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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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"Reality is a matter of perception." ~ My College Public Speaking Professor.

I've never forgotten those words. Of anything I recall from college, it's that phrase. Our planet, is merely the enactment of a variety of different realities, all melding together as one. And if you look the world over, the common thread is conflict. As egotistical material objects of a spiritual nature, we all want or desire one reality to reign supreme, or at least BELIEVE one reality should reign supreme. However, as you saunter through life, you come to realize that there things that will blow your mind forcing you to QUESTION reality.

Throw in WHAT the bleep do we know, or THE SECRET, as educational material here. Believe it or not, shake up your reality a little. You want awareness? Go seek things outSIDE your comfort zone. Outside your chosen form of specialization.

I recently listened to a story on the radio where a company is going to put ALL their various departments closer together...engineers with salespeople, administrators near the managers, and so on, so that there's a cross-polination of ideas, abilities, and skill sets. The company isn't requiring these departments to be proficient, but spending any amount of time in something new will yield personal growth for these people.

Much of what's spewed on these boards is done so without much thinking of the results and consequences it will have on your reality and on someone else's.

THINKING all women are bad, that marriage is bad or doomed, women are slutz, etc, etc, etc, infinatum, only GUARANTEES your reality to be as such. My reality is NOT your's, and as a result, I get and experience DIFFERENT things. Have you ever wondered that?

Billions of people live on the SAME planet, and many grew up in WORSE circumstances than you or I, and yet, they get more, earn more, and experience more. Why is that? The reality construct they have, is internally SO MUCH stronger than the external world, that they literally CONTROL reality.

Want more education material? The Fountainhead. Mark Cuban claims it is one of his most favorite books, and one that he reads frequently. Why? Once you read it, you realize the protagonist in Rand's books is one who's reality is SO STRONG, he works till he has it. But also it's his ATTITUDE. He's UNSHAKABLE, UNBREAKABLE, INFALLIBLE. Each day is a blessing in which he lives to fulfill his highest order: his own enjoyment. It's a book quite different from Atlas Shrugged, with much less controversy from a political and moral perspective.

The question isn't...What is or isn't...it's WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Do you want the girl next door? Believe she exists and that you'll find her. Bazillions of guys WONDER how the ugly fughead nextdoor got such a beautiful woman? Maybe he's not a negative speaking and thinking dolt, but instead is a pure man, living with his whole heart, in the moment, believing anything is possible. It's ok to be nice, if you're confident and pure in who you are. I know tons of "nice" people who have self respect and confidence, who don't need to play games, and who have positive attitudes, AND lead lives of happiness and peace. Whereas I've know guys who play games, are quite negative, and end up repeating their mistakes time and time again, only to wonder why. THEIR THINKING and BELIEFS are the same. Conciously/Unconsciously they're only confirming their deepest desires.


But don't buy my reality. Make your's YOUR own. Guys come here ASKING for HAPPINESS. "How do I find thee?" Let me count the ways...You don't FIND IT. YOU RELEASE it. It's in you. It's your heart. It's your feelings. It's living out your desires. It's laughing when you want to laugh, talking when you want to talk, feeling when you want to feel, crying when you want to cry, being mad when you want to be mad. It's you being you. When you don't, you suffocate you're innerself, and cut off all the goodness you are. That's why when I hear women are *bytches*, more than anything it's that they don't know how to take the fact some people may not like them. There's TONS of people, especially guys I knew who were MAJOR dorks in HS, who were ok with being different, ridiculed, and speaking their mind, who DID not have to cop an attitude. But for these women, and men, they do so 1) because they can't hack that society MAY not like you, and 2) society puts on a show for people who think they're HARDCORE.

Lock yourself only into yourself. Don't need guru's, or other people. Sure, use them ask keys to unlock those passages of your mind that draw forth your creativity, you're "YOU-ness,", but then discard them. They only LOCK you in.

Another educational book? Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho.

