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  1. Victory Unlimited

    "Why are you still single"

    Hot Babe: Why are you still single?" VU: "The moment I KNOW I've met a woman who makes the IDEA of being married to HER more attractive that beings single, is the day I'll think about getting married."
  2. Victory Unlimited

    **** test - She mentions other guys sometimes

    Good post, JONWON. You just dropped some serious KNOWLEDGE with THAT statement alone...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    I'm planning to break up with my gf today after work

    Yo Commander Charm, Walk the path you have chosen with your head held HIGH, soldier. If you KNOW that your decision didn't come from a place of maliciousness or malevolence------then carry NO guilt with you. Because I believe if Shakespeare were a DJ here, he would have given you THE...
  4. Victory Unlimited


    Hmmm...Good point, Grinder. How about letting the "lady" decide?
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Booze and the club game

    I've often found that "clubs" (maybe NOT bars so much...) are usually the MOST artificial of environments to meet women. Add loud music and plenty of alcohol to this kind of social mix and what you sometimes have is a bunch of people who aren't really being themselves, and who may not...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Best Way To Tell If Your Date Is Really A Woman

    When she comes over for the date, ask HER to drive somewhere where she has NEVER been before... ...and if she DOESN'T ask for directions-------- "she's a MANNNNNN, baby! Yeahhhhh!"
  7. Victory Unlimited


    Yo Str8up, I feel ya' dude. I would say that I meet a woman who knocks my socks off maybe LESS than 3 times a year-----and that's when I've been purposefully sarging my ASS off that year! lol But yeah, like you already said, you know that you ARE idealizing her somewhat, but it's only...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    What's more important to you? Your career or your sex life?

    The only reason why most guys EVER even look for a job in the first place is to make enough money to ATTRACT women!!! Just kidding...or am I? lol
  9. Victory Unlimited

    What happened?

    Sorry, but THIS is a TOTAL misrepresentation of what I wrote to KingWilliam. Rather, THIS is what I "actually" wrote----and it is the MAIN PREMISE of my entire message to the original poster: Everything that follows...EVERYTHING...was written to support my view of KingWilliam's "possible"...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    flavor of love

    LOL! Yeah, that Flavor flave Roast was a VERY funny. My favorite line was when one of the roasters asked Brigitte Nielson: "How the hell did you go from fukking "Rocky" to fukking "Bullwinkle the Moose"????"
  11. Victory Unlimited


    Jeremy Piven (Ari) has ALWAYS been one of my favorite actors. Nobody plays the manic, but loveable ass-hole like he I'm just glad that he FINALLY has a successful series for a change. And only 3 episodes left for this season...DAMM.
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Mainstream music that girls dig?

    Most women I've been meeting lately have a preference for Old School R&B. And I've found that it's NOT an age specific thing either. I've dated women from 19 to 40 over the past 2 years...and there seems to be something about the sound of a jazzy SAXOPHONE that turns them
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Dating a myspace attention wh0re

    Yes, you should NEVER date someone who has revealed herself to be a Myspace Attention Whhore. Instead, YOUR mission, if you choose to accept it, is to try to fukk her "ONLY". Don't even go in with the mindset of a dating OR having a relationship. You will KNOW when a woman is finally ready...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    People never show up at appointments

    Lateness can happen to anybody, but CHRONIC lateness is really just a form of ARROGANCE. People (in this case, WOMEN in particular) often exhibit tardiness as a passive/agressive way of subconsciously communicating to the ON-TIME person that "they" are the star of the show------not "them"...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    What happened?

    Yo KingWilliam, Don't beat yourself up over this one, dude. Can't know for sure, but I'd guess that she was NEVER really interested in anything of substance in the first place. I think she might have indeed been on "a break" from her boyfriend when you two had your "thrill-ride week"...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    sticky situation

    Yo Paintballz, Only "settle down" when you think AND feel that you have found a woman who meets as many of your wants and needs as is REALISTICALLY possible. Until THAT happens, I would only suggest that you be upfront with ALL women from here on out. That way, your thought processes...
  17. Victory Unlimited


    Yo PTC, I have found that any woman who KNOWS how to behave in order to please a man and REFUSES to do so, is really just not that "into" him. As human beings, we tend to pay attention to, show respect for, AND put in a great amount of effort to KEEP the people in our lives that we feel...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    **** test - She mentions other guys sometimes

    Or...if the above tactics don't get you the reaction that you need you can always try THIS one: HotBabe: "You know, ItaloStud, this guy at work is ALWAYS coming up to me flirting with me all the time..." ItaloStud: With a big, confident smile, turns around and looks at her like she's a...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    IOI or Friendly Behavior?

    Yo Total_AFC, I have found that the ONLY true way to determine the difference between a truly interested woman and your garden-variey Attention Whhore is by putting her on the spot and making a DIRECT, sexual overture towards her. These overtures can take MANY different forms, but in...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    The Balancing Act

    Yo Troops, I've found that most women in my past who have NOT wanted to reciprocate sexual pleasure were either NOT interested in me in particular, or just NOT very particuarly interested in sex in general. And on the other hand, I have found that women who were interested in me would go...