"Reality is a matter of perception." ~ My College Public Speaking Professor.
I've never forgotten those words. Of anything I recall from college, it's that phrase. Our planet, is merely the enactment of a variety of different realities, all melding together as one. And if you look the world over, the common thread is conflict. As egotistical material objects of a spiritual nature, we all want or desire one reality to reign supreme, or at least BELIEVE one reality should reign supreme. However, as you saunter through life, you come to realize that there things that will blow your mind forcing you to QUESTION reality.
Throw in WHAT the bleep do we know, or THE SECRET, as educational material here. Believe it or not, shake up your reality a little. You want awareness? Go seek things outSIDE your comfort zone. Outside your chosen form of specialization.
I recently listened to a story on the radio where a company is going to put ALL their various departments closer together...engineers with salespeople, administrators near the managers, and so on, so that there's a cross-polination of ideas, abilities, and skill sets. The company isn't requiring these departments to be proficient, but spending any amount of time in something new will yield personal growth for these people.
Much of what's spewed on these boards is done so without much thinking of the results and consequences it will have on your reality and on someone else's.
THINKING all women are bad, that marriage is bad or doomed, women are slutz, etc, etc, etc, infinatum, only GUARANTEES your reality to be as such. My reality is NOT your's, and as a result, I get and experience DIFFERENT things. Have you ever wondered that?
Billions of people live on the SAME planet, and many grew up in WORSE circumstances than you or I, and yet, they get more, earn more, and experience more. Why is that? The reality construct they have, is internally SO MUCH stronger than the external world, that they literally CONTROL reality.
Want more education material? The Fountainhead. Mark Cuban claims it is one of his most favorite books, and one that he reads frequently. Why? Once you read it, you realize the protagonist in Rand's books is one who's reality is SO STRONG, he works till he has it. But also it's his ATTITUDE. He's UNSHAKABLE, UNBREAKABLE, INFALLIBLE. Each day is a blessing in which he lives to fulfill his highest order: his own enjoyment. It's a book quite different from Atlas Shrugged, with much less controversy from a political and moral perspective.
The question isn't...What is or isn't...it's WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Do you want the girl next door? Believe she exists and that you'll find her. Bazillions of guys WONDER how the ugly fughead nextdoor got such a beautiful woman? Maybe he's not a negative speaking and thinking dolt, but instead is a pure man, living with his whole heart, in the moment, believing anything is possible. It's ok to be nice, if you're confident and pure in who you are. I know tons of "nice" people who have self respect and confidence, who don't need to play games, and who have positive attitudes, AND lead lives of happiness and peace. Whereas I've know guys who play games, are quite negative, and end up repeating their mistakes time and time again, only to wonder why. THEIR THINKING and BELIEFS are the same. Conciously/Unconsciously they're only confirming their deepest desires.
But don't buy my reality. Make your's YOUR own. Guys come here ASKING for HAPPINESS. "How do I find thee?" Let me count the ways...You don't FIND IT. YOU RELEASE it. It's in you. It's your heart. It's your feelings. It's living out your desires. It's laughing when you want to laugh, talking when you want to talk, feeling when you want to feel, crying when you want to cry, being mad when you want to be mad. It's you being you. When you don't, you suffocate you're innerself, and cut off all the goodness you are. That's why when I hear women are *bytches*, more than anything it's that they don't know how to take the fact some people may not like them. There's TONS of people, especially guys I knew who were MAJOR dorks in HS, who were ok with being different, ridiculed, and speaking their mind, who DID not have to cop an attitude. But for these women, and men, they do so 1) because they can't hack that society MAY not like you, and 2) society puts on a show for people who think they're HARDCORE.
Lock yourself only into yourself. Don't need guru's, or other people. Sure, use them ask keys to unlock those passages of your mind that draw forth your creativity, you're "YOU-ness,", but then discard them. They only LOCK you in.
Another educational book? Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho.
ALL people are made of the SAME infinite potential, the SAME material, what differs is the MIND. Two teams may have different athletic ability, but odds are, if they're playing at a professional level, then they're pretty close in talent, and then it's only the mentality of the teams that matter. Slumps are purely statistical reality that occcur which are drawn out via negative thinking. A pro golfer isn't going to nail all putts. He may hit 10 in a row, and the field calls him Ben Watson. But then he misses 20 and he's Greg Norman. It isn't that he's bad or good, he's just not 100% and never will be, but his NEGATIVE thinking prolongs ANY recovery that's possible because normally when things go bad, you worsen it by making changes that only EXACERBATE the problem. DON'T. Stick. Trust. Believe.
Over and out for now.
Reality is what we think it is...and to get what you want, you have to think in the direction of it. Are you getting what you want?
