Sorry, I've been kind of out of the loop for the last week. I'm posting this from my laptop in Amsterdam as I've been doing video here.
I could go into detail about how dumb sh!t like this is simply one more social convention used to even the playing field for women in western culture, but you've already read my musings on that, and honestly, only in the U.S. is this patheitc crap entertaining to anyone. I had dinner with one of our owners last night - he's 50, his wife (first wife) is 36 - doesn't fit the "formula", but no one gives a sh!t. If you're 38 and you're hooking up with 23 y.o. women that's wrong, but you're 50 and dating a 35 y.o. woman? No one has a problem with that.
You see, a 50 y.o. guy with maturity and a bit of money hooks up with a mid-late 30s woman and it's acceptable, but a 40 y.o. man hooks up with a 22 y.o. woman and it's perverted. Same age difference, different stages of life. Trust me, all societal norms have latent, practical functions.
And stop "reading" Maxim, it's only Cosmopolitan for men.