Stomach and chest fat.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
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I tried to find a thread on just how to trim down and lose all excess body fat. I know I need to chabge the way I eat 3 meals a day and three snacks I believe. Something like the following unless someone knows better:

Breakfast: Bowl of Bran Flakes/Wheaties no sugar.
Snack: Bowl of fruit or piece of fruit
Lunch: Bowl of soup
Snack: All natural Granola Bar
Dinner (Before 7pm): Piece of steak no bigger than a deck of cards, Potato or cup of rice, Piece of wheat bread

Then what about at home exercise,how many belly crunches should I do to help with my belly fat. What should I do about my chest or backside lol. Pushups or situps??

I don't have the luxury of time to go to a gym so I need to do it all at home, same with going for a run or walk, unless I go for a walk with my sister. But it is dead of winter here so thats out until spring :)

Also I am 32 years old, 5 feet four inches tall. And 199 pounds. I know that is all needed to have a proper work out or so I have read :)


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Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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Brent_1974 said:
Dinner (Before 7pm): Piece of steak no bigger than a deck of cards, Potato or cup of rice, Piece of wheat bread
Drop the potatoes,rice and bread for dinner,only at breakfast and lunch if you are going to lose weight. Other then that looking good,just buy a treadmill and run for 20 minutes a day and you will be were you want to be in no time.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
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blinkwatt said:
Drop the potatoes,rice and bread for dinner,only at breakfast and lunch if you are going to lose weight. Other then that looking good,just buy a treadmill and run for 20 minutes a day and you will be were you want to be in no time.
Ok your message was a little jummbled there. So what I said for Breakfast and lunch is ok. But to drop the potatos and only have rice a a piece of wheat bread for dinner or drop all three and only have the steak??

I will definately be picking up a treadmill :)

Oh and ofcourse drink lots and lots of water :)



Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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Your diet is right on for losing weight,you could take it a step further and drop the fruits(sugar) but I wouldn't deem it as a must because you eat it early in the day. You can have steak for dinner but I would be careful on what kind,don't want to take in too much fat. The only other thing I would recommend is taking a generic multivitamin with breakfast and your good to go! Good Luck!


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
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blinkwatt said:
Your diet is right on for losing weight,you could take it a step further and drop the fruits(sugar) but I wouldn't deem it as a must because you eat it early in the day. You can have steak for dinner but I would be careful on what kind,don't want to take in too much fat. The only other thing I would recommend is taking a generic multivitamin with breakfast and your good to go! Good Luck!
Cool thanks alot. I just weighed myself on Tuesday and I am at 199 last time I weighed myself I was at 200 and that was Oct 30th. And before that I weighed myself on May 24th and I weighed 212. So I have already lost 15 pounds in about 8 months. It seems like alot of time for such a little amount and I really didn't even do anything just drank water.

But now I am ready to drop the soda and really get going on exercise :)


If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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If you only want to lose fat:

lift some weights.

do cardio. even just walking.

eat a bit of protein every meal. 6 meals a day.

cut out all sugar. don't mix carbs and fat too much in the same meal. don't eat carbs starting 4-5 hours before bedtime.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
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mrRuckus said:

If you only want to lose fat:

lift some weights.

do cardio. even just walking.

eat a bit of protein every meal. 6 meals a day.

cut out all sugar. don't mix carbs and fat too much in the same meal. don't eat carbs starting 4-5 hours before bedtime.
Right now I just want to get back into the condition I was when I was 23, meaning no belly fat at all and a slimmer chest. Then once I get back to slim, I will work on muscle gain.

Plus right now we are in a small two bed room apartment not big enough for a weight set. I am going to get a small treadmill or look into it for my room.

BUT I could get one of those weight sets that start at 2 pounds and go to 10 pounds I think they can be gotten easily from Wal-Mart. I think they are blue, red, etc. Kinds of a plastic type material on them.



Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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Brent_1974 said:
Breakfast: Bowl of Bran Flakes/Wheaties no sugar.
Almost all carbs, minimal protein. Wheaties is sh*t, loaded with chemical crap.

Snack: Bowl of fruit or piece of fruit
Chances are, you're eating fruit from a commercial farm, a.k.a. chemical crap loaded with sugar.

