Yo Troops,
Mankind is in a fallen state.
His mind is clouded by ignorance of who he really is:
A SPIRITUAL being having a "human" experience.
As long as mankind believes the lie that he is NO DIFFERENT from animals, he will continue to act as THEY act----in the lowest, most self-serving, and most viscious of ways.
As long as mankind embraces the lie that there is NEVER EVER such a thing as "right and wrong" in ANY circumstance, and as long as he subscribes to the short-sighted, socially, culturally, and spiritually CORROSIVE code of "situational ethics" that he has been clinging to, there will be NO END to the expansion of the Lawless Wasteland that we see stretching out before us.
Mankind's lack of knowledge of, or their ongoing disbelief in, or their continuing unwillingness to embrace the DIVINE nature of their origin is the root cause of all "AFCism".
As much talk that goes on here about men being "THE PRIZE", there is very little said here with respect to the "prizeability" of OTHER people in general (not JUST women...).
Recognizing and respecting the divinity in YOU and OTHER people is the most all-encompassingly POTENT solution to the rampant problem of AFCism.
Number One - By recognizing and respecting your OWN divinity, you will become consistently more aware of the line of respect between you and other people. And as a result, you will defend that line by NOT allowing yourself to be devalued, disrespected, and marginalized by ANYONE.
And Number Two - Because you ARE aware of a certain level of divine worth and value in EVERY person, you will now also be both able AND WILLING to consistently stop YOURSELF from devaluing, disrespecting, and marginalizing OTHER people without JUST CAUSE.
You see, in a sense, we are ALL somewhat "connected". What we do affects other people. Premeditated consideration of the effects of our actions upon the lives of other people is a God given attribute-----as is the CHOICE to act in positive or negative ways towards other people.
One of the biggest, and seemingly most contradictory, spiritual truths is that we are always both alone AND altogether AT ONCE.
Lastly consider THIS as evidence that we are alone, yet connected. The word use to signify ONE person is "INDIVIDUAL".
But let's break it down, shall we?
The prefix "IN" means "not". While the body of the word contains the letters "DI", which means "to cut, or to separate". And "VI" is a prefix that we derive the terms "video or visual" from. It can be defined as "to see".
So in essence, the term we use to signify a sole person ACTUALLY is derived from letter combinations that define something totally different from what was originally intended.
In the strictest etymological sense, an "individual' is actually LITERALLY defined as someone who can SEE that he is NOT DIVIDED, OR SEPARATED from other people.
Once again, even in our choice of words, the spotlight of IRONY shines and exposes the pride-filled, ego-inflated faultiness that much of merely "human" wisdom is made of.
To think that one life is NOT effected by, or attached to, or CONSEQUENCED by another is delusional. And usually people who choose to NOT make value judgements are those with something to hide---and usually that thing is a DUPLICITOUS nature.
In their efforts to avoid "labeling" negatively impacting behavior, they only succeed in revealing their own thinly veiled desire to engage in the SAME behavior----they just don't want to be called on it when they do. But the ironic thing about those who run from the concept of adjudging things right and wrong is that they turn right around and LABEL those who disagree with their mindsets "AFCs, Wussies, Captain-Save-a-Ho, Alphas, Betas, Bytches, Slutts, etc. lol)
You see labeling and making value judgements are fine, as long as they're ones that THEY agree with. lol Truly, a greater example of hypocrasy can not be found.And this is actually just as bad as fullblown AFCism. It is the polar opposite of AFCism, but just as deadly----in that it TOO can lead to sociopathic behavior.
But pardon me Troops, for I digress...
Finally, I'll leave you with this quote from John Donne, who said it best in his classic poem For Whom the Bell Tolls:
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece
of the continent, a part of the main."
Unless mankind EMBRACES this fact, rampant AFCism and all the detrimental effects of it will continue to overwhelm the world around us.
On a person by person basis...the choice is YOURS.
Peace...one day.