Let me continue here with a case study I counseled a friend on personally about 4 years ago. I have a very good friend Ray that I hired and work with. He's had the benefit of my personally having unplugged him from the Matrix and he's been a good student (for lack of a better term), but in becoming so he went through a transformation process. Like most guys fed on a lifetime of feminine conditoning he patronizingly accepted what I was teaching him, but privately still clung to his AFC mentalities. That is, until the turning point came.
Ray had entertained a flirtatious "friendship" with a semi-attractive PR girl in our department for a while, unbeknownst to me. He knew what I's said about LJBF rejections and "playing friends" with women, so he left me out of the loop on the whole affair. He had "dated" her on several occasions, but beyond the infrequent "kiss while drunk" she kept him at arms distance using the standard fillibuster techniques women classically use - "I'm not ready for a relationship", "I'm not looking for a BF", "We're good friends", etc. She did however keep him in her 'attention web' with little carrots of affection for him to pull her cart for about 3 or 4 months.
This all came to a head when one night she had to do some work with Aaron Lewis (yes, from Staind) while he was doing his solo acoustic act at our casino. To make a long story short, the PR girl ended up buzzed on this night and ƒucked Aaron Lewis' manager in a classical situation of right-guy, right-environment, right-conditions. Her mistake was in confessing her actions to Ray who'd felt betrayed considering all the investment he'd put into doing what he thought was the right way to go about things. Here was one guy on one night who she ƒucked in a moment of chemical reaction because "he was hot, I was drunk and one thing led to another,.." versus his 3-4 month personal investment.
This was of course when he consulted me and informed me of everything leading up to it, only now he was at an impass. She appologized profusely to him and held out (once again) the olive branch of a LJBF rejection. He asked me what he should say, and it was at this point he took the initiative to tell her "no, we can't 'just be friends'." He did what I advised him to and he walked away from a woman for the first time in his life. This is when all hell broke loose for her. She'd never been met with this response before and all the cards went straight into Ray's hands. She would consistently 'bump into him' at bars or events to "have another talk", she did a complete 180 in her attitude with him all in an effort to "be his friend."
Now I'm exceptionally proud of Ray because, unlike most guys finding the true power of a takeaway, he stuck with it rather than being contented with her chasing him and then giving into the LJBF. He had actually learned a valuable tool that he still uses now - the power of the takeaway. In addition he also came to understand the principle of understanding a woman, not by what she says, but by what she does - he learned the importance of reading behavior.
Of course after about 6 or 8 months she stopped pursuing him "to be friends" and he has talked to her in the interim years, but the frame of their discourse has changed. She has respect for him that she never had when he was the pursuer and never would've had if he'd surrendered to another LJBF.