Search results

  1. A

    Thinking of getting WoW

    Re: I'll 2nd MV's post, as he's got a longer track record than I...and I know Jvesti would bytch slap me for playing as (he has tried in the past), however, the SUPER hardcores are about 5, maybe 10% of the total subscriber base which is 8,000,000 people+. The extreme cases, LIKE the news on...
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    Thinking of getting WoW

    Re: From "The Secret"... "Your wish is my command." #1, whatever you think and feel together will yield results. If you're fearful of addiction, it will happen. Doesn't matter if it's WoW, or alcohol. #2, I play WoW. I'm sure many guys do. I have friends addicted to Madden Online, Or...
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    I’m starting to develop cravings for good books, know any?

    Re; The Dark Tower by Stephen King, Books 1-7 The FountainHead and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand The Book The 33 Laws of Infinite Self I 2nd every book listed, as I own most of them, or have them on my amazon list. sales wise Spin Selling The Little Red Book of Sales The...
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    "Are you mad?"

    Re: Unless someone from Eharmony can confirm this...NO, it will never end. The games change, but the tactics and outcomes remain the same. The women might get older, but their tactics just mature (Unless you find some spiritually enlightened hippy). So what's the solution? For men (not...
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    Getting Muscular: How Much of a Role Does Genetics Play?

    Re: They are the predominant factor. HOWEVER, only the Prolifters actually challenge their genetic profile. 99.99% of people don't come close. Many times people attribute genetics to EVERYTHING, recovery, size, fat. Push your limits. Don't let genetics tell you what "might" be...go for the...
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    Is Drinking Alone A Bad Thing?

    Re: Depends what your definition of a "drink" is. For some, to get a buzz, or drunk. For other's, just the taste. I for one will have a Bass Ale in my Pilsner glass whenever I want. I keep the glass cold and the beer cold. Love it. I can't have more than 2, generally, b/c it ruins the...
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    Tyra Banks Attacks WoW.

    Re: /agreed And that's insane. 2.5 months OFF? I mean, damn, if you're rich, go for it. Play it on a wireless getting a suntan, watching naked butts in Brazil. But for fricks sake, taking time? I play on days I'm sick, and it's alot of fun when you can't get out b/c it snowed, or your...
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    the old myth about women's sexual peak in their 30's

    Re: This woman is whack. Not sure what she smoked, but pass it around. I have more hard-ons perday NOW, than I did at 17. Yeah, there was the occasional mid-classroom boner, but I didn't know what sex was yet, so it had no reason to be "excited." I've always petitioned for younger ages...
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    Becoming a Stockbroker...

    Re: /agreed The perception and reality of the stock market is quite skewed. The advisors and brokers who makes the most aren't necessarily those who have the best recommendations. It's strictly based on getting people to take action on what you recommend and drudging out what you seek to...
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    Becoming a Stockbroker...

    Re: Stockbroker's in the traditional sense are a thing of the past. What most people view to be stockbroker's are 1 of 2 things... 1) A high networth stock trader/wealth advisor. Because of the drop in commissions and the push toward fee-based financial planning, stringent education...
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    Tyra Banks Attacks WoW.

    Re: You do what you want with your life. Period. End. Of. Story. If you choose to wake up, and having spent it online ALL the time doing whatever, then it's your life. You answer for it. You PAY off your time in exchange for whatever you're doing. The phrase I cringe over most...
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    (Article) "Single Women are okay with not being married" or "Men don't want hags"

    Re: Are there men who would marry? Absolutely. But the proposition hasn't been considered properly. In a marital arrangement involving a LEGALLY binding contract in all aspects, a man enters into the most serious relationship he will enter into. This "contract" even impacts any FUTURE...
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    Tyra Banks Attacks WoW.

    Re: Pardon the wrecked linkage, dudes. Didn't notice it til you guys posted. This is what I mean when I say seeing the truth for the truth, and beyond the veil, and reading the matrix. If you argued her, what would you use as a basis and what questions weren't asked? 1) What does the...
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    Tyra Banks Attacks WoW. Found this on my random searches... 1) He's a dolt. No self-control. You can replace WoW with...booze, drugs, masturbation, sex, porn, gambling. Name any vice. Even SoSuave and sarging women. Didn't Neil Straus comment about a...
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    how would you kiss a girl who kisses like this.. ?

    Re: To answer FDA's question, without needing to touch the vibes of homosexuality, girls I've kissed who were good kissers, and tongue fiends, generally give great head. Kissing, despite what people think or say, IS very intimate. You can bang all you want, but kissing is probably MORE...
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    The Marriage Goal

    Re: I agree RT. Great post. I'll add... The rift, as I feel and see it, has made men, well, loathe marriage to an extent. And maybe not all men loathe it, but seeing marriage as a "Woman's Thing," means you've given up Everything to give her {Marriage}, like it's some eternal gift. It...
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    NOT getting mad makes you a pvssy or a real man?

    Re: Who's controlling the frame here? Observe: she's telling you HOW to be a man, HOW to react, ultimately, HOW to feel. Will she also provide you with info on other aspects of your life, such as how to live? Above the level where she says you should or shouldn't be mad (this is more a...
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    IF you can get your GF to do this for you....

    Re: 1. Women want to do things like for men, such as cooking in high heals, sans panties. They're just looking for the right guy to do it for. It doesn't take requests when it's the "right" woman attracted by the "right" guy. 2. That video through me off. Not my thing. Beautiful girl, but...
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    More On Law of Attraction.

    Being several months removed from the initial posts on LoA, as well as slowing my own posts down, I thought I'd give another go, from another perspective on How LoA works and How to apply it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you haven't been privy to current events, "The Secret" books are now...
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    Two Faced Male Buddy: need advice

    Re: Had a friend of 4 years. Dropped him over similar things. I'd stopped calling him after a series of spats made everything feel "unfriendly." I don't tolerate BS. There's nothing "linking" or obligating me to anyone that I have to take BS, especially if I don't give any back. The details...