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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Wiping out the competition

    Yo Bigstik, Take a hint from your screen name soldier, and whip it out, and TAME her. lol A woman's interest level is a fragile thing. Raising or lowering it is something that needs to be calibrated CAREFULLY. Always make the strategy fit the girl. Knowledge of her personality, her...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Sh!t that drives RT Insane!

    Yo Rollo, I feel ya dude. This is the same kind of cultural/media/societal BRAINWASHING that has been prevalent since the early days of Hollywood. As I have said before, just check out the programming of LIFETIME channel on either the subjects of cheating or personal accountability in...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Maybe it's not so hard to find the "one"

    STr8up makes a good, but SOBERING point. I have found it very true in my own life and in the lives of many people that I have observed, that the majority of women in Western Culture do not recognize a good man when they see him. Many women have self-sabotaged relationships with good men...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    When to kick dating up a gear??

    Yo LL, I have assessed your battlefield given the brief intel that you have supplied me, and here are your orders: PROTECT YOUR HEART, SOLDIER. In my opinion, this "relationship" seems to be too mysterious and too ambiguous to have been going on for 3 months. You've been dating this...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Stay or Go

    Yo, Finance Officer MONEYTREE... Listen to what the soldiers above are saying to you. Stop letting this woman shake you all around as if you were, uh, err...well,...a "money tree". lol True, this is the Mature Man Forum, but it is a rarer thing than you realize whenever you see most of...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    From Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    Yo Troops, THESE types of situations always demonstrate that there is really no substitute for being YOUR OWN master. As I have said before: "Anything that you can't say NO to is your MASTER...and YOU are it's SLAVE." Or, to put it in a more "IN YO' FACE" manner: "Whoop that...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Screening process

    Good points all. The only thing that comes to mind that I'd like to add is simple, yet PROFOUND. And it is this: We as men should learn better how to turn DOWN our desire for the woman long enough to actually HEAR what she is telling us about herself at the very beginning of the...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    need a pep talk

    Yo JOE, What up dude. Yeah, I feel ya man. I see a lot of us here can relate too. Peace to you, officers, gentlemen,and LADIES (Wyldfire). JOE, I think that what you are going through is the often ignored side effect of having stepped outside the matrix of relationships: Ignorance is...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Is THE ONE too much Pressure for Any Person?

    Yo Troops, The ONE is a viable concept for you only when you thinks of her as "the one" you have chosen to be a part of your life. As long as the attraction, the compatability, and the committment to make it work remains MUTUAL-----she will stay "the ONE". But in the event that either...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    LOST theories

    Yo Troops, Maybe the flashback/flashforward parts of the season finale were really a hallucination, similar to the ones that Desmond keeps having. Maybe now that Jack has "crossed the line" he is NOW being granted a glimpse into his OWN possible future if the rescue plan goes forth. OR...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Bono of U2 has the best singing voice of any rock band?

    Actually, falsetto was only ONE vocal style that Freddy Mercury sang in. His vocal versatility was one of the things that made him unique to the rock world. He was FAR more than just a "rock" singer. That group did so many different genres of music on each album that it was impressive. Not...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Bono of U2 has the best singing voice of any rock band?

    Yo Troops, I think Bono is great, but I tend to think of people like Lou Graham from FOREIGNER, Freddy Mercury from QUEEN, and Dennis Deyoung from STYX whenever I think of GREAT Rock singers. Most of the guys I just mentioned exhibited a range of vocal ability that the "average" rock...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    My theory of AFCism being a disease isn't washing with the masses

    Yo Westcoaster, The point you made about how people back in the forties and such DIDN'T go out and do these mass killings and/or suicides is a GOOD one. After thinking about it a minute, I believe that the spread of AFCism is the result of both men being taught WRONG, or...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    My theory of AFCism being a disease isn't washing with the masses

    Yo Troops, Mankind is in a fallen state. His mind is clouded by ignorance of who he really is: A SPIRITUAL being having a "human" experience. As long as mankind believes the lie that he is NO DIFFERENT from animals, he will continue to act as THEY act----in the lowest, most...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Do you guys find attractive, single, undamaged women at this age?

    Yo Troops, Vulpine's post was ON POINT. And he eloquently put into words what's WRONG with some of the soldier's mindsets on here. Far too often, men are encouraged on here to be trigger-happy when they fire off their "NEXT!" guns. Some, I believe, would be better served if they...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    How I got 60 phone #'s in 22 days

    Yo Troops, I have found that the two main things that make any PREMEDITATED plan to bag women AFC or Creepy are the ideas' original conception and it's subsequent execution. Now, if a man HAS to resort to coming up with elaborate schemes as his ONLY option for drawing women into his...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Cold approach lets talk about it.

    All my women over the last 10 years have come from COLD APPROACHES only. As has been said, all it takes is to strike up a conversation about something happening around you, then guage her "interest", then ask for the number. Cold Approaches are only a problem because we MAKE it one. It's time...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    How I got 60 phone #'s in 22 days

    Yo WSB, Yeah, the letter would be more professional and above board sounding. Where I was coming from with the line that I proposed was that it should ONLY be used on chicks that you know will be coming to the gym again anyway. So if you see THESE chicks again, I would use THAT line...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    How I got 60 phone #'s in 22 days

    Yo WSB, Good luck. And keep us posted. And I've got a word of advice AND a word of caution for you: The advice is work that whole list of "interested" women immediately. You now have the PERFECT opening line: "Hey I see you entered the contest. Too bad you didn't win. But hey...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    multiple orgasms?

    Yo Troops, Do a internet search on the phrase "how to have tantric sex". I don't know a whole lot about the specifics but it sounds a whole lot like what I've trained myself to do naturally. One thing this practice teaches is how to experience the pleasureable muscle contractions, but...