We should always be prepared to answer these kinds of questions all the time. The whole point of the beatch test isn’t the questions, more the reactions we present after the unexpected question. Also the information she can gather from our answers. Which is the best way to knock a man off his feet.
When asked, why your still single, is as good as asking “are you that bad in relationships?” considering your age, while telling her “I haven’t found the right woman” is as good as confirming to her how bad you maybe in relationships.
The best answer shouldn’t ever relate to her ponderings, which was actually a relationship question. You might answer “Not focused on women at the moment!” or something simple and not obvious as “I haven’t found the right woman”.
I remember I was once asked “are you great in bed?”, as funny as it may sound, it was the type of question that may reveal my sexual nature. I remember my replay “I’ve had to change my cell number twice”.