Whatever you nerd, go back to playing WoW and let the real men handle the good stuff.-cars/trucks/motorcycles. your social within the context of the group you're involved, but you don't get exercise. and it may not be benefiting your life if you're at risk more or blowing more money you don't have.
-board games. "bored games." interactive with people, but still, what purpose do they serve beyond what you're doing?
Ok, first of all, you guys playing video games more than 10 hours a week - IF YOU ARE NOT SPENDING AT LEAST THAT SAME AMOUNT DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE, DO NOT EXCEED 10 HOURS/WEEK.
By productive, I mean (IMO):
1. Reading useful books - business, sexuality, technology
2. reading useful forums - Real estate, young entrepreneur, SPECIFIC car advice/topic.
3. Learning shiit online - babypips.com howstuffworks.com motleyfool.com
Gym time and reading stuff that is interesting to you counts 1/2 time 1hr = 30mins useful time
Of course these things are different for everyone, but YOU KNOW what stuff is usefull for you and what stuff is not.
I mean, shiit, I might just go and play a game of NBA 2k7.. or two.. but the last time I've played it was like 2 weeks ago, and I've logged AT LEAST 30-40 hours of learning/reading since then.
Remember - what you put in is what you will get. Plant seeds now - enjoy fruits later. Play WoW 40 hours a week - flip burgers later.
The whole point is - DO OTHER THINGS. I've been there with CS, Diablo and Ultima Online. As much as I love video games, I am over spending countless hours without learning anything.. seriously, so I was rich in UO or awesome at Diablo 2 or Cal-Im at CS,, what the HELL does that matter once you step into the real world?!!!