You know the type I mean - those self help books/audio books by some renowned guru claiming to teach you secrets of unlocking your potential, to make you rich, smarter, more confident, good with women, or claim they can teach you how to develop a photographic memory or intense concentration.
I used to download a lot of these programs and they all have the same things in common...
Upto 90% of the program consists of promises or qualification. The guru explains all the amazing things he can help you achieve, how he has helped many others and occasionally you'll get testimonials or little example stories. He builds up your curiosity now, but you're going through all this crap just waiting for the good stuff, thinking - "Fvck this! Share the god damn secrets already!!"
When you eventually get to the core of the program it usually entails some kind of positive thinking, relaxation session, affirmations and sometimes hypnosis.
Suddenly you reach the end of the program wondering if you missed something. Sure, you might feel positive and ready to conquer your goals, but what exactly have you learned?
I have come to think that most self help programs are just positive thinking strategies. They fire you up, build your confidence and motivation with all their promises. That is great of course, until reality hits you. You set out on your new goal of becoming rich, then you realise you don't know where to even start. Or you go out ready to seduce lots of women, but they reject you. And finally you realise you've just been deluding yourself and suddenly the motivation and confidence is gone!
Sometimes they give you little gimmick techniques to try, just to build your faith a little. I.e. they'll ask you to think deeply about a positive memory, then market it as a miraculous way to relieve stress.
This is the general pattern of the self help and seduction material I've read/listened to. I've been having some motivation problems with my studies lately so I acquired Paul Scheele's Photoreading ebook. I did what it said, practised and practised and felt very positive about it. When I failed, I kept telling myself I needed more practice. But it never worked!
Other examples of these gurus include, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Kevin Trudeau, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo and other NLP or seduction gurus.
I suppose it is very foolish to trust these guys who can't prove their merits and whose main success in life includes selling self help programs. It might be different if these gurus were Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, or artists, muscians or models giving advice on what they know best.
But the gurus' skill is in the marketing. Maybe if they wrote a book on "How to con money out of susceptible and gullible people" I might call on their expertise!
Do you all see what I'm getting at? I know many people will leap to the defence of these gurus, but did they actually share any helpful information with you or did they just inspire you?
I would honestly love to know of any self help programs that share valuable and ACTUAL secrets and help in ways other than mere positive thinking. Or a program that actually does what it promises would be a start!
I have been lucky enough to find a few exceptions, however, so I'm going to recommend them here. Any more recommendations would be welcome...
He educates his readers and gives actual strategies that you can apply and often see immediate results. He has written many books on speed reading, memory and accellerated learning and backs it up!
In his book "Get the Most out of your Time & your Life" he gives a very straightforward and simple strategy for planning your priorities. It was used and acknowledged by Bill Clinton. I've found it has benefitted me considerably in doing exactly what it claims!
His book "Easy way to stop smoking" has helped millions of people quit smoking and that can be backed up with evidence. After 9 years of smoking, I too quit smoking with his help.
That's all that comes to mind.
I used to download a lot of these programs and they all have the same things in common...
Upto 90% of the program consists of promises or qualification. The guru explains all the amazing things he can help you achieve, how he has helped many others and occasionally you'll get testimonials or little example stories. He builds up your curiosity now, but you're going through all this crap just waiting for the good stuff, thinking - "Fvck this! Share the god damn secrets already!!"
When you eventually get to the core of the program it usually entails some kind of positive thinking, relaxation session, affirmations and sometimes hypnosis.
Suddenly you reach the end of the program wondering if you missed something. Sure, you might feel positive and ready to conquer your goals, but what exactly have you learned?
I have come to think that most self help programs are just positive thinking strategies. They fire you up, build your confidence and motivation with all their promises. That is great of course, until reality hits you. You set out on your new goal of becoming rich, then you realise you don't know where to even start. Or you go out ready to seduce lots of women, but they reject you. And finally you realise you've just been deluding yourself and suddenly the motivation and confidence is gone!
Sometimes they give you little gimmick techniques to try, just to build your faith a little. I.e. they'll ask you to think deeply about a positive memory, then market it as a miraculous way to relieve stress.
This is the general pattern of the self help and seduction material I've read/listened to. I've been having some motivation problems with my studies lately so I acquired Paul Scheele's Photoreading ebook. I did what it said, practised and practised and felt very positive about it. When I failed, I kept telling myself I needed more practice. But it never worked!
Other examples of these gurus include, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Kevin Trudeau, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo and other NLP or seduction gurus.
I suppose it is very foolish to trust these guys who can't prove their merits and whose main success in life includes selling self help programs. It might be different if these gurus were Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, or artists, muscians or models giving advice on what they know best.
But the gurus' skill is in the marketing. Maybe if they wrote a book on "How to con money out of susceptible and gullible people" I might call on their expertise!
Do you all see what I'm getting at? I know many people will leap to the defence of these gurus, but did they actually share any helpful information with you or did they just inspire you?
I would honestly love to know of any self help programs that share valuable and ACTUAL secrets and help in ways other than mere positive thinking. Or a program that actually does what it promises would be a start!
I have been lucky enough to find a few exceptions, however, so I'm going to recommend them here. Any more recommendations would be welcome...
Self help gurus I DO advocate
Tony Buzan
Tony Buzan
He educates his readers and gives actual strategies that you can apply and often see immediate results. He has written many books on speed reading, memory and accellerated learning and backs it up!
Alan Lakein
In his book "Get the Most out of your Time & your Life" he gives a very straightforward and simple strategy for planning your priorities. It was used and acknowledged by Bill Clinton. I've found it has benefitted me considerably in doing exactly what it claims!
Allen Carr
His book "Easy way to stop smoking" has helped millions of people quit smoking and that can be backed up with evidence. After 9 years of smoking, I too quit smoking with his help.
That's all that comes to mind.