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    Anyone here a Financial Advisor??

    Re: You'll get alot of opinions of what they are what they're not. You'll also hear what people expect they should do, and then there's what the reality of what they can do legally and profitably. The FIRST step in becoming a FA is being able to offer (sell) products. Advice is not...
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    matrix&fight club-what is so important in them?

    Re; Chuck Pahalaniuk (sp?) has always had a way of looking at life from a unique perspective. Read "Choke" if you want something along the lines of Fight Club. When you read the book though, it's a bit different than the Movie. Having viewed both, the book doesn't emphasize what the movie...
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    Re; Ponder reality as this... **Tomorrow is neither guaranteed, nor created. TIME is a creation of man. Thinking about TOMORROW is truly only in the mind or in the fake plans we make. Tomorrow isn't here. Tomorrow is TODAYS growth. Nature views tomorrow as a few more cells on that tree...
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    Re A great, B movie all should try to see is "Whipped" with Amanda Peete and Co. It plays with 3 guys who think they're "players", only to find out they're dating the same chick, fight over her, and get played back. The fourth guy is Whipped and married and only serves as foil to contrast...
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    Re; Another example of REALITY and RESPONSIBILITY. My father bought an HDTV with all the goodies. He didn't install the system, though. He paid someone else to do it, so if anything happened, he had no control over fixing it. Just so happens, some family visits my mother during the day, he's...
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    "Reality is a matter of perception." ~ My College Public Speaking Professor. I've never forgotten those words. Of anything I recall from college, it's that phrase. Our planet, is merely the enactment of a variety of different realities, all melding together as one. And if you look the world...
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    So my son is getting married...

    Re; This should be an "awakening" to all men dipping their sticks in the "magical well of life"...rather than wait to be a man and GROW up and do the right thing. DO THE RIGHT THING before you get to STICKING your prick in their. A woman who spreads her legs GENERALLY expects you to take care...
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    So my son is getting married...

    Re; Sosuave, once again showing their immaturiy and youth. Something that is enjoyed, as much as it is hated. Maine, for those NOT from the Northeast, is quite, rural. Kids that attend college, generally go locally, and then return to their hometowns. UMO, 1 of the colleges I attended for a...
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    What kind of things should be taught in high school?

    Re; How about a CHOICE of what you want, rather than what should be thrown at you? Steve Jobs stated it was being booted from college that enabled him to take what interested him, and thereby helped on his path. Being given something where people say "this is useful, do this," precludes what...
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    I'm so tired of searching...

    Re: What I've discovered... If happiness is ANYTHING other than right here and now, a controllable, real, pure state of mind and existence...then happiness isn't ANYTHING. If you can ACHIEVE happiness, then that state can also be taken away. If it's something you DO NOT have right now...
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    Feminist reaction to sosuave

    Re; Path 1 We can fight and push against Feminism. Attempt to educate all the uneducated and ignorant folks, and MAYBE, just MAYBE, they listen and we hit critical mass AND things change. And maybe they don't? Yes, we'd be doing a CIVIC duty, but who's to say what's right and what's wrong...
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    Feminist reaction to sosuave

    Re: What IS feminism? It appears SO distorted I bet SOMEONE takes it and distorts it to THEIR needs. It's like religion. There's so many varying kinds, some will say the Bible is the Word. Other's will say that it's been forged, or not even real. Still other's take God and warp him, and...
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    Feminist reaction to sosuave

    Re; 1. What was the point of this whole thread to begin with? Oh yeah, all SS threads lately find their way down this rabbit hole, denigrated and off topic, rather than pointing toward any real resolution or broaded spectrum of thinking. 2. If you came to SoSuave, you're wise enough to...
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    Feminist reaction to sosuave

    Re; If there's anything I know about women, they don't initiate much. Meaning, if men foster this attitude of "the American Woman," and label every girl they see, your reality is colored with BAD women. This will on be reinforced further, because you'll go pursue 100 women as the "bible" tells...
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    Feminist reaction to sosuave

    Re: Feminism still exists because the mentality that fosters it, and opposes it, still exists. Just take a look around... How many BITTER guys blame women, and not themselves? [Even if the woman is a COMPLETE and UTTER D-bag, you STILL are responsible for ACCEPTING and CONTINUING on...
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    Thinking of getting WoW

    Re: ^/agreed Psychologists have opened centers for help for addicts of ALL mmo's. The main point of why/how people get addicted is the "reward" syndrome gambling addicts face. It's never ending. As long as the company and game exist, there will always be more. The difference is, there's no...
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    IMPORTANT: Check Your Peter Pan Brand Peanut Butter!!!

    Re: Also... Hydrogenated Oils are bad. Mmmm kay? Don't have them, in ANYTHING, especially PB, which is normally healthy in NATURAL form. Many PB's are natural and can be found at supermarkets. Also, trader joe's has natural PB for only a buck or 2 more than the crap, unhealthy version...
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    Picture of a Iraq veteran Marine groom and bride.

    Re: /agreed The military isn't really voluntary. It's only voluntary to the extent the have women and men WILLING to go, so that OTHER people won't have to be drafted. Which raises a second point, how good is a nation that forces people to fight for it? Philosophers, political commentators...
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    Picture of a Iraq veteran Marine groom and bride.

    Re: It's moments like this where everything babbled about on is completely worthless and useless in the course of human events. For guys here to even make mention or make fun of someone in the armed forces speaks to the shallowness of your soul. If you lack basic compassion for someone...
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    Stomach and chest fat.

    Re: Destination vs Lifestyle Those who have a "diet' mentality will go hard for a few months, drop it fast, then put it back on. Why? -Their diets are usually more extreme and geared toward S/T success. -They didn't change their habits. Mentally they view what their doing as only a S/T...