Search results

  1. A

    I really don't understand about the whole University degree hype

    Re: Look at it like leverage. If you get a degree, and it costs 20k x 4 years, that equals 80k. Once you get a job, post-graduation, what's the debt service on that? Can you earn MORE than you would have had you not gone to college. For instance. If the debt service is $8400, are you at...
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    The Superman: Blending PUA Material with DJ Material.

    Re: "My own worst enemy," should be played at all these shops and seminars. Because more than anything, that's the truth. A guy stands in his own way of his own success without knowing it. Self-improvement is a broad category, but generally speaking it applies to any area we seek...
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    The Superman: Blending PUA Material with DJ Material.

    Self-improvement is considered the "white magic" of seduction based education, while PUA skills that encompass NLP, hypnosis, quick closing, and gimmicks are considered the "black magic" of seduction based education. Neither, IMO, can stand on it's own. The book, "The Game" proved as much as the...
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    Are women usually able to orgasm through sex alone?

    Re: It's an everlasting debate. Read some books, and women will say the **** is the #1 spot, and vaginal is #1. Talk to some guys and gals, and they'll say it's emotional...that the woman must like/love the guy as if he's the physical embodiment of the man she envisions...and that orgasm...
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    the world is creating more AFCs

    Re: The best line... "You can create and be a new you without the hassle!" Priceless. That's worse than porn, IMO, because you'll have fat chicks posing as who they think they are, or could be, but aren't, b/c they're too busy accesorizing this fake internet girl. My buddy showed me...
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    Docs - The Cause and Effect Theory - [Must Read]

    Nice Post, Docs. This post bisects or intersects the "Law of Attraction." At least if you understand what PRE-dates cause. See, when cause arises, people can ACT or REACT on the feeling/thought they have. Sometimes they initially feel some anger or pleasure toward something as a gut reaction...
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    In Search of a Site that hosts Forums for Free.

    Does anyone have a site that hosts forums for free? I know some guys have broken away from SOSUAVE and done their own creations built on their beliefs and needs, and either they're paying a nominal fee, or are using it for free. Can you point me in the right direction? A-Unit
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    Hottest MILF -EVER-!!! (video)

    Re: Funniest SHYT this WEEK! Loved it. There's plenty of porn out there, but not enough funny stuff. The ending rocked! "5th time this week! One more time and bam, you're outta here. Don't growl at me!" A-Unit
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    Porn VS Prostitution

    Re: If it were about the 1st amendment, women would be controlling how the movies are made and not give a fvck about pleasing men. However, most porns are made with the MALE in mind, made by males, and therefore can't be considered EXPRESSION, since the woman only plays a ROLE she's told to...
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    Porn VS Prostitution

    Re: The True Answer? One can be taxed, regulated, and managed (sort of), while the other can't. Same reason why pot is illegal and alcohol isn't. Or vice versa. A-Unit
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    The Beginning of True Power and Awareness.

    Re: How men create circumstances. If I could draw on the boards, I would. However, for lack of such materials, I will post it as visually as I can... Circumstances, meaning the situations and events of your life, are the product of YOU. And as a product of YOU, they're a product of your...
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    something for the under-18's

    Re; I play video games, but when you compare ALTERNATES... *Lifting, running, sports, etc. *Reading, joining public groups. ...for kids, there's a decided difference. Video games for the mind are like choosing masturbating over sex with a hot woman. It doesn't fulfillingly replace the...
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    something for the under-18's

    Re: That's pretty close to water, but if you enjoy a good cereal, health-wise, it's a nice buy. I've also done Rice Milk, which sounds hippieish, but I do like cereal from trader joe's and tire of oats and oatmeal. I'd say in order or worst to better/best... 1. Whole Milk 2. Reduced fat...
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    something for the under-18's

    Re: Seconded. And Thirded. Teens at that age can pretty much eat what they want, and with the influx of hormones and activity, it won't be deposited as fat. Muscle will naturally come, but you can improve your strength, your tendons and ligaments, and learn the major exercises that will...
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    Fat loss and Protein.

    Re: Scientific studies confirm that eating a good diet and lifting, while cutting calories to drop fat works to PRESERVE muscle and possibly grow it, while cutting calories and doing cardio ONLY with no lifting results in LOSS of muscle AND strength. The mantra USE IT OR LOSE IT applies here...
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    The BEST fat burning cardio?

    Re: Neither, or both. Forget analyzing and pushing the threshhold to the BARE minimum of cardio. Do it on ALL days you're not lifting, and some days you are, monitor your BF vs your overall weight to judge muscle loss/fat loss, and you'll be fine. 3 days a week at 15 minutes is fine if...
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    Integrating Other Forms of Training for Success.

    By no means am I a PT, as deep as my passion for health and nutrition is...however, I enjoy looking around for supplementary info, as well *unique* health information. For instance, I enjoyed the posts which related to fasting, and it was through search engines and WA that I learned more about...
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    Your Philosophy on Life: Living for yourself or Other People.

    Re: It's a perplexing situation. Most people seek the external world for "clues" as to how they should live, and it only leads to a more lost population. Each person will tell you HOW to live, but underneath that, it's only their OWN pain for not living and dying as they want. In the...
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    Thanks SouthPark, I'm Addicted to WoW!

    Re: Haha, Thanks for sucking me BACK out. That's why I rarely buy video game programs. Thankfully it's a DEMO and I'm forced off of it. I don't think I'd have a problem "unplugging" from it. between lifting, a flag football team I run, work, investing, etc, and the all consuming...
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    A question for Latinoman

    It might have been nothing, which indicates I hit a nerve, otherwise you wouldn't have reacted EMOTIONALLY and NEGATIVELY, but you clearly did not read the important points. That's ok, people tend to filter out points and read what THEY perceive the reader to be saying, rather than what may or...