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Tyra Banks Attacks WoW.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Found this on my random searches...

1) He's a dolt. No self-control. You can replace WoW with...booze, drugs, masturbation, sex, porn, gambling. Name any vice. Even SoSuave and sarging women. Didn't Neil Straus comment about a similar thing in "The Game?"

2) She was cute. Gained weight. Ok. Work it off.

3) For the show, they picked off the extreme end of the spectrum. They could certainly find a guy who goes to strip clubs too much and make a spectacle of him, yet I've been occasionally. Is it all bad, or is it merely the habit and the attention we give something?

I'm not defending anyone, but as a bias, I've grown to dislike Tyra Banks anyways.

Her attitude is one typical of women, especially as she said "I've felt the way you have when men wanted to be with their friends more than me." Um, nice try with the psychobabble...but don't compare Supermodel Tyra Banks, to normal middle class folk such as those on the show she hosted. Women have a "built in" guiltometer to make a man feel that any want they have, that's not directly her or that is more important than her, is ultimately unworthy and should be dropped for her. It's like a worldwide inferiority complex.

The man-bsed. The real reason a man like this, or most men for that matter, are addicted to anything NOT their woman is disinterest in THEIR woman. The relationship doesn't grow so he goes elsewhere. I'm sure he loves his daughter, and his fear over "sids" is misguided and was merely dodging the true point...he's bored of being married. And if his wife is a stay at home mom, then when he comes home tired and she's been kooked up inside all day, she's probably ready to get out while he's ready to wind down.

Why not ask what she does when he gets home?

No mention of her working or having outside activities?

And she could lose the weight (all women gain weight in pregnancy), since she could do something with those 40 hours he plays.

She sounds like the many of the typical women out there today. Fun loving and beautiful BEFORE marriage, settled down, boring, and waiting for their man to provide them with a Life AFTER marriage. Not that marriage is bad, but this show, IMO, was more of a spectacle to put men on stage again for not being there for women. The guy was a dolt. Yet oddly enough, why not ask the Psychologist why he was so fat? "Go be social." I guess that Psychologists idea of "social" was conversing at buffets.

I've always held to the mantra, work hard play hard. Get your work done. Get your exercise in. Go read books and listen to audio programs and do with your life what you will. No one can say it's a social activity though. That would be drawing comparisons between bar-hopping and using the ever-so popular AOL chat rooms as a substitute for being out. Doesn't even come close, although MANY teenagers back in the mid-90's would rush home from HS/GRADE SCHOOL just to get on AOL INSTEAD of meet in person. And these people weren't lamos. I knew lots of hot AnF type girls who would do the same thing. So it's a fad like anything else.



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
The link doesn't work dude. And I had trouble grasping the point at the end. Being fat is a fad?! That is something we should tell every chick from midwest.

Tyra Banks, with all of her nonsense bullshiit experiments is laughable to me. I remember some chick came on the show with some new book (the chick from E!) and they talked some ridiculous shiit for about 20 minutes. I had to leave the room laughing, cause I couldn't believe what they were spewing. Wish I had the video.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Your link doesn't work A-Unit, therefore I had no idea what you were talking about until I made a search and found the video:


I swear everytime Tyra Banks opens her mouth nothing but garbage comes out. She is another oprah clone for the new generation of women who will listen to this trash and always blame the man in their life for their own problem. I hate it how the woman goes that she gained a "little weight" and that "could have something to do with it" and then Tyra says: "oh I hate that when as women we think its us and it's not, your beautiful women, its his problem"

WTF IS THAT??? are you fvcking this woman Tyra?? If she was slim and she got fat no love in the world would make him want to sleep with her!! tell her to hit the fvcking Gym and her man will return back to bed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Pardon the wrecked linkage, dudes. Didn't notice it til you guys posted.

This is what I mean when I say seeing the truth for the truth, and beyond the veil, and reading the matrix. If you argued her, what would you use as a basis and what questions weren't asked?

1) What does the woman do with her life? Why are the viewers automatically assumed that she does something worthwhile with her time?

2) Why pick an extreme example of an addiction to paint ALL men as bad, or as neglectful? Why pick this guy to represent the 8,000,000 people who play WoW? Why color all video games with the same brush strokes of WoW?

