5 way split 180 lbs need help


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Ok Ive hit 180 lbs now but I'm up to like 15% bf from the 10% I was at a few months ago, I'm a whole 15 lbs bigger.

I'm doing a heavy and hard 5 way split with 2 days rest and start over again on monday, its ya basic chest,back,legs,shoulders+calves, bis+tris workout, I cut down my ab workout to like 2 or 3 times a week. (my bench has gone down by like 20 lbs which is weird, but that could be from getting food poisening and the flu in the same week lol)

Now summer is like 2 months away, should I stay covered up and try to hit 200 lbs by winter or try and lose some fat and lean up a bit.

My diet is fine (6 meals a day with lots of water) I just need to increase cardio to lose the fat, I'm just having trouble deciding ya know. Its either lose the fat and look ripped at 170 lbs and show off in summer or stay covered and keep gaining.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
I'm guessing you live in the southern hemisphere

A 3 day split is probably the best...theres plenty of routines on this board.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Based on the numbers YOU provided...

180 lbs


@ 165lbs x.10% = 16.5lbs of fat
@ 180lbs x.15% = 27lbs of fat

Increase in Fat = 10.5lbs
Increase in muscle = 4.5 lbs

A Ratio of 1/3. For Every pound of muscle you add, you're adding 3lbs of fat.

It doesn't have to be this way.

1) Add some cardio to get rid of extra sugars.
2) Make sure you're getting a min of 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight.
3) Cut back on carb consumption. Make it 25% or less of your overall diet, esp. if you want to retard your fat deposits.
4) If your current workout is still providing gains, stick with it. If your strength isn't increasing week to week by small amounts, muscle growth is stagnating OR, your find yourself running slaggard, drop back and compress the workouts to 3 days or 2 days.

You should be aware now that muscle doesn't add on as fast perceived. It's important to understand this ratio. The extra size does increase strength due to the increase in energy provided. Typically slim or cutting diets leave lifters haggard in the gym and weak.

Those are my points.

Whether you should go forward cutting or bulking is a personal decision. Which ever you pick, committ to it.
