


Nov 2, 2006
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DJKadash said:
Long story short.... 37yo, trying to get with a 29yo hot blonde mother of three who has been giving off positive vibes over the last couple of weeks.

She's a waitress, and I usually go in once a week to have lunch after the initial lunch crowd takes off leaving her with some more time to interact. This has been going on for a few weeks. I've made it clear I'm interested by my actions and smack, and she has played with it. Last week she was more playful than ever, and I thought I was close. She even asked if she was going to see me this week, in which I said that it "depends." She purposefully went to the back to check her schedule and let me know what days she worked this week.

Well, I texted her this past Tuesday pretending to forget when she worked this week:

Me -- So I can't remember do you work today?
Response -- Nope... Just at home enjoying the day...
Me -- and you were going to invite me over to say Hi?
Response -- You don't know where I live otherwise it would be OK

She had told me weeks earlier what street she lived on

Me -- I'll just drive down "X" street blaring my horn until I get to the right one - you can flag me down


I was pi$$ed. 45 minutes later I texted saying that a simple "no" would have been OK

Someone hit me in the head. Why do women just not beat around the bush. If she wasn't interested, why not say so. Don't ignore. Wow. Being ignored is worse than being shot down, especially when I don't think I did anything wrong.... at least I don't think I did. Anyways, I haven't texted or gone to see her the rest of this week.... Thoughts??
Maybe I picked up something everyone else missed. But she's a waitress. Isn't her job to flirt with you, so she can get a higher tip?

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


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Mar 30, 2007
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John_Galt said:
Maybe I picked up something everyone else missed. But she's a waitress. Isn't her job to flirt with you, so she can get a higher tip?
Thanks for the replies -- I'm only human and prone to mistakes, I was just trying to be playful and have fun and was disgusted by the "ignore" button she pushed on me.

Funny you mention the tip thing.... I usually have a bowl of soup and pop for lunch which amounts to four or five bucks. I have a hard time believing she would strive to be nice to me for a dollar tip, but stranger things have happened.

You guys should see this girl though.... a 10 (in my view).... Damn. Probably the only reason I have hung on this long.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines

We've got yo' back here in THIS branch of the Sosuave Army, soldier. I will tell you right off, that much of this talk of strategies, techniques, and manuevers you should use to engage women DEPENDS upon the situation or circumstance.

Nuianced approaches are weapons that EXPERIENCED DJs may be skilled at using, but I would suggest to you that YOU take a more DIRECT approach----that is, until you have developed a certain level of mastery over our "weapons of choice."

I must FIRST remind you to always think of yourself as a man of action. YOU have things to do. OTHER interesting activities to indulge in. OTHER women to attract and/or target. And AS such, NEVER waste your valuable time tip-toeing around communicating to a woman you are a man of value and decisive action.

Never run the risk of coming across to a woman as timid, tentative, or BENIGNLY flirtatious. Women DO this kind of shyt----WE DON'T. Women, especially shameless attention whhore types, believe there's such a thing as HARMLESS flirtation----WE DON'T.

In MY branch of the Sosuave Armed Services, we KNOW that there is no such thing as harmless flirtation. Why?

Because when WE flirt----We mean HARM.

We're on a mission around HERE, goddamm it. Even though we are calm, cool, and collected, we STILL let women know through the confidence and decisiveness that we exude that we ARE NOT interested in being their muthafukkin' girlFRIEND. We let them know just by the sensuality and sexuality that we project towards them that we are MEN.

Indulging in tentative and trepidatious behaviors makes men come across as flaccid in the eyes of most women-----especially the ones who ARE NOT really digging us in the first place. This behavior only accomplishes one of two things: She will either think of you as a harmless, nice guy who CAN'T handle her sexually, OR worse----as has been already stated, she'll think of you as just a tool she can use whenever she wants to stroke her own ego.

This is NOT your goal, soldier. No. Your goal is to be more direct. Don't fall for the propaganda that women are these magical, mystical creatures with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal man. This mindset only succeeds in painting a picture of women in most men's minds that women are somehow ABOVE them----and that they have to walk on goddamm eggshells, and do everything "just right" or else SHE'LL judge him as unworthy.

This is just a subconscious way of putting a woman on a pedestal, and placing yourself FAR beneath her----like a fool, or a clown who has to always perform or turn tricks in order to keep HER interested in HIM.