ALL people are made of the SAME infinite potential, the SAME material, what differs is the MIND. Two teams may have different athletic ability, but odds are, if they're playing at a professional level, then they're pretty close in talent, and then it's only the mentality of the teams that matter. Slumps are purely statistical reality that occcur which are drawn out via negative thinking. A pro golfer isn't going to nail all putts. He may hit 10 in a row, and the field calls him Ben Watson. But then he misses 20 and he's Greg Norman. It isn't that he's bad or good, he's just not 100% and never will be, but his NEGATIVE thinking prolongs ANY recovery that's possible because normally when things go bad, you worsen it by making changes that only EXACERBATE the problem. DON'T. Stick. Trust. Believe.

Over and out for now.

Reality is what we think it is...and to get what you want, you have to think in the direction of it. Are you getting what you want?



Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
This should be in the tips forum for everybody - great post.

A lot of people would figure everything out far quicker if they heeded this advice, and advice similar to it. I wrote out a similar tip on perception and it seemed to drift into nothingness. Those that want simple solutions never realize that doing the more difficult thing first makes the solution, well, simple.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Another example of REALITY and RESPONSIBILITY.

My father bought an HDTV with all the goodies. He didn't install the system, though. He paid someone else to do it, so if anything happened, he had no control over fixing it. Just so happens, some family visits my mother during the day, he's working, and they muffed up the HDTV system where no sound was coming out of the Surround Sound system. He comes home from a long day of work, still working as he gets home, and finds that his "tv" doesn't work. He rants and raves for minutes about how it's BS someone did this, and the cable guy rigged it wrong, and how my uncle was visiting screwed it up.

While visiting that night, I take charge of fixing it. My initial attempts fail because I had no clue how to do it either. I stop for awhile, make some food and return to the project at hand. NOW, my father still becomes irate, to which I respond calmly, until my rage builds and I burst out, losing full control...

"It's your responsibility. You bought this. Call a repair guy, or learn to do it. End of story. All things you bring into your reality, are YOUR's to own. Discard them OR learn about them. Go 100%, or give them away, but don't give 50%, don't give less than your FULL attention, or THIS will happen again. IF you own a car, either learn about the minor details, or have a dedicated mechanic. Don't try to BE a mechanic, unless you're going to specialize in it, or be ok with the time invested in it. Something goes wrong, fix it, or call the experts for it. There's no reason to be pissed at anyone or anything, BUT YOURSELF. Your own frustration is the product of your ignorance about that which you own. Which is the blight of most of humanity anyways."

He walked off, quite agitated at this addition to his already growing frustration. I called my uncle, and in 10 minutes after my tirade, it was fixed, full with the explantion OF WHY it didn't work. Now I knew, and he didn't. He relayed my information. Being my father, I also apologized for my rant, although my mother agreed with my behavior because he was acting like a child about such trivial possessions that CAN fixed.


I raise this EXAMPLE, because as it played out, I realized what I knew that he didn't. When I finished fixing it, he was all smiles and good cheer. I was a hero, over such a minor incident. Thing is...how often in life do people do that? The only reason people bytch is people they're displaying their LACK of power, will, and ability to change reality, so they complain so they find other's who can or will, or who at least AGREE with their reality. Which doesn't HELP change things, it just makes it easier to swallow your own feeling of helplessness.

The answer might not be IMMEDIATELY obvious, but it will come, if you put the effort in.



Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
A-Unit said:
But don't buy my reality. Make your's YOUR own. Guys come here ASKING for HAPPINESS. "How do I find thee?" Let me count the ways...You don't FIND IT. YOU RELEASE it. It's in you. It's your heart. It's your feelings. It's living out your desires. It's laughing when you want to laugh, talking when you want to talk, feeling when you want to feel, crying when you want to cry, being mad when you want to be mad. It's you being you. When you don't, you suffocate you're innerself, and cut off all the goodness you are. That's why when I hear women are *bytches*, more than anything it's that they don't know how to take the fact some people may not like them. There's TONS of people, especially guys I knew who were MAJOR dorks in HS, who were ok with being different, ridiculed, and speaking their mind, who DID not have to cop an attitude. But for these women, and men, they do so 1) because they can't hack that society MAY not like you, and 2) society puts on a show for people who think they're HARDCORE.

Best thing I've read on this site in a while. There's an essential element in here that applies to all of us that are trying to "change" or "improve" ourselves: instead of taking that shell of a person you are now, the guy that acts like he thinks others want him to act... act as you really are inside FIRST and then you'll find out how to use your best qualities to improve yourself.

