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    Are Self-Help programs a big con?

    Re: To Each His Own... A Self "Improvement" (not help to me), is about mindset. Are there scams? Sure. Nothing is 100%. Were these types of books instituted in school, people might have a better future, instead of listening to the "You Can't's" most people here. It depends on your...
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    Mixing Muscle Milk with No xplode

    Re: Perhaps...? I very much follow IA/DC's principles for diet and nutrition. I aim to get 60 grams of protein per meal by 5 meals. Meals around lifting, I eat whole grain rice. I include some vegetables at most meals. I think this eating is actually CHEAPER than trying to buy like so many...
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    Mixing Muscle Milk with No xplode

    Re: I buy muscle milk and mix it with whey. 1.5 scoops of muscle milk, 1.5 scoops of whey = 60 grams. I got into buying it years ago, and have loved their tastes since. I suppose I could up the volume and buy from a major protein site as DC advocates, but I haven't switched over, and I prefer...
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    Understanding Why Compound Movements Work and What to Focus On in Training.

    Re: Regarding trainers...those found in gyms can only work with the machines before them, and generally speaking, fitness gyms aren't equiped for guys who want true size. Sure now, some of us can lift at fitness gyms. But when your deads and squats begin hitting 400 and 350+, you might want to...
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    Understanding Why Compound Movements Work and What to Focus On in Training.

    Re: Almost as a MUST I would immediately replace DB Press with DIPS. Here's a "thought" I want to convey... Let's say you have FINITE Intensity and Energy to make a new Personal Best Each and Every lifting week. And let's say your personal best on bench is 200lbs at a weight from the...
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    Understanding Why Compound Movements Work and What to Focus On in Training.

    Why Changes are More Noticeable with Compound Movements If you're the average guy, say 165 (that's average male, not some of you 200-250 behemouths with great genetics), at say 15% bodyfat, which is about average,'re body composition is as following... 165 x .15% = 24.75lbs...
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    FYI...Laws Requiring Licensure to Travel Are ILLEGAL. Case Law Included.

    Cont'd... Citizens who involve themselves in commerce upon the highways of the state. Here is what the courts have said about this: "...For while a citizen has the right to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, that right does not extend to the use of...
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    FYI...Laws Requiring Licensure to Travel Are ILLEGAL. Case Law Included.

    As I post this, let's get it out of the way that I'm about being controversial, about thinking waay outside the box, so that when I post these topics, obvious comments don't have to be made, and you the believer or opposed or pondered, can contemplate, research, or ignore WHAT is posted, rather...
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    Re: I would add to that list... Glucosamine Chondroitin w/MSM And possibly Grapeseed Extract (90mg per serving or better) Both for Joint Rejuvenation to stave off the wear and tear of everyday 'active' life. Losing cartilidge and other joint damage is common. Supplementation OVER TIME can...
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    The Natural Identities of Children

    Re: The debate of nurture vs. nature misses at least one critical issue effecting male vs. female tendencies...and that's hormones. The variability in behavior comes largely as the result of the hormone alterations from birth to death. Prior to birth, a woman's diet and her environment can...
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    Chew On This...Federal Reserve Notes

    “Federal Reserve notes are legal tender currency notes. The twelve Federal Reserve Banks issue them into circulation pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. A commercial bank belonging to the Federal Reserve System can obtain Federal Reserve notes from the Federal Reserve Bank in its...
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    5 way split 180 lbs need help

    Re: Based on the numbers YOU provided... 180 lbs -165lbs ------- =15lbs @ 165lbs x.10% = 16.5lbs of fat @ 180lbs x.15% = 27lbs of fat Increase in Fat = 10.5lbs Increase in muscle = 4.5 lbs A Ratio of 1/3. For Every pound of muscle you add, you're adding 3lbs of fat. It...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: The Packers don't have as long a turn around time table as a team like Oakland does... Greg Jennings and Donald Driver are fantastic as 1a and 1b receivers. They WILL find a RB, or they'll take one in the draft if they don't go for a QB to replace Rodgers (they still don't know what...
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    looking to lose 20 pounds in 2 and a half months

    Re: FDA raises a good point on the cardio aspect...30 minutes, only sparingly, given the high calorie density of most foods consumed, won't contribute ALOT. It's a great workout for elderly people wanting to be 'active', but if you 'consider' it like this... Most people don't work very...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: Oakland WITHOUT a doubt. Not only are they horrible record-wise...0-4. They have NO shot to win, this year, maybe next year, too. Their talent are all busts. They traded Doug Gabriel, the only seriously competitive WR to New England. Randy Moss WAS a pehnome, but his time has passed. He has...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: They're overrated in relation to the Pats. They're minus TO, who then, was great. Who now, is overrated and on the downslide of his career. Yes, McNabb is crazy good, and Westbrook phenomenal. HOWEVER, IF westbrook should falter, against the playoff contenders, they won't stand a chance...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: Although ANY team can win on any given sunday, when there's a HUGE disparity between teams and talent, SCHEDULE and the eventuality of getting home field advantage DOES play a huge role in the outcome of the Superbowl Winner. The Pats are still owned by Denver, but fortunately they played...
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    The Theory of Collective Expectation.

    My first, and perhaps only introduction, to this line of thinking was introduced by George Soros, the multi-billion dollar hedge fund manager, donor, and investor, in his book The Alchemy of Finance. If you watched Wall Street, Gordon Gekko notes that value is a perception, and the perception...
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    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    Re: I'll probably confuse them in my mind right now, but the difference IS in the grip. Underhand Grip - works biceps more and imparts a narrower back exercise. These will kill your back and biceps, in a good way. Overhand Grip - Much like weighted pull downs, but they're akin to...
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    Law Being Passed To Ban ALL Forms of Online Gambling.

    Re: The issue here shouldn't be on MORAL or ETHICAL grounds, yet that's very often what we legislate. Some hold the position of saying it should be illegal, or at least mitigated BECAUSE poker produces nothing. This isn't true though. When you view poker, gambling, speculation, it's a very...