Lunch: Bowl of soup
Not specific enough

Snack: All natural Granola Bar
Carbs & sugar

Dinner (Before 7pm): Piece of steak no bigger than a deck of cards, Potato or cup of rice, Piece of wheat bread
Carbs & more carbs. Steak is probably commercial meat, low grade protein, chemicals, bad fat ratio. But free roids.

Stick with a simple formula. Quality vegetables for soluble fiber, quality meat/fish/dairy/eggs for protein, some minimal low glycemic complex carbs for insoluble protein.
Fats are a MUST. Olive oil, Virgin coconut oil, and fats with proper omega 3 : omega 6 ratios.

You can always go all out protein & fat, the low carb way. Fastest approach but damaging.
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Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
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Hydroblunt said:
Almost all carbs, minimal protein. Wheaties is sh*t, loaded with chemical crap.

Chances are, you're eating fruit from a commercial farm, a.k.a. chemical crap loaded with sugar.

Not specific enough

Carbs & sugar

Carbs & more carbs. Steak is probably commercial meat, low grade protein, chemicals, bad fat ratio. But free roids.

Stick with a simple formula. Quality vegetables for soluble fiber, quality meat/fish/dairy/eggs for protein, some minimal low glycemic complex carbs for insoluble protein.
Fats are a MUST. Olive oil, Virgin coconut oil, and fats with proper omega 3:eek:mega 6 ratios.

You can always go all out protein & fat, the low carb way. Fastest approach but damaging.
What would you suggest eating then for the meals. What type meal plan would you suggest??


Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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Brent_1974 said:
What would you suggest eating then for the meals. What type meal plan would you suggest??

What I would suggest, you won't follow cause you would be forcing yourself. You are obviously very geared toward carbs, so start slowly. Modify what you eat now, instead of asking for a set meal plan. Mix it up also, eating the same exact thing everyday will drive you nuts.

Back in the day it was a simple formula, less starch & sugar, more protein and vegetables. Nowdays, food is processed, nutrient deficient and polluted.

Start aiming more toward fibrous nutrient dense vegetables & fish/eggs/poultry. Try to go organic/free range. Red meat is fine, but fish/eggs/poultry are easier digested for protein purposes. But if you can get bison meat, go for that, probably the top red meat out there. Makes great steaks.

Start there and see how it goes. The real trick is conditioning your mind and body to eat for nutrients, vital building blocks (such as protein) and health. Instead of eating for taste and pleasure.

I'll post my diet sometime, but I eat pretty hardcore. And I can go into a fasting detox at the drop of a dime.


Sep 4, 2006
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6 meals - first 3 with complex carbs, high protein, good fats, last 3 with less carbs, high protein

get yourself in a gym, start lifting heavy 3 times a week (push/pull/legs) and get 2 days want sustainable fat loss and this program will give you that


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Hydroblunt said:
You can always go all out protein & fat, the low carb way. Fastest approach but damaging.


It's debatable that a very long term low carb diet could be unhealthy but doing it long enough to lose fat surely isn't going to damage him. But it's also debatable that a long term high carb diet is damaging.

He could always do low carb long enough to lose weight then once it's off introduce low glycemic carbs back into his diet to maintain his new look.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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mrRuckus said:

It's debatable that a very long term low carb diet could be unhealthy but doing it long enough to lose fat surely isn't going to damage him. But it's also debatable that a long term high carb diet is damaging.

He could always do low carb long enough to lose weight then once it's off introduce low glycemic carbs back into his diet to maintain his new look.
I only say damaging because it's very hard to properly execute a very low carb diet where you are replacing the food with protein & fat, without some kind of malnutrition. Too much meat nowdays comes from commercial farms loaded with toxins. What happens at first, and I did this too, you simply rush out to consume tasty fried food to make the transition less forced. And it works like a charm. But if you consider what you are putting in your body in heavy doses, damage, even if just short term, does occur.

It is ideal with the right foods, however.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
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Hydroblunt said:
Too much meat nowdays comes from commercial farms loaded with toxins.
Sad but true. If I had the money, I'd buy all organic, free-range, pasture-fed, but it's just not feasible with all the meat I go through.

