The best line...
"You can create and be a new you without the hassle!"
That's worse than porn, IMO, because you'll have fat chicks posing as who they think they are, or could be, but aren't, b/c they're too busy accesorizing this fake internet girl. My buddy showed me SECOND LIFE, another waste of programing. I never saw an objective to the game, the interaction was ok, but the graphics and usability sucked. It loaded slow, and really made no sense. It's worse than whack off time. And this new program will invite just that.
The more technology develops and changes, the FARTHER away we end up from our true selves, and from the relationships we seek. Technology enables us the "convenience" factor of having relationships that suit us, rather than being limited to geographically possible relationships. That much is true. However, when kids are grounded, they get a room with a TV set, IPOD, Computer, video games, radio, and god knows what else. When you go the gym, everyone has headphones. And when you public transportation, you plug yourself into headphones, or gab away with a friend who's miles, if not states apart on your cell phone. I'm guilty of doing the same things, but to think there's a benefit here is, well crazy. Or maybe I"m missing the point that people who find such pursuits as second life and now red light district interesting, will also have common grounds to pursue friendships, and maybe more.
They've taken Cybersex to a whole new level. Eventually the ultimate program will be turning the human being into a robot, eradicating any bad emotions or traits we don't want, acting perfect, and being able to upload any skill or experience we want...