3) What makes a woman's wants greater than a man's?

4) Why is this psychologist suggesting he get social, when the psychologist is obese?

I agree, the guy is an idiot for ignoring his daughter. He's had the kid, take responsibility. Though I don't think it's that he doesn't want the kid, or the sids, I feel it's that he's bored of us his wife, whether she stays at home or not.

And the fad I mentiong wasn't "fat", it was WOW or online games. AOL was hot for a number of years, too. And so has been myspace. But they all come and pass in time and end up on MTV shows being remembered for their part in shaping history and a generation, and be jokes for HS classes to remember at their graduation.

There are addicts like this guy, but most addicts are using it as an escape, a form of identity, an emotional crutch, etc. Would have been better served to show...

1) Guys who neglect their families for ALL sorts of reasons, not just WoW, to paint a better picture of why and who does this.

2) Show what kinds of WoW addictions are out there. Are they impacting grades? Social status? Income?



Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
There are addicts like this guy, but most addicts are using it as an escape, a form of identity, an emotional crutch, etc. Would have been better served to show...
I was like that a couple years ago. WoW was my only escape until I found SoSuave. WoW doesn't solve my problem, but it does make me forgot about everything that was going on around me. Since the day I stop playing WoW, my life changed. My appearance and social life became better. I guess being addicted to wow is better than doing drugs.

You can't really blame the guy for playing too much wow. That was his only savior.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
guys, her show is the way it is because thats what sells these days and makes her money, and the producers and the station.
you dont really think she is the only person coming up with the ideas for her shows?

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines

I saw that show. To me, it's just ONE MORE example of how ANYTHING that encourages women to totally ignore REASON and ACCOUNTABILITY when it pertains to their relationships.

The men are villified or setup to be the scapegoats. The women are portrayed as victims or SUPER HEROES. There's rarely any middleground. But as long as the advertisers on Madison Avenue are happy----who cares?


If we KEEP watching stuff like this, AND keep taking it to heart we'll wind up LOSING the battle, soldiers. Know when to cut off the "programming", men.



Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
LOL I can't believe the doctor said "I can't believe he missed the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT in his life" talking about child labor what a FEMINAZI! No offense but child birth is sick and I don't plan on watching even if i "loved" my wife. I also thought that the main reason the guy is more interested in WOW than his wife is cuz she turned into a fat troll.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
Tyra's hott, but she's a damn fem-nazi who thinks men are on this earth to serve women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I watched it:

"He is choosing a VIDEO GAME over a REAL. HUMAN. BEING?!!!"

Well paint me brown and call me a turd, holy shiit this has got to be the discovery of the millennium.

"Wait, people love looking at PORN?! Which is like FAKE, cause it's on the screen?!"


What these douchebags fail to realize is that everything runs from emotion. Games like WoW give you excitement, COMMUNITY BELONGING, adventure. All these things (albeit not mattering in real life) can substitute for a shiity life you have outside of your PC.

His wife is fat, and I wouldn't hit it. But at the same time, she needs to stop blaming WoW, because something else WILL COME ALONG 100% GUARANTEED!!

Here is what I've learned:

I like my social interactions on PC. I love the forums I belong to, there are many awesome people there to talk to. And I certainly enjoy a saturday night by myself with a book or a good game on TV. But I constantly do other things in my life that balance that out - working out, bar hopping, getting laid, playing competitive sports, school.

I remember this quote by Jay-z:

"And I never had a Myspace, always too busy laying down my rhymes on my space" - He doesn't need online interactions because he is busy.

I don't know where to go with this, someone help me out.

I think as useless as Myspace and Facebook are, there is always time to quickly check your account. What does it take, 3 mins tops? I don't think there is a single person in this world who doesn't have 3 minutes of free time during the day


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
lmfao he's probably thinking:

"noobs I gave you another WoW I bought. I have the real one at home *****es"


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
"Now I'ma go pick up a coke habit and do strippers. Yuupiie!"


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

You do what you want with your life. Period. End. Of. Story.

If you choose to wake up, and having spent it online ALL the time doing whatever, then it's your life. You answer for it. You PAY off your time in exchange for whatever you're doing.