I was thinking about this the other day while reading a bunch of stuff about "how to become an alpha male". I couldn't figure out why I was reacting so harshly to the articles, but after a while I realized that I'm simply not built by my genetics and my history to be a big, bruising, neanderthal kinda guy. I'm skinny, and smart, and sarcastic, and sensative. I like to cuddle, I like to kiss. I like to talk. I watch foreign movies. I hate it when guys fight.

So how do I improve my chances with women? Do I fake everything and just start acting tougher? No, it takes change from within, from your most basic elements. You don't add muscle to a shell of yourself, you add it to the muscle you already have. The same thing works mentally.

This doesn't mean that I'm going to run around and trumpet the fact that I cried during "Stranger Than Fiction" (damn good movie, BTW). But if it happens that I'm with some people and see another movie, and I start to cry, I'm not going to go all alpha and hide it. It's WHO I AM. And maybe if I trust myself enough to see that, if I can start to really UNDERSTAND who I am, than I'll know where I can improve myself.

Maybe none of that made sense. But it makes sense to me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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A great, B movie all should try to see is "Whipped" with Amanda Peete and Co. It plays with 3 guys who think they're "players", only to find out they're dating the same chick, fight over her, and get played back. The fourth guy is Whipped and married and only serves as foil to contrast married versus single life.

In it, there's a WALL STREET alpha guy, an ARTSY guy, and a Sensitive Guy. By the end, she sleeps with all of them. Throughout the movie, she fakes her interests to match perfectly so they fall for her. When she reveals to all of them it was a game, she also discloses the 1 she liked best was the sensitive guy because he a large c*ck. However, the point was, all guys can game as they want, without sacrificing WHO they are.

As far as I'm concerned, all guys CAN be alpha. It's merely qualities, that are linked to testosterone, which all men have, and can legally and illegally increase. These qualities are indicative of habits, which environment and psychology play a bigger role in determining than genetics do. Relegating life to genetics means life is preordained, and then there is destiny, no free will. What do you believe in? Free will or destiny? Fate or Choice?

If you think you aren't, you're not. If you think you can be, you will. If you think you can do, you will. As I've said, just b/c you don't finish learning calculus in the predetermined semester time-frame, DOES NOT mean you can't do it. It may take a year, BUT it will happen. Society slaps a label that says..."If you can't learn Calc by December, you can't do Math or Calc." Which isn't true. It's THEIR definition of it, NOT your's. All of us could learn a foreign languate, because for some English IS a foreign language, so you technically already know one. Maybe it's not done in 3.5 months, but it will be done. All of retirees end up wealthy or rich by the definitions of those terms, just not in the quick time frame some people expect. Does that mean they're not rich at 60 with a phat 401k and a home paid off and cars paid off and no debts?

I like what's written in PUA stuff, but for the guys who come asking for What do I do? type info, I say gather it all, assimilate what you like, discard what you don't. I own upwards of 20 programs or ebooks, if nothing else for info purposes. People might scoff at buying them, but I feel they're just looking for the HOLY grail of info, and that if it doesn't have a solid gold ideas right off the bat, then it's worthless. I'd rather grab info and build my own models.



Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I grew up in an environment that for the most part discouraged thinking for yourself.

Don't know how it happened but during the course of my life I grew out of the whole "everything is black r white" way of thinking that was really holding me back from becoming the person I wanted to be.

All my life I listened to my dad tell me how GM cars are the best. I watched my grandma terrified she was going to hell because she was too sick to make it to church one sunday. I listened to my everyone tell me how the road to success is the same road most people take and end up falling very short of their goals.

I finally learned how to create MY OWN reality. I learned to question what others had been telling me my entire life to formulate my own world. And it still changes every day. But the one thing I am thankful for is the fact that I was finally able to recognize that the world shouldn't be viewed as everyone else sees it, but instead should be seen and enterpreted through your own eyes.

Good post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Ponder reality as this...