But the TRUTH is this:

A man can get away with, or successfully pull off, almost ANYTHING that he does, as long as it comes from a position of strength, confidence, and a relaxed sense of humor.

This overestimation and overglorification of the power of women is mostly delusional, and ALWAYS self defeating. Like a tired old magic trick, it's just smoke and mirrors----a "slight of hand" technique used by staunch feminists and feminism SYMPS (sympathizers) as a smokescreen that they conveniently hide behind in order to avoid admitting the truth that some woman actually have LOW INTEREST in a man.

Read the following statement, memorize it, and repeat it OUT LOUD to yourself whenever you feel yourself starting to overanalyze how you come across to a woman:

The rules of engagement between men and women within a relationship context is like an advanced class of higher learning in the Art of War. And AS such----don't even MINOR in tryin' to figure the Biitch out. Let the Biitch MAJOR in tryin' to figure YOU out.

What I mean is this:

When you engage a woman in a calm, cool, confident, courageous, and SEXY manner---and without exhibiting any signs of being intimidated by her, THIS is your best chance of her taking special notice of you. THIS is when something usually clicks in her brain and then she'll try to "figure out" why YOU are so different from all those other guys who just "flirt" with her in the restaurant, bar, grocery store, or wherever.

You see, she EXPECTS you to be blown away by her beauty and attractiveness----like all the rest of the guys. And she EXPECTS you to openly salivate uncontrollably when you're in her presence----like all the rest of the guys. And she EXPECTS you to come across to her as over eager and desperate-----like all the rest of the LESSER men do. So when you come across differently, this can give her pause.

And IF she has ANY interest in you, this is the point at which she begins to show SOME signs of it.

You see, no matter the demeanor, status, education, or personality of the woman, there is NO escaping the fact that women who LIKE you---HELP you. Unfortunately, if this woman actually did like you, it would appear that you have lowered her interest level in you by continuing to use a shy guy, tentative approach.

But evidence that you HAVE stepped up at some point though, is that she DID give you her number---and that's good. You should at least take credit for THAT.

And since you've already established that this is a chick that you were able to see whenever you wanted to, I can understand you falling into the trap of WAITING a little too long BEFORE you manned up and asked her out (or OVER) for a romantic date.

But I believe this may have proven to be your undoing. Again, you MUST start to think of yourself as a man of ACTION. Why? Because most women tend to "wait" for the guy to initiate things. This is why if you had been direct, and asked her out (or over) for a no-bullshyt, romantic date ASAP, you would NOT be in the position you are in right now.

No. Had you came at her THIS way, confidently, decisively, RELAXED, yet with a SUBTLEY seething cauldron of sexuality in your eyes as you looked at her, this woman would have revealed what her true level of interest was in you right there on the spot.

She would either have said "YES", "NO", or she would have hem, hawed, or hesitated-----thus exposing her true RELUCTANCE to get to know you OUTSIDE of her work environment and in a more intimate way.

It would appear that it MIGHT be too late with this girl, but you never know. Ask her out on a date next time you see her in person at the restaurant----that'll tell the story, no doubt.

But bottom line:

Be more of a man of action. After you have interacted with ANY woman enough to display a certain amount of your confident, sexy, BUT self-controlled personality to her----MAKE A MOVE ON HER. I don't give a damm if it's 2 minutes OR TWO WEEKS----first check your gut, then MAKE A MOVE ON HER.

Because if you can make her say "YES", "NO", or "MAYBE"----you'll have your answer as to whether or not this chick is either not interested, a confirmed attention whhore, OR someone worth investigating further to explore the depths of her interest level in YOU.

Oh, and by the way, just for the record, ALWAYS interpret "maybe" as "NO", and treat it accordingly. Remember, soldier, there are TOO MANY chicks out here that would LOVE to get with a man of the caliber of DJKADASH----so BELIEVE this, my friend.

And ACT on it.

And don't waste anymore unneccessary time with women who either have NO GOOD TASTE, or who are just not interested in you.

Better caliber, and MUCH MORE INTERESTED women are out there looking for a few good MEN, soldier------so don't you DARE keep them waiting...

March on.


New Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Victory, that was something else. Kudos to you. My check is in the mail.

