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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Horrible AFC's on "The Real World"....

    ...that's true for every show except--- 24! lol
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Can't help themselves

    This is very interesting, Slickster. But I would beg to differ that the girls who got up and "stripped down for the masses" were NOT slvtty hoes or dirty girls", though. I've found that slvts are slvts in DEED, not WORD. SOME chicks are EXACTLY that way at their core...and all they really...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    For LTR, when do you say 'I love you?'

    LOL! And here I was always taught that you should always tell a woman "I love you" in a DEAD or almost FORGOTTEN language like MAYAN or ARAMAIC----you know, or ANY other language used in a movie directed by Mel Gibson...:rockon:
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Horrible AFC's on "The Real World"....

    Good points all. And ironcially, Rollo is still correct when he said that shows like this are still "scripted" in a sense, even in the absense of writers. All REALITY TV shows are in essence "scripted" by the editors. THEY are the ones who splice all the bits and pieces together to make...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    the issue of trust

    Wow...Great Post JOEkerr, Glad to see some Brothers in Arms on here with the NERVE to start threads like this one. And I'm also glad my fellow officers here have been willing to post in a thread here in the Mature Man section that DIDN'T have "How do I make her touch my wee-wee?" as it's...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Great Date, High IL, what do I do now??

    YO LL (Hey!...just like that, EVERYBODY is on POINT with the strategic initiatives that they have proposed in this thread. I will only add that you take Vulpine's suggestion into special consideration here. What he is suggesting as far as you asking her to do something...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Ex fukk buddy is moving to be with her LDR but sparks are still flying between US

    Yo Francisco, Correct me if i'm wrong, but is it "da NILE" or "DENIAL" that's the name of that river that runs through Egypt???? lol Just kidding, Str8up. But seriously, dude: I've been in a similar situation as the one you're in----stuck between a Friend with Benefits and a...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Men need to respect each other more.....

    Yo Troops, There was a time when I used to be open to going after girls who I KNEW already had boyfriends. I would usually tell myself, or SHE would even tell me that she's messing around with me because she's "unfulfilled sexually or whatever," and that I'm really doing her a favor by...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Pair of shoes

    Great analogy, Commander Grinder.:) And just think: Wonder how much BETTER a guy would feel if he realized he could be JUST AS COMFORTABLE walking around in bare feet----maybe occasionally "wanting", but not "NEEDING' any shoes at all? Wonder how even much more of an epiphany THAT...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Ex fukk buddy is moving to be with her LDR but sparks are still flying between US THERE'S the million dollar question around HERE, isn't it, Francisco? Isn't THAT particular question ALWAYS the "Elephant sitting in the Living Room" that many guys on here NEVER can quite see?????
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Men need to respect each other more.....

    On the subject of men's inability OR unwillingness to respect each other's territory when it comes to O.P.P. (Other People's Pussssy): Any man who cannot resist pusssy under ANY circumstances has allowed himself to mature to a level NO HIGHER than the LOWEST of animals. ANYTHING that you...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Ex fukk buddy is moving to be with her LDR but sparks are still flying between US

    Enough Tap Dancing, Soldiers! Str8up, this IS NOT directed at you, my friend, This is directed at the Fukk Buddy Scenario as a whole. Because MANY of us have been in this emotional twilight zone you have just posted about. Here's the truth about Fukk Buddies, Friends with Benefits, and...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Bad idea to send letter??

    ...AND writing long, well thought out letters to women often smacks of a last ditch effort to kiss her ass. Writing letters to women who have LOW interest in you is the same as handing her a "signed" document that is destined to become a Trophy of Disgrace for her to point at and laugh at in...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Just when you think you are stuck in the friendzone

    Yo Jonwon, Glad to see ya back at headquarters dropping knowledge, And to Leeman: Everything that Jonwon has already said, AND----here's an idea. Try bringing up the subject of the highschool reunion thing again as soon as possible. Only this time, if she chimes in about...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Bad idea to send letter??

    Yo Bada-Bing, Here's the long answer that Commander Grinder warned you about. lol: No son, DON'T DO IT. This woman has obviously demonstrated a consistent LOW interest in you. Confidence, although it can be mysterious, it is NOT entirely invisible. What I mean by this is that people...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    be happy my friends

    Yo Joekerr and LMS, I'm FEELIN' you guys.:up: I sit here in the wee hours of the morning amidst the smoking ruins and devastation of yet another promising, potential relationship gone awry. Quite possibly, I may have just ended it with this "latest" prospect that I had. This one has...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Do women toy with men just for fun?!

    Yo DJDamage, I understand what some of the highly decorated troops are saying here, and although it may have merit, I tend to believe that your military manuevers in this theatre of war were ON POINT. So don't second guess yourself TOO much here. We can always say that you should have...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Do women toy with men just for fun?!

    Yo DJDamage, The dynamic at work here is NOT new, soldier. It's just the same ole "I'm just an Attention Whhore whose full of the PRIDE of life, and likes to think of myself as better than other random people because I'm young and have absolutely NO concept yet of what it means to be a...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Approach Anxiety

    LOL! Yo Vulpine, Yeah, I left my "battle-jargon' back at the Base when I made THAT post, dude. Cuz, hey, even a "SOLDIER OF LOVE" has to go on furlough every now and then... So thanks for steppin' in and keepin' it MILITARY for me, bro!!!! Peace.
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Approach Anxiety

    Yo Stavorgin, First of all, kick that pedestal out from under that chick. That way, you two can look each other in the eye like human beings. Although, preferrably, you need to think of yourself as higher than her----ALMOST like you're doing HER A favor by gracing her with your presence...