At least here in the UK, (and the rest of Europe) there is a ban on the use of antibiotics in food animals for growth promotion purposes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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Hydroblunt said:
I only say damaging because it's very hard to properly execute a very low carb diet where you are replacing the food with protein & fat, without some kind of malnutrition. Too much meat nowdays comes from commercial farms loaded with toxins. What happens at first, and I did this too, you simply rush out to consume tasty fried food to make the transition less forced. And it works like a charm. But if you consider what you are putting in your body in heavy doses, damage, even if just short term, does occur.
fried food doesn't belong in a low carb diet, and anyone who goes into a low carb diet eating fried foods hasn't done the first bit of research into what's involved.

the damage done by "meat loaded with toxins" is nothing compared to the damage done by anything fried. which isn't to say that you should never eat anything fried, but let's get this stuff in the right order.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Hydroblunt said:
I only say damaging because it's very hard to properly execute a very low carb diet where you are replacing the food with protein & fat, without some kind of malnutrition. .
It's not the least bit hard.

It takes 5 minutes to read an article spelling out the differences between types of fats.

Oh and the nutrition of most carb sources that people eat isn't there because they're eating the processed garbage like white bread etc.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Destination vs Lifestyle

Those who have a "diet' mentality will go hard for a few months, drop it fast, then put it back on. Why?

-Their diets are usually more extreme and geared toward S/T success.
-They didn't change their habits. Mentally they view what their doing as only a S/T fix, then they can go back to doing things as they were.
- Being/getting in shape isn't a destination, it's a voyage. You don't end up anywhere, you just do something that makes you better than last time/yesterday.
- Crash diets aren't generally built around proper L/T macro nutrient composition scales. Meaning, dropping carbs almost completely WILL drop weight, but also drop muscle, which compromises your physique AND your metabolism, as well as your L/T strength and health.

You needn't tank carbs from your diet, just up your activity and replace all carbs with healthy carbs. If it's quick sugar, then fruit. If it's slow sugar, than grains.

The easiest and best way to lose weight is eat calories around your maintenance amount or slightly less THAN, and work to get under it.

Don't view cardio, et al, as some WEIGHT loss device, but as a way to extend your stamina, improve recovery, aid fat loss, expand your cardiovascular capability, work your joints, circulate post workout toxins, etc. In the past I made the mistake of doing 20 minutes of cardio. To me, that's worthless. The body NEEDS activity. So if you lift for an hour plus, you should run/walk/ride for that, varying the pace, for several reasons.

- endurance, just b/c you can sprint, doesn't mean you can walk a long flight of stairs, make circuits of disney world, etc and survive. I began Flag Football, and though I'd practiced HIIT, my endurance and stamina weren't up to par for 50 minutes of straight playing with little to no breaks.
- flushing toxins out. Circulating the blood and running/walking/riding helps get rid of the body's extra toxins postworkout, hence why you hurt and need to move.
- improve joints. This works with lifting, as lifting increases bone density in the targetted areas, but also running be it on ground or a treadmill (the ground is preferable), helps get used to the bouncing and shock of running. I'm not sure whether marathons are ok, but certainly getting used to running for 30 min+ is good.
- decreases appetite.

HIIT and similar training is a good mixture or alternative, but not the be all and end all of training. Likewise, some more experienced lifters don't live and die by morning fasted state cardio. Some advocate taking a small helping of protein to decrease catabolism that occurs (though in some overweight, that's the least of your worries, and is likely to occur anyways, as the ratio of fat loss to muscle loss is 3:1).

On eating:

Protein Sources

Cottage Cheese, non fat
Eggs, free range if possible
Protein Powders (not weight gainers)
Chicken, free range if possible
Meats, DEFINATELY free range. It's worth the extra dough.
Fish, this is more safe than the above, and I'd take over meat and chicken.


- Oatmeal/Quick Oats. Forget cereals, unless the ingredients are under 10, and you know each and every one of them just by reading it. If you need an engineering degree to understand it, it's not food.
- Vegetables. All kinds. Starting by lunch time and consuming throughout the day.
- Fruits. Beginng in the AM, and ending by postworkout.

- Whole wheat, whole grain products. Again, make sure you can comprehend what's in them.
Juice. ONLY natural juices, and consumed post workout, as needed, or if you're trying to gain weight. NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. MMMMk?