Blueguy, you are correct in that I pushed too hard as I mull it over after the fact. Thanks for the post.

Rollo, you use basic no-no principles to make your point, and I don't necessarily disagree with you. A majority of men should have run away, but I chose not to.

DJDamage, I respect your opinion. Part A is no doubt true to an extent. As far as B goes, well, you went for the jugular... I took it like a man.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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DJKadash said:
Rollo, you use basic no-no principles to make your point, and I don't necessarily disagree with you. A majority of men should have run away, but I chose not to.
No, a majority of Men would know better, and would have other, better, options available to them than a single mother of 3 who is a waitress. If you had more plates spinning this pitiable woman would never have had such an affect on you and you'd have never started a thread about the situation because she'd just have been one more plate not worth spinning.

At your age, single mommie = automatic NEXT.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Rollo Tomassi said:
No, a majority of Men would know better, and would have other, better, options available to them than a single mother of 3 who is a waitress. If you had more plates spinning this pitiable woman would never have had such an affect on you and you'd have never started a thread about the situation because she'd just have been one more plate not worth spinning.

At your age, single mommie = automatic NEXT.
This post tells it all, and I agree 100% with rollo. Why would you get clingy with a 29 year old with 3 kids? She is a waitress and she probably never had an interest in you. She was just doing her job being FRIENDLY and you took it the wrong way.

I still do not understand how men in our society become infatuated with a girl they never even went out on a date with. DJ KADASH situation is worse than oneitis. This is INFATUATION.

INFATUATION- Comes from a lack of experience. ( DJ KADASH obviously is not spinning plates and probably never has).

DJ KADASH- your 37 years old and its never too late to stop learning. Read the DJ BIBLE, Get your self a piece of azz, Work on yourself instead of worrying about woman with 3 kids.

MY ADVICE- Get this girl out of your head. You have no chance with her. In the mean time learn the basics, get some reallife experience and you will forget about her in no time.

GOOD LUCK:rockon:

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Nov 2, 2006
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lookyoung you're such a wannabe fag.

Don't let these guys put you down because you wanted a woman. You live by your life, your goals, and the future YOU! want. So don't let these FAGS tell you how you should pick your women.


New Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I'm secure in myself -- doesn't bother me if a couple others want to make me into a whipping boy. I talk to plenty of women every day, and have no problems cold chatting up a women I've never met. Yes we have gone out before, I've gotten her number, and I even disappeared for six weeks without contact before this latest go-round. Last time I checked that wasn't an example of neediness, or even infatuation. I guess I'm guilty of a couple of things.... having high expectations of myself (getting 9's & 10's), and going after the next to impossible gets. That's my motivation, doesn't mean I'm lonely....


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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ok couple of things.

first, rollo and VU give the best advice around so listen to it. i haven't finished reading VU's post (wanted to get these thoughts down first), but half way through it i can tell you hes bang on the money as usually.

so now for my take...

1) why in the world would you get involved with a waitress with three kids who is ten years younger than you? this alone screams desperation. the only reason i can possibly think of getting involved with such a woman would be if you are looking to play the 'knight in shinning armor' routine. if that's the case, cuz what, she aint looking for that.

2) whether she was interested in you or not she was shyte testing you. she made herself the prize. potentially she was hoping you'd start begging to come over - thereby classifying you as an AFC and of use potential as a second wallet for her to pay for things with.

3) of the two two worst things you could do you did the second worst - which is better than the worst. the worst would be to become all AFC and start downt eh road to ruin. the second worst is losing your cool - which is what you did. NEVER react emotionally to a woman. EVER. emotions lead to a 'lose lose' scenario and women love to go there. now you might ask 'but why do they go there?" - and the reason is because they can't win in the rational discourse arena. why can't they win in rational discourse? because all women have an inbred sense of insecurity and low self esteem. you know how dr. phil says 'GET REAL" - well guess what, 95% are NOT "real" with themselves or anyone else. it doesn't make them bad, it just means that they aren't going to have a well structured thought out conversation with you because that's now how they were raised and thats not how they think.

women have gotten better at being less emotional, ONLY because they've had to learn to be for work. but my point is that with almost all women they are going to first deal with you using their strength against your weakness - EMOTION. what's SOOOOO important to realize about this tactic though is that its a BLUFF. yes, it leads to a 'lose lose' scenario when played out with both people being highly emotional BUT, knowing that you understand this (if even subciously) they KNOW that the odds are you will cave. As a result a 'lose lose' becomes a win for them and a lose for you.

