To answer FDA's question, without needing to touch the vibes of homosexuality, girls I've kissed who were good kissers, and tongue fiends, generally give great head.
Kissing, despite what people think or say, IS very intimate. You can bang all you want, but kissing is probably MORE intimate and emotional, esp for women, than sex or head. People in porn do the nastiest stuff, but I've seen about 1 group EVER kiss. Even when hooking up while I was drunk, kissing was the hardest thing for me, and it was an eyeopener to realize I didn't want this girl. So you learn alot from a kiss. Alot.
As far as HOW a person kisses, sometimes she just does it wrong. It's supposed to be good for BOTH of you, so I would try to bridge the gap between my pleasing ways and her's. If she were that awkward (at least to me), I'd probably NOT kiss traditionally, and try doing lip kisses or bites to bring her down a bit. If she's loves bj's fine, but acting like you're blowing my mouth or giving me mouth to mouth isn't pleasurable. The only other thing could be she was communicating she wanted to give which you should let her.
Over time, kissing styles meld together, to where it seems you've never not kissed right. The worst kisses I've had were from smokers, not b/c they can't kiss well, but above all things, a pleasing smell matters MOST. Kissing style right off the bat is a bonus, but a bad smell makes that first impression IMPOSSIBLE to reverse.