I've never forgotten those words. Of anything I recall from college, it's that phrase. Our planet, is merely the enactment of a variety of different realities, all melding together as one. And if you look the world over, the common thread is conflict. As egotistical material objects of a spiritual nature, we all want or desire one reality to reign supreme, or at least BELIEVE one reality should reign supreme. However, as you saunter through life, you come to realize that there things that will blow your mind forcing you to QUESTION reality.
Throw in WHAT the bleep do we know, or THE SECRET, as educational material here. Believe it or not, shake up your reality a little. You want awareness? Go seek things outSIDE your comfort zone. Outside your chosen form of specialization.
I recently listened to a story on the radio where a company is going to put ALL their various departments closer together...engineers with salespeople, administrators near the managers, and so on, so that there's a cross-polination of ideas, abilities, and skill sets. The company isn't requiring these departments to be proficient, but spending any amount of time in something new will yield personal growth for these people.
Much of what's spewed on these boards is done so without much thinking of the results and consequences it will have on your reality and on someone else's.
THINKING all women are bad, that marriage is bad or doomed, women are slutz, etc, etc, etc, infinatum, only GUARANTEES your reality to be as such. My reality is NOT your's, and as a result, I get and experience DIFFERENT things. Have you ever wondered that?
Billions of people live on the SAME planet, and many grew up in WORSE circumstances than you or I, and yet, they get more, earn more, and experience more. Why is that? The reality construct they have, is internally SO MUCH stronger than the external world, that they literally CONTROL reality.
Want more education material? The Fountainhead. Mark Cuban claims it is one of his most favorite books, and one that he reads frequently. Why? Once you read it, you realize the protagonist in Rand's books is one who's reality is SO STRONG, he works till he has it. But also it's his ATTITUDE. He's UNSHAKABLE, UNBREAKABLE, INFALLIBLE. Each day is a blessing in which he lives to fulfill his highest order: his own enjoyment. It's a book quite different from Atlas Shrugged, with much less controversy from a political and moral perspective.
The question isn't...What is or isn't...it's WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Do you want the girl next door? Believe she exists and that you'll find her. Bazillions of guys WONDER how the ugly fughead nextdoor got such a beautiful woman? Maybe he's not a negative speaking and thinking dolt, but instead is a pure man, living with his whole heart, in the moment, believing anything is possible. It's ok to be nice, if you're confident and pure in who you are. I know tons of "nice" people who have self respect and confidence, who don't need to play games, and who have positive attitudes, AND lead lives of happiness and peace. Whereas I've know guys who play games, are quite negative, and end up repeating their mistakes time and time again, only to wonder why. THEIR THINKING and BELIEFS are the same. Conciously/Unconsciously they're only confirming their deepest desires.
But don't buy my reality. Make your's YOUR own. Guys come here ASKING for HAPPINESS. "How do I find thee?" Let me count the ways...You don't FIND IT. YOU RELEASE it. It's in you. It's your heart. It's your feelings. It's living out your desires. It's laughing when you want to laugh, talking when you want to talk, feeling when you want to feel, crying when you want to cry, being mad when you want to be mad. It's you being you. When you don't, you suffocate you're innerself, and cut off all the goodness you are. That's why when I hear women are *bytches*, more than anything it's that they don't know how to take the fact some people may not like them. There's TONS of people, especially guys I knew who were MAJOR dorks in HS, who were ok with being different, ridiculed, and speaking their mind, who DID not have to cop an attitude. But for these women, and men, they do so 1) because they can't hack that society MAY not like you, and 2) society puts on a show for people who think they're HARDCORE.
Lock yourself only into yourself. Don't need guru's, or other people. Sure, use them ask keys to unlock those passages of your mind that draw forth your creativity, you're "YOU-ness,", but then discard them. They only LOCK you in.
Another educational book? Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho.
ALL people are made of the SAME infinite potential, the SAME material, what differs is the MIND. Two teams may have different athletic ability, but odds are, if they're playing at a professional level, then they're pretty close in talent, and then it's only the mentality of the teams that matter. Slumps are purely statistical reality that occcur which are drawn out via negative thinking. A pro golfer isn't going to nail all putts. He may hit 10 in a row, and the field calls him Ben Watson. But then he misses 20 and he's Greg Norman. It isn't that he's bad or good, he's just not 100% and never will be, but his NEGATIVE thinking prolongs ANY recovery that's possible because normally when things go bad, you worsen it by making changes that only EXACERBATE the problem. DON'T. Stick. Trust. Believe.
Over and out for now.
Reality is what we think it is...and to get what you want, you have to think in the direction of it. Are you getting what you want?