When a woman tries to piss you off or gets emotional on you, you gotta see her as a using the same principles as a terrorist with a bomb strapped to his chest - GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR IM GOING TO BLOW US UP. although the female version is - GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR NO MORE SEX OR THE HOPE OF SEX.

this is why i keep telling guys, when that sh*t happens WALK AWAY. just walk away, because shes trying to draw you in to a LOSE LOSE scenario. but if you walk away you call her bluff - its the ONLY tactic at your desposal to turn her lose lose into a win win for everyone. and if she can't see that, if she refuses to behave like a rational human being, then she isn't worth your time.

unfortunately most guys want to get laid so badly they will put up with unbelievably low quality behavior just for the chance.

4) always remember, women do all this as a means of sorting out high quality men from low quality men. a woman defines herself by the man she has. its quite ironic the stereotypical image we all know of the grey haired man with the nice car and playboy bunny at his side - and associating that with the idea that men define their success by the things they have around them. because in real life, i find its the opposite. its WOMEN who define themselves by the things aorund them - their car, their clothes, their jewelry, their man, their friends, their job, their house, their kids, etc. Most of the successful men i know are successful because they DO NOT define themselvdes by external variables - they got successful by believing in themselves regardless of what others thought! but this is all part of the matrix - women are going to trash you for being everything THEY ARE (even if you are not those things). And they are going to use emotion to gain control.

5) even with all the above said, NOT all women are low quality. there are high quality women in the world who are not interested in messing with your head, who are straight up, who are sexy and seductive, and who are looking for a mutually supportive relationship. but guess what, if you want to attract these women you have to BE high quality yourself. you have to become that which you seek if you want it to come in to your life. and no offense, but going after a single (likely uneducated) mom of three does NOT suggest to me that you've become all you can be as a man. because if you had, you wouldn't be going after these kinds of women. Now hey, maybe you still might once in a blue moon provided you had an unbelievable amount of common interest with the woman, there was a uber strong attraction between the both of you, and she was giving you clear signs of interest. but that was not the case here, all this girl did was flirt with you a bit. and because she did that you started getting all these thoughts of f*cking her up the *sshole and off you charged in AFC land.

anyway, you misread the TYPE of woman you were dealing with. she flirted a bit, you thought "YES SHE LIKES ME" and then your capacity to analysize her from an unemotional perspective went out hte window. you were all excited at the possibility of getting some p*ssy, and when she shut you down on that front you lost your cool.

so what should you do now?

i'll tell ya what you should do. learn to f*cking control your emotions and be your own man. continue to eat at that dinner and act like nothing happened - act like its no big deal. however, STOP flirting with her. Be FRIENDLY but don't flirt.

YOU are the prize and she just lost you. Why would you be angry? you lost nothing. SHE is the one who messed up and lost the prize.

now you're just stopping by now and then because you like the food.

good luck dude.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
DJKadash said:
I'm secure in myself -- doesn't bother me if a couple others want to make me into a whipping boy. I talk to plenty of women every day, and have no problems cold chatting up a women I've never met. Yes we have gone out before, I've gotten her number, and I even disappeared for six weeks without contact before this latest go-round. Last time I checked that wasn't an example of neediness, or even infatuation. I guess I'm guilty of a couple of things.... having high expectations of myself (getting 9's & 10's), and going after the next to impossible gets. That's my motivation, doesn't mean I'm lonely....

It is not about making you into a whipping boy. This is about being honest with yourself. What happen when you guys went out??????

You are guilty of a few things.

1. You misjudged the situation.
2. You were not spinning plates.
3. You should never be in this position with any girl with three kids.
4. You got emotional over it.

You say your guilty because you are going after 9 and 10's? A waitress with three kids is not a 9 or a 10.

Look at joekers advice he is on the money.



Nov 2, 2006
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lookyoung said:
It is not about making you into a whipping boy. This is about being honest with yourself. What happen when you guys went out??????

You are guilty of a few things.