The phrase I cringe over most is..."waste" time. I hate hearing that because the person doesn't realize that's the only thing of value we have. Even if you're waiting for someone or driving somewhere, it can be doing something of value. Reading. Making notes. Thinking. Meditating. Practicing creative thought. Etc.

I play video games, and it's not a waste to me. Other's might view it similarly, because they don't like them, in the respect I'd see reading girly magazines or soap operas as a waste...but that's how people would spend it. I've had friends blow money on things I wouldn't...also a waste for someone like me who sees no value in it. Yet, the value is only inherent in the person. What's a benefit/feature in your product MIGHT NOT fit me. No value. No benefit to me.

I don't have to justify anything to anyone, anymore than you have to justify your life or choices to me. I've known guys go back to terrible girls that were hot, only after they just finished complaining about them. So what? Their life. You answer for it. If it infringes on mine, one of us is gone. Most likely me.

The video called into question OTHER issues being ignored, one's that they thought were quite fixable. Wow, in this narrow example, just happened to be this dudes supreme addiction, one that seemed harmless since it wasn't drugs and didn't visibly effect his family. Yet, I've seen people balloon up PLAYING any games. My own cousin, who's quite skinny, plays games inside on weekend, so yes, it's a problem, IMO, for the younger generations, more so than the older. I haven't met older people who's lives it can so dramatically effect. Young teens often don't go out, stunt their social skills, gain weight, neglect ANYTHING educational, etc. Older adults, whom this might happen to, too, will find themselves jobless, wife/gfless, obese, broke, etc. And not necessarily in that order.

Video games are 1 of many actual addictions.

-excessive sports knowledge. if you don't play, you're no different. and I know a wide variety of people who don't even watch sports, so that useless knowledge does nothing but make you feel better.
-tv shows. no redeeming value whatsoever, yet american idol and the like, rack up ridiculous ratings.
-cars/trucks/motorcycles. your social within the context of the group you're involved, but you don't get exercise. and it may not be benefiting your life if you're at risk more or blowing more money you don't have.
-board games. "bored games." interactive with people, but still, what purpose do they serve beyond what you're doing?

Within video game genre, the only exception I've made was for RPG types, because they're more like fluid stories, requiring some level of creative though and ingenuity. I remember being in grade school and playing early SNES rpg's, when there wasn't an ONLINE book to help, and walkthroughs weren't that common. The stories were very cool, so when you got tired of reading, and wanted MORE interactivity than a TV or MOVIE could provide, RPG's paved the way. As of late, the stories are even deeper and more versatile.

I do think a fair amount of the MMO nuts are guys who want dominance in SOME world, since excessive playing time in MMO's can grant you a godly status, and if you've ever seen videos on youtube, you know what I mean (many people record their play to actual musical tracks for upwards of 30 minutes as if they're an actual hero playing to this music). Not knocking guys who do it...but...WoW's xpac has been out what, 2 weeks? I see guys who've nearly gotten to completion in leveling terms. What's the purpose?

I raced through the dark tower books and regret it. Well raced, I did it in 2 months, 7 books, 4500 pages. Awesome story line. Great characters. But his point in the books boils down to...the journey is more important than the destination.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I had a dream about nailing tyra banks last night. It was sooooo hot. I hope she makes a trip out to vegas and ends up in one of the nightclubs so I can at least get a look at her.

My friend's brother (Who is also his boss) has been off of work for the last two an one half months because he and his other roommate have been playing WoW pretty much non stop. I can't see that as being healthy and it's got to be much like a drug as they both have addictive personalities (problems with marijuana are proof of that) I'm not saying the game is bad but some people need to do a serious gut check before purchasing something that has the potential to consume your life and take you away from the important things happening for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score


And that's insane. 2.5 months OFF?

I mean, damn, if you're rich, go for it. Play it on a wireless getting a suntan, watching naked butts in Brazil. But for fricks sake, taking time? I play on days I'm sick, and it's alot of fun when you can't get out b/c it snowed, or your friends are staying in, etc.

The way they made the game, it can be addictive. It was well made, to me, for me, the best I've played and will play. I've seen through the game guys who've gone from lvl 1 to lvl 60 or 70. That, no matter what, takes ALOT of time. So either someone ditched something, OR, they paid people to do it. Both wrong imo.