- Sweet potatoes/Yams.


- Egg yolks
- Fats found in fish
- Fish oil, cod liver oil
- Omega 3's and 6's, such as olive oil, Udo's oil
- Almonds and healthy nuts
- ALL NATURAL PB. No hydrogenated OILS.

As people who are conscientious about health, we consume a larger amount of 1 thing, for instance eggs, so if the eggs are bad, we're poisoning ourselves. Likewise if you eat chicken, you're eat more than the average person and therefore should eat a better quality chicken.

NON free range animals made in this country are downright GROSS, and it would disgust the average American, IF they even cared to know. They don't, and they feel so long as it doesn't kill them, the Food is ok. Not true. It's killing you, SLOWLY. There's a host of diseases and conditions we can't cure or figure out, and people wonder WHY. Things develop OVER time, which means

A) You're immune system weakened and couldn't fight back longer
B) Your body has now held onto enough poison to poison itself.

Perfect examples are all the chemicals found in food. People don't develop heart problems til later, which are partially genetic, but are exacerbated BY diet and lack of exercise. Or adult onset diabetes. Kids can be born with it, the rest of America gets it from age 20+ through excessive sugar consumption. How about obesity? Just because it's low calorie DOES NOT MEAN the chemicals won't F up your metabolism so you can't lose weight anyways. With meats, the food has so many toxins and excitotoxins that people get sick easier and have hormonal issues, b/c of what's passed through our food to us. Studies already confirm, babies who don't eat right for their sex can have alterations in hormone, altering them later on life. Boys who might not have been gay, were exposed to high concentrations of estrogen based oils, that over time, through constant exposure, did slightly alter their hormonal balance, effectively making them gay, or confused. Not all gay people, but a large %. Hence the epidemic of bytch tits, and fat tissue stores on Americans, topping the scales at 40% of America obese and then some.

We're MEANT To be in shape, people. Sure, genetics MAY make you bigger at birth, but we ALL know that baby fat comes off by HS or so, FOR manye people. But it's DIET that kills it. L/T exposure to chemicals unnatural can later many facets of our body.

As far as training goes, try the Ripptoe plan found here, on Amazon, or at Pushups are good warmups, and fine for a workout plan, but they aren't any sort of base program. Get into lifting 3x a week, SOMEHOW. Learn to stretch EVERY day, which aids recovery and prevents future body problems. Cardio at least 3x a week, and then some, maybe 5, and add a few times during lifting sessions.

AGAIN, we want activity. 1 hr a day is not a lot to ask when it's your life we're talking about here, and in no time you'll be the shape you want to be. That 1 hour will improve ALL aspects of life in a big way. Once you form a base of strength add/do other things. Cater it to your goals. But for most people lifting in SOME way is the best way. You can do BODY WEIGHT exercises, ala Matt Furey, but I still prefer doing straight weights and adding in BW exercises b/c it increases my strength.

However, all people should stop thinking 20 minute at 3 times a week and a few pushups can erase years of fat gain. I know retired people who do more, but they also eat less, drink less, and take a myriad of pills. Most retired people who are fit, do 1 hour a day, embracing life, doing what they've always done OR wished they did. Other's who will die young, do nothing, because the body works on a USE it or LOSE it method. 45 minutes plus. All the BEST athletes in the kind of shape MOST guys want to be in do 45min+ of cardio, lift a min of 3x a week, AND they stretch alot, do BW exercises, and take up alternate sports. I know some RB's do Aikido, or Yoga. LT did similar training programs. Even the 40 year athletes work twice as hard to have a low bf %, and some dont' TOUCH bad foods period, obv b/c they can afford it.




Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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A-Unit, as usual I agree with nearly everything.

I would point out, however, that in many cases "free range" labeling is a joke. Do you have any good places to find truly pasture-fed, free-range meats?

Also, to elaborate on two other things: you have to check the ingredients on whole grain products -- many times they contain white or other refined flours -- and meanwhile some products get away with claiming ZERO TRANSFATS in the US even though hydrogenated oil is in the ingredients -- it's just less than 0.5 grams per serving size (usually a tiny serving size). And on down the line... it pays to pay attention.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