1. You misjudged the situation.
2. You were not spinning plates.
3. You should never be in this position with any girl with three kids.
4. You got emotional over it.

You say your guilty because you are going after 9 and 10's? A waitress with three kids is not a 9 or a 10.

Look at joekers advice he is on the money.

You're guilty of being a huge insecure fag. Why don't you ask for his picture?

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines

When a woman tries to piss you off or gets emotional on you, you gotta see her as a using the same principles as a terrorist with a bomb strapped to his chest - GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR IM GOING TO BLOW US UP. although the female version is - GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR NO MORE SEX OR THE HOPE OF SEX.

this is why i keep telling guys, when that sh*t happens WALK AWAY. just walk away, because shes trying to draw you in to a LOSE LOSE scenario. but if you walk away you call her bluff - its the ONLY tactic at your desposal to turn her lose lose into a win win for everyone. and if she can't see that, if she refuses to behave like a rational human being, then she isn't worth your time.

unfortunately most guys want to get laid so badly they will put up with unbelievably low quality behavior just for the chance.

Dude, I have implemented the Strategic Retreat Initiative that you just mentioned in your post JUST 2 weeks ago. You are VERY correct when you say that women love to drag you down into an emotional tug of war, HOPING that once you're in HER arena, you will start fighting by HER rules, and thus, LOSE miserably.

Emotionally out-of-control women are like kamikaze Guerillas who want to get you to fight the battle of the sexes THEIR way-----but they don't care if they, or the relationship, DIES in the process.

Thanks for reminding us that living in the realm of RATIONALITY is our best defense against emotionally eratic, unavailable, or withdrawn, women----whether we meet them in a restaurant, on the street, or wherever.

NEVER play by somebody else's rules. NEVER fight by using the tactics of your enemy (a woman who tries to manipulate you emotionally by either burning you up, or freezing you out). Always make the woman HAVE to play by YOUR rules (which usually are based in accountability and rationality).

Always make the women HAVE to elevate THEIR rules of engagement----make'm fight FAIR. Because if you know that you are the one who has the best interest of the entire interaction, or relationship at heart----it's up to YOU to stand your ground, soldier!

Yes, by "walking away" like you and another well known poster (WESTCOASTER), advise----I have managed to maintain the high ground, and escape relatively emotionally unscathed by an emotional freeze-out attack that would have possibly DEVASTATED me in the past.

I can say unequivically, this being a MAN shyt "works", y'all. And something else I've discovered once again is also true. And this is actually something that I advise here all the time:

Having OTHER options is always a good idea. But we should never confine other options to JUST being about dating multiple chicks. Other options always work best for me when they are in the form of other interests that have NOTHING to do with women. Because sometimes, some guys can use plate spinning as a mask to hide their SCARCITY MENTALITY.

Like women, there are MANY guys who are terrified of being ALONE. Like if they DIDN'T have pusssy already lined up on the side, they would die from the lack. SLAVES to the glory hole, is what I call them. When the truth is really that they have NO confidence in themselves to be able to REPLACE the babe that they just lost, or jettisoned.

This is not the case with ALL guys who explore multilple options while STILL in a newly forming, possibly exclusivity-headed relationship, but I think it DOES describe a good number of them. For those who ARE in that number, I would suggest to you that this behavior COULD be a result of your LACK of confidence in your competence in attracting another woman.

You MIGHT wanna run a "gut-check" soldiers, search yourself and see if you really DO believe in the self-sufficient, confidently masculine man IDEAL that we "SAY" we strive for here in the Mature Man Forum. This was not an accusation, but just a thought...

Also, I have seen,and have LIVED this truth over and over again:

A certain level of mastery in attracting women is acheived and EVIDENCED by the FACT that you KNOW you can easily go out and attract another one AT WILL----and ON PURPOSE.

And I can also report that my success at this has both pleased and impressed ME. I have experienced no guilt, no desperation, no lingering sense of lack like I used to in the past. Now, I only feel a rising sense of new possibilities. It has been a process, but I am NOW, far more comfortable in the knowledge that WHENEVER a worthy female target shows up----I am ALWAYS more than ready to pull the trigger.

There's nothing like going off to war when you KNOW yo' ass is armed to the teeth with weapons in your arsenal that you've ALREADY proven time and time again that they work with DEADLY precision...