For me, I'd rather play this than my friends who still buy Wii's, PS3's, or XBOX's, but a bunch of games, watch them drop in value, resell them, and buy more. That's just me though. I was always pissed when Madden would sell one game for 50 or 60, that kill my value in it by releasing another in a few months, negating that purchase. Madden is the PERFECT example of a game that should be ALL online, whether you want to play with people or not. Allow for regular updates, maintenance, and player fixes. A large % play online anyways, and having to buy a new disk that's obsolete sucks. I think the MMO model will change who counsol people the game. As consols go up in price and approach what a great pc is (mine is 1200$ and pretty good with room to grow), I can see the MMO online model taking over. MORE people have PC's, they're a unified piece of machinery, apple now allows for intel chips, pc's can be fixed easier, run anything, and store more. They're versatile.

All you have to do is make pc's easier to plug multiple controllers into, enable effective, easy connection to tv's, and walla. Done. As long as you have controllers, I don't have to bring anything to your house. Login to my account, we play together. It would ruin the LAN gaming that goes on right next to each other, if only temporarily, since you'd have to bring a laptop, but it's a step in the right direction.



Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I have a friend that delayed in 1,5 years his university admission because of this thing.

I am out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score

I'm writing this in caps since most here are in denial or ignorant. WoW addiction is serious and can completely **** up your life / school / work for extended periods of time. I know several friends who are attractive, confident, "alpha," have girlfriends or lots of hook-ups, are in good schools or have great jobs, and managed to lose/jeopardize all of the above with WoW. I'm one of them. Playing WoW is a massive ****ing waste of your time that negatively impacts your social life and much more.

I played WoW for 2 years with extended breaks between them (two 6 month breaks), in this worthless video game I was known as one of the best "PVP'ers" on my server. If you don't know what that means, good. I quit briefly before the Expansion (Burning Crusade) and I am happy, better off, and regretful of the ****ing time I wasted playing this ****. I know tons of people who took sick leaves from work to level to 70 during the new expansion, playing WoW night and day with other guildmates, I know tons of people who regulate their social lives around their raid schedules and DKP/RP systems, I know so many people in the video game who'd one day post a dramatic message about how they were quitting the game, how it was ****ing up their life, bla bla bla, and two weeks later I'd watch them come back and be welcomed back in with open arms.

Most WoW players spend 20-30 hours / week in their online worlds, and at the more extreme ends of the spectrum hundreds of thousands of people spend 70-80 hours / week, every waking moment of their lives, playing the video game.

WoW has several things that lure people in and make them waste massive amounts of ****ing time and ruin their sleep/life:

1) Raids:

WoW is based around a system of doing things together with a group. In WoW, these groups are application based, you apply to them, spend several months logging on into the game on specific hours they request of you, so that you can prove your worth/skill/determination. As a reward, you get a "regular" spot as a member of a 25-person organization, where your attendance to the events is tracked and you receive a form of salary called DKP/RP that rewards your attendance and penalizes you if you don't show up often enough. Missing too many raids (events) is looked down on, can cause you to be removed from your group, and can ruin your status in the game. People take their raid hours very seriously. I knew several people who spent 30 hours / week raiding. I'm logged on one of my friends forums and this is their raid schedule for their guild:

Monday 7PM - 12:00
Tuesday Off
Wednesday 7PM - 12:00
Thursday 7PM - 12:00
Friday 7PM - 12:00
Saturday 7PM - 12:00
Sunday Off

5 nights a week, 5 hours a night. 25 hours a week. This doesn't even include the time these same players would be on outside of "raid hours" to "be there early," to "prepare" by killing monsters to get items so that they're more productive during raid hours, or to perform other bull****. Most people were on hours in advance, and would stay on hours later.

You know whats important to realize? These raiding guilds (groups) exist by the tens of thousands. There are millions of people who adhere to these bizarre schedules and limit their work/social lives to better accomodate this. I knew a guy who switched jobs so that he could better play WoW. These incidents are NOT isolated. These are so common and almost taboo in the community. People dismiss / downplay / romanticize their addiction for the game and waste hundreds of days of human life.

