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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Stabbed in the back

    I've found that certain friends I can only trust in CERTAIN situations. For instance, I have friends whom I KNOW would take a bullet for me...but ironically, some of these SAME friends I would NEVER trust alone with my sister. lol The older and wiser you get, you will find that in both...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Newsflash - YOU are NOT the PRIZE, and the best women DONT want you!!

    Yo Lookyoung, You're right on the money, dude. The MORE attraction values a man has (looks, money, status, etc.), the wider the range, and the GREATER NUMBER of women he will attract to himself.
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    I think the show IS entertaining, but like a lot of the rest of you, I wished it were more focused on helping these guys better their INNER game. Any of you soldiers who have enlisted in THIS Sosuave Army ALREADY know that just learning a series of strategies, techniques, and "methods"...
  4. Victory Unlimited


    LOL! Yeah Nighthawk, that's a line from a Detective novel I've been writing...but here's the direct quote made by the character: "It's not necessary that they see the light---ONLY that they feel the HEAT!" And I'm afraid that phrase applies to not only male/female relationships, but...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Conflicting opinions

    Yo RogueWarrior, I think that BOTH people may be telling you THEIR version of the truth. I think that despite some of the rigid rules you hear about on forums like these, we should always pay attention to exactly WHAT type of mate we have. Some people, depending on their personality...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Date Many All At Once

    Yes, the more UP FRONT you are about your intentions (the understanding that you are casually dating as opposed to exclusively dating), the less DRAMA you will experience in the short run. However, in the long run, you will realize that the bonding aspects of dating (and ESPECIALLY sexing)...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Be a risktaker - Take action TODAY

    Everything in life is A RISK. There are no real GAURRANTEES in life. But the one thing that I have found to be true MORE times than not is THIS: FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD. March on.
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Get Her Attracted Without the Chance of Rejection

    There is NO real substitute for being A MAN with STRONG "inner game".
  9. Victory Unlimited


    Yo PTC, This sounds like good news, dude. Just remember to always KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN. Time will tell whether or not she is in agreement with YOU as opposed to just being in denial about HER true feelings. I've often found that people only change their behavior in life for either one...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    I screwed up.

    Don't beat your self up, dude. Shyt happens to all of us from time to time. And judging by your post, you ALREADY know that the solution to your problem is "Have a PLAN". So the only thing I would say to you is maybe try calling her up as soon as possible and schedule the next date-----and...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Need Help.....

    Yo Analysis, Are you SURE this woman likes you? What I mean by that is: "Are you sure she's attracted to you in that sexual/romantic way?" It's been my experience that a woman who really likes you only needs the smallest of excuses in order to "jump your bones". And NOT that sex is...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    ** Chappelle Fans **

    Another funny one was the one where he played the "hard of hearing" rapper. I forget what the character's name was, but I think his hit song was called something like: "Hey, turn my goddamm headphones up!!!!"
  13. Victory Unlimited

    The only one who loves you is your MOMMA

    Yo Luke, That's an interesting point you just made. One reason why hot chicks can dismiss ONE guy for another so quickly is because most guys are boring-----both in AND out of the bedroom. They are usually so busy kissing the girl's ass that they don't realize that they're taking too much...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Ultimate DJ Songs

    "Return of THE MACK" - by Mark Morrison It's a cool assed R&B song about a guy who dropped his "DJ" guard when he hooked up with a girl who he later found out cheated on him...AND as a result of that-----he sings about getting back in "the Game" like a 1st class playa. So check it out...
  15. Victory Unlimited


    Well, I've found that NOTHING makes me appreciate "women" more than having met MORE than my fair share of "biitches", as of late.
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Being Yourself

    Being yourself ONLY works AFTER you have become the BEST "you" you can be...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Doesn't Marriage go Completely against Nature?

    If monogamous marriage is against nature, then why is it such a struggle for MOST men to avoid becoming SO emotionally attached to women that they get ONEitis? Hmmmmm?
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Top Gurus

    Player Supreme (podcast host & manhood advisor) Robert Greene (Art of Seduction) Steven Eric Scruggs (DoggieStyle: The truth about what it takes to be the Top Dog in any relationship) Tariq Nasheed (The Art of Mackin') I've gotten some great insights from ALL these guys from time to...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    What happened?

    Yo Cordoncordon, I agree, the "gotta be a man at all times" card is usually played INCORRECTLY by men who equate the ENTIRETY of their manhood with ONLY the frequency and proficiency with which they can throw their dikks. But in a lot of cases (and I would argue "MOST"), sex, even GREAT...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    What happened?

    Yes...this is how I interpreted the situation as well.