I'm back out here like that monster in that movie "The Predator", troops. 'Cuz when Victory Unlimited is in Hunting Mode, all I can actually SEE through my Night Vision goggles is the "heat" rising off women's Asses...

Cover me boys, I'm going

And sorry for parially hijacking this thread, but HOPEFULLY someone could still get SOME sort of benefit from what I just shared though...

March on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
joekerr31 said:
When a woman tries to piss you off or gets emotional on you, you gotta see her as a using the same principles as a terrorist with a bomb strapped to his chest - GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR IM GOING TO BLOW US UP. although the female version is - GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR NO MORE SEX OR THE HOPE OF SEX.

this is why i keep telling guys, when that sh*t happens WALK AWAY. just walk away, because shes trying to draw you in to a LOSE LOSE scenario. but if you walk away you call her bluff - its the ONLY tactic at your desposal to turn her lose lose into a win win for everyone. and if she can't see that, if she refuses to behave like a rational human being, then she isn't worth your time.
I made the mistake of flying off the handle when I broke up with my last LTR. Of course, it got me NOWHERE.

The last chick I dated went ballistic a couple of times over me talking to other chicks or whatever, and I just blew it off, walked away, and IGNORED her inappropriate behavior. And guess what? The next day she called me up apologizing profusely.

Women are fukkin strange sometimes. The chick I just mentioned even made a comment one time that she wouldn't have made a scene like she did if she would have known that I wouldn't react. WTF???? She WANTED an altercation, and I didn't give it to her.

Bottom line- play a woman's game and you will LOSE. Every time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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VU hits on an important point.

I have a bit of an issue with the spinning plates theory. and i'll tell you why.
there are lots of guys out there that aren't in a position to spin plates. heck, its all they can do not to mess things up with ONE woman, much less juggle multiples. and trying to do so will likely leave them in a worse off state.

moreover, i do not believe that you have to spin plates to be a MAN (this is to VU's post).

you see, spinning plates is widely accepted advise because the process of spinning plates tricks you in to a healthy state of thinking. you realize that YOU are the prize. that you DO NOT have to sell yourself out for someones attention. You deal with women like a MAN because you know that if you have to you can walk away and you have another woman to go to.

and this is all fine and good, and barring what im about to suggest, spinning plates is better than nothing i suppose.

however. I believe that you can attain the state of mind that spinning plates gives you while not spinning plates!!!! i don't believe you HAVE to have another woman in the wings in order to feel like the prize and to act like the prize. In fact, the spinning plates theory on a subconsciously level I believe gives you surface confidence but still reinforces the idea that what a woman thinks of you matters (if one rejects you or messes with you, that you NEED another one to take her place to still be DA MAN).

but thats utter bullsh*t. I walk through this world with the same strength, confidence, happiness and kindness whether i've got a woman in my life or not. I treat and deal with women exactly the same whether ive got another one in the wings or not.

until you reach this mental state - until you are JUST as strong without a woman as you are with a woman, you are always going to be susceptible to women's mind games.

btw VU, love the guerilla analogy.

I should have added that the weaker party in any given scenario (and that is usually the woman, even if the man doesn't realize it) will always use the tactic of lowering the stronger parties devices before striking. and when they strike they do so in a kamikazee way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
Women are fukkin strange sometimes. The chick I just mentioned even made a comment one time that she wouldn't have made a scene like she did if she would have known that I wouldn't react. WTF???? She WANTED an altercation, and I didn't give it to her.

Bottom line- play a woman's game and you will LOSE. Every time.

WTF? well you already answered your own question ;)

play a womans game and you will lose. THAT is why they play it :)

humans dont engage in behaviors that don't provide some kind of benefit to them. there is a reason women behave the way they do - they get something from it (and its usually a guys ball in a sling).

and you guys want a positive thought to chew on. i truly believe that in the next 20 years men are going to become Gods (well not actually gods, just dominant once again). I believe that while women are learning how to be more and more manipulative - its leading men to become wiser and more mature. Men are no longer chasing p*ssy just for p*ssy, they are focusing on evolving so that they are happy with or without a woman.

In the next twenty years (maybe sooner) i believe women are going to get called on their sh*t and it will be funny as hell. The headline in your local newspaper will read something like "Study finds men now significantly more evolved than women."