There is a function in WoW called /played. You type it in, you see how much time you've played the game for (this counts only the moments you are logged in the game), most people who played since launch have a /played of around 200 days. This is 4,800 hours of their lives while they are awake and active that they spend playing a video game. Getting paid minimum wage, say $7, would've earned them 33.6k pre-tax. The sad part is, /played only tracks the hours logged in for your character you're on, not your "alts," alternate characters where you also waste your time on. Most people who play WoW have /playeds between 150 and 250, some extremes logged over 300. Thats a full year of your WAKING MOMENTS spent in a video game, if you only have 70 years to live, the first 14 of which are spent in childhood, the latter 25 of which are spent in late adulthood, you are left with 31 years of your most productive life. Out of these 31 years, you have 8 lost to sleep, so you've got 23 years of waking life during the middle of your life. To waste a full year of this on a video game is ridiculous.

2) PVP:

There's a system known as Player versus Player. Its basically fighting other real people who play the video game to showcase your skill. There used to be a ranking system, the more people you killed, the more "contribution points" you got. And the people with the most contribution points would move up in Ranks. If person A spend 60 hours / week getting Contribution Points (CP) and you wanted to rank up, you better spent 65 hours a week getting CP. And if you don't get enough CP to rank up, all your time is wasted. So you are forced to push yourself to the limit.

There are 14 ranks, beginning with scout, and ending with Grand Marshall / High Warlord, there are numerous people who try to get Rank 14 (Grand Marshall / High Warlord) and spend increasing hours / week in maintaining their "Contribution Points." For the last 3 ranks, Rank 12 - 14, these players completely cut off all interaction with other people, end their social lives, often stop school/work via sick leaves, and max out their time behind a ****ing computer just to get an imaginary rank and some imaginary items in an imaginary video game.

This system was removed in the Expansion, the new system no longer forces you to compete with other players to see who wastes the most time to get the rank of the week. Instead you get "Honor Points" which is like in-game currency to buy you items. Instead of watching players relax and take a breather now that they're not forced to log 80 hours a week to get enough CP for rank, players spend 15 hours a day getting Honor Points so that they can quickly buy items in the video game. Its insane. One of our server first High Warlords flunked out of UC Davis in his grind to be the highest ranked player on the server.

3) Leveling

In WoW, your character gains levels for doing quests / killing monsters. There used to be 60 levels, it was expanded to 70 when I left. When the expansion raised the level cap to 70, I knew of over 30 people in the game who were taking 2 weeks off from work so they could play a video game every waking second and get to level 70 fast. I knew people who flunked exams, ignored all school / social life, etc, just to get a status symbol in a video game. I quit right as the new cap was introduced.

People who play WoW, especially casual players who don't "raid," spend most their time leveling. Getting their character to increase in level, day by day, the amount of time they waste in WoW this way is significant, but its on their own schedule. The amount of time you waste by raiding is on a predetermined schedule where you have to meet other people's deadlines and reroute your social life to fit in.

4) Forums

Wow has forums, just like we have forums, and they're addictive, and time wasting. I can't get into much numerical analysis except to say that its as big of a waste of time as 90% of what you do on SoSuave, just not as pretentious.

WoW addiction is real, its serious, and I'm glad I ****ing quit that **** after having played it for so long. There might be 8 million who play it, and not all are as "hard core" players as the examples I gave you. But I guarantee you that over 1 million of those 8 million spend over 30 hours / week playing this game, and 3 out of those 8 million spend 20 hours / week playing the game. I know people in their extremes who don't attend school, are unemployed, and spend 70-80 hours / week playing that video game.

Is that healthy? Is that normal?

Any one with a brain can spot it and say no. If you currently play WoW and are reading this, get on WoW, check your /played, and think about how much time you spent playing a video game and wasting your life. Think about what you would have rather done, and the social connections you have neglected. Go out, call your friends, and set something fun to do outside of WoW, work out, but quit that video game.

WoW is ****ing terrible for you.


> directly on topic with that video, I was friends "in-game" with a guy who lost a beautiful girl who was his fiancee because of WoW

> this guy plays 40 hours / week, while high, he's not even at the extremes of the video game population, or that close to it