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  1. Victory Unlimited

    How Do You Deal With a B****?

    Yo CAN, Do you consider yourself an unusually goodlooking guy? The reason I ask is because I've noticed that SOME women reject guys PREEMPTIVELY. In the woman's mind, she thinks that the guy himself thinks that he is THE SHYT----the finest, coolest, or buffest guy around. And just based...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    If you only remember ONE thing about dealing with women....

    Exactly, JOEKerr... If a woman values YOU, then taking away your ATTENTION from her is the same as "giving" her KRYPTONITE.
  3. Victory Unlimited

    If you only remember ONE thing about dealing with women....

    Women DO NOT have "super powers". If they did, Stan Lee would have made them ALL characters in his latest comic book...:rolleyes:
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Hugs not handshakes....still works like a charm

    LOL! Yo Karma, That experience you just shared with us had made me realize something: You know how a lot of "PUA gurus" are fond of giving women what they call "The Kiss Test", to see if she's ready? Well, since you've just rung the bell to sound the alarm about all the foul breathed...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    I could use some advise on female "friend"

    Yo Mr. Positive, WHAT???? You actually posted a thread on the Mature Man Forum about you caring about how a woman FEELS emotionally, as opposed to JUST how her pusssy "might" feel???? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know you could be throne in the brig, excommunicated from...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    I think my new landlord wants me and i want her...

    Another Landlord-Chick? :crackup:
  7. Victory Unlimited

    If you only remember ONE thing about dealing with women....

    In the END… Sometimes, despite all of our best laid plans, the WRONG woman can still worm her way into our lives. Whether this is due to our laziness of perception, or her Oscar-level caliber performance….shyt happens. This is when the only weapon at our disposal is our willingness to end the...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Update on the "Advice??" Thread from below...

    Yo PTC, When you are in crisis mode, your SURVIVAL is the most important thing to consider-----NOT "her" feelings. In the past, I have been amazed at how quickly a woman can turn from burning hot to COLD AS ICE in a matter of days----and sometimes "hours". Don't worry so much about coming...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Update on the "Advice??" Thread from below...

    Some good posts in here, guys. Sobering as HELL, but very good, And Best Wishes to you PTC...making these HARD ASSed choices in life is the shyt that defines us...and from where I stand, YOU have just defined yourself as a man who has DECIDED to love HIMSELF enough to no...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    I finally dated someone new...

    Yo GtarPlayr73, This Sosuave Army is a deverse one. There are MANY different methods that we men here use to teach and/or get our points across. Some of us use tough love...and some of use tough love, but WITHOUT the "LOVE". lol But I think our motivations are still the same though...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    John Mayer - Daughters

    LOL! ...another "Seinfeld" fan, I see...:up:
  12. Victory Unlimited

    I don't like it...

    Yo Dash, Turf Wars...Ownership Games...Testosterone-driven Greed...a "wake-up call" that you could possibly lose the "right" woman for you if you DON'T make a decision, maybe? It could be ANY "one" or NONE of the things I just mentioned. But in order to find out, ONE question you could...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Pook's Mill = Friend's Zone

    Yo DoubleBarrel, Great Post, man. Clearly you have a grasp on the dangers that we men face as we "tiptoe" around the edge of the differences between protecting ourselves from becoming victims to women, OR becoming the VICTIMIZERS "of" them. Sometimes, it really is a slippery...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    I got dumped for saying the L-word!!

    When most women have EMOTIONALLY divested from a relationship and have decided to move on, ANY excuse they then "come up with" to give you for leaving will do... I've been experiencing this A LOT lately. If you KNOW that your motives were right, and you know that you were always doing your...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Lightbulbs & paradigms

    I think that one of the biggest things that cause "some" men to stray is their tendency to compartmentalize their views on women. Many men gladly subscribe to the Madonna/Whhore Complex. They see their women as either ONLY a caring, nuturing, upstanding, mother-type, OR they see her as the...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    John Mayer - Daughters

    John Mayer is THE MAN. That guy's got a lot of talent, and YES-----his guitar playing is DEFINITELY far above what's been passing for "lead guitarist criteria" these days. lol
  17. Victory Unlimited

    need advanced help with banging ex-profeesional NFL cheerleader at my gym

    Yo Sinrod, You seem to be batting a thousand so far, dude. KEEP IT UP! All of these guys have been giving you GREAT advice too, so listen to them. The only things I'd like to advise is that you IMMEDIATELY find something else to occupy your mind with when you're NOT around this chick...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    You're never too old ... 59-year old football player

    Good post, BlueGuy. The attitude you described that most people have toward Tom Cruise, and the like, can be summed up with just TWO words: "Playa Hatin'" :D
  19. Victory Unlimited

    You're never too old ... 59-year old football player

    I applaud the 59 year old dude's desire and DRIVE to live his dream. One thing's for sure: In the future, if HE ever has any trouble sleeping at night, it WON'T be because of REGRET! Do that shyt, dude!!!! March on.
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Can I go direct, right after initial approach?

    Yo Canadien, My advice to you is to always approach women that you are just meeting in a light and funny way. Always use the situation or your surroundings as a springboard to start a slightly humorous conversation. Always ask open-ended questions------questions that require for her to...