Chuck Pahalaniuk (sp?) has always had a way of looking at life from a unique perspective. Read "Choke" if you want something along the lines of Fight Club. When you read the book though, it's a bit different than the Movie. Having viewed both, the book doesn't emphasize what the movie does...which is the feminization of man and the commercialization of society. It's alot about him going nuts, and then boiling life down into some despondent pot of sarcasm, unique to Chuck's writing.
I think people have exhaulted Fight Club the movie because they're always looking for the holy grail. It does make good points all around, and if you read Chuck's work, you'll see he does in a variety ways about a great many things. But again...
This gets back to reality. Chuck and his characters are not reality, or are they? Have you adopted their reality, views, and beliefs because you feel they will get you closer to the happiness you seek inside? Or is it just a crutch and personal dogma, of something to cling to in this crazy, crazy world?
The Matrix is unique because it's main point was to allude to the fact that maybe THIS is not real. It doesn't have to be reality, because it can't be effectively proven or disproven, and it's interesting in alot of ways that blend sci-fi, religion, and metaphysics into a movie that's action packed.
But again...people adopt these as REALITY and then cling to them for identity, because without them, they feel they have no identity. They espouse the beliefs so people know who they are and what they stand for, like a business card stamped to their forehead. And yet, people float from beliefs to beliefs throughout. Some they ditch, and some they just embed deeper into their psyche.
Because we're the VIEWERS and EXPERIENCERS of reality, it's quite difficult to say THIS IS TRUE, THIS IS NOT TRUE, as we can't VERIFY reality without also EFFECTING reality. The one device we use to VERIFY things is also a flawed device in that it's not 100% pure, clean, unemotional, and logical. That thing, our bring, is clouded with emotion, past, present, and future concerns, fears, judgement, expectation, anticipation, etc, etc. SO how can one say...THIS is true without questing how true you are or life is?