Hey bro keep your head up. Sh1t happens in life. I myself had the worst year ever in 2006. Its hard to get back up when you keep getting kicked. But you must never quit. You have to have a warrior mentality. There is someone out there for everyone. Friends, Girlfriends, they all come and go. But family especially mom is there forever. A wife or GF is replaceable but noone can replace your mother.STR8UP said:I have been going through a LOT of problems over the past year or so. I won't go into detail, but lets just say that I HOPE this is going to be the worst stretch of my life and that things will get better from here on out.
I'm dealing with some crazy sh!t right now, and there have been a few times when I was sitting at home and needed someone to talk to. On every occasion I would grab my phone and go through my contacts looking for SOMEONE I could call that would really care what I have to say, and every time the only one that jumped off the screen was my parents.
I have numbers for good friends, chicks I have dated in the past, business contacts, you name it. But when I asked myself if any of them really cared, the answer was "no". Not to say that I blame them......until I started going through a rough stretch I took everything for granted myself, and I was as guilty as the next guy of not really giving a sh!t about anything but my own issues.
It's one of those things that isn't good or bad, it just IS. It's just a fact of life.
People are selfish. I know this. It just wasn't until recently that I realized that just like many other things, the concept of "love" that I had been brainwashed with throughout my entire life is an illusion. Maybe not exactly an illusion, but it isn't like what you see in the movies. It's nothing more that a psychological and physical feeling that is subject to many outside forces over which we often times have little control.
To me, romantic "love" falls into the same category as religion. It isn't something that can be proven. it is subjective. It is open to interpretation. that's why I HATE it when a woman asks me if I have ever been in love. If I say "no", chances are good that I would not be giving her an accurate answer based upon HER idea of what love is.
Joekerr brought up some interesting points. What he is saying is correct, however, it doesn't change the fact that "love" is not and never was what most people make it out to be. Yes, people used to have to rely on each other much more. That just goes to support what I am saying. "Love" serves a practical biological function. It isn't a magical, mystical thing that falls from the sky to bring you happiness when you deserve to be happy.
I would venture to say that people today probably "fall in love" even more than they did hundreds or years ago. But now it so much easier to "fall OUT of love" due to the fact that people don't have to rely on each other. This makes it seem as if it isn't as easy to find true love, when actually it's nothing more than the fact that the biological need for love is resting on a shaky foundation.
My mom knows about most of the stuff that has happened in my life recently. I told her how I caught my ex g/f cheating on me, how more than one so called "friend" screwed me over, and how pretty much anything that can go wrong for me lately HAS.
When I see her I know that she feels genuine compassion for me. i know that if I need ANYTHING, she would do everything in her power to help me.
That is in sharp contrast to my relationships with people outside my family. So called "friends" screwing me over, girlfriends dissing me to chase something that isn't even there.
Be grateful that you have a mother that loves you. Look around you many people have it worse than you. There are people starving. People that are sick. People that are handicapped. You must be tough in these times. This is what being a DJ is all about, rising to the occasion.:box:
Don't let someone elses actions define your happiness or who you are.
What helped me alot during my rough time was Brazilian jiu-jitsu(I have found my passion) find yours. Also I always read inspirational books. Right now I am reading Winning everyday by Lou holtz.
Best of luck to you STR8up. And if you need anything PM me. Things will get better.