**Tomorrow is neither guaranteed, nor created. TIME is a creation of man. Thinking about TOMORROW is truly only in the mind or in the fake plans we make. Tomorrow isn't here. Tomorrow is TODAYS growth. Nature views tomorrow as a few more cells on that tree growing 300feet tall. Animals don't see tomorrow; they see today in terms of food, survival, mating, pack leadership, etc. Weather and climate isn't a product of time, but of natural forces working together. When storms occur, it isn't the season, but the combination of events that trigger it. So what is TIME? Time, for us, is the culmination and cumulative events of our lives. Time feels like a blur for those who make no growth, in any way, shape or form. Some parts of religion and spirituality sugges that you're here, in a various number of lifetimes, repeating what you didn't learn before, rather like the Dark Tower, or Groundhog Day. That your CURRENT fears and strengths are elements brought forth from past lives lived. Whether you buy such theories or not is irrelevant. Truly, tomorrow is not a guarantee. It's only a manifestation of the mind. And what's boggled me about that is...people who think Monday's suck, are confident time is a CONCRETE thing. That TOMORROW is concrete. It's only as concrete as we write down on schedules, and how concrete are plans? Only as concrete as we make them to be.

**Reality is meant to be the EXTERNAL projection of your INTERNAL self. Whatever you BELIEVE, you'll affirm by finding it in life. As noted in "What the BLEEP do we know?"...the brain sees more than the eyes see. More information is collected by the brain, hence we only use 10% of the brain. Is it possible the EGO shadows 90% of our TRUE spiritual or god-like nature? If the brain sees alot more than we see perceptually, is it possible our beliefs color reality as we see fit? Alot of guys can better understand this in terms of women, since that's the primary reason they come here.

Before finding SS, you didn't know women spoke a feminine language. You didn't know that they would shyt test you, or had a special language which only knowledgeable men, and women knew. Therefore, your visual/audio perception was quite a bit less than now. However, over weeks and months of reading, your PERCEPTION grew. You dropped your beliefs, since you've tested failed beliefs and found they don't work through real world experience, and adopted NEW beliefs that yield success and ALIGNMENT with life. Is that not confirmation enough of how the Law of Attraction works? What more do you need? If you honestly didn't believe that personal improvement wasn't possible...you wouldn't be here, would you? But you believe it works, don't you? Yes. Of course.


So how is this APPLICABLE?

I don't have anything specific, because I'm not you. BUT, I would certainly place the creation of my REALITY at the highest purpose of MY life. I would write out my visions, my wants, my desires. If you're not livingfor that, what are you? Where people confuse Ayn Rand is to suggest that...people who have families, wouldn't live for them. HOWEVER, if I begin today, at 18, or 21, or 25, living FOR me. Sans society. Sans family. Sans everything. Inclusive of only you. Then, as you progress, you'll give yourself COMPLETELY to those wants, 100%.

I find it funny when women nag men for MORE of something, and women come here to ask about "such and such" as it relates to women...only to realize if women ASK for something like that, they're not getting the REAL thing. They're the request. They're not getting 100%. They're getting 0% of something fake. It isn't that relationships are work, it's that, requesting something repeatedly is basically a zero sum game. It's one thing to ask for a back massage, but to demand repeated back massages on a weekly basis, and then ask you to sacrifice time with your friends to do it, if you didn't want to, is a 0% request. You're getting nothing but that request like it's a drive through fast food window full of fat and empty nutrition, or in this case, empty feelings and emotion.

If your woman's got that problem, it's either a repeatable offense, or a 1 time offense. If it's a one time offense, please learn to think on your feet. If it's a repeatable offense, amongst many offenses, then you may question things a little. As you get together longer and longer in relationships, WHO YOU ARE AT THE CORE becomes the primary driver of success or failure in relationships above all else. The first year or 2, can be fluff, where you hang together, bang together, go out, etc, and get all the HOT stuff out of the way. After that, you've exhausted the concerts, and bars, and getaways locally, and maybe sporting events, and board games, done the movie thing, and the dinner thing. NOW, you have to have REAL stuff. I never got that before. But in most initial relationships, there's enough NEW local stuff to do that keeps you occupied. AFTER that, you realize it's like rocking in a chair, it's fun to do but gets you nowhere. The NEW stuff is merely a cover to what you are or what you're not.

After two years, going out tons might be fun, but if you don't have MORE fun with her than the place you're at or the group you're with, you're done. Because you could easily be with someone else. If it's a first date, the newness of being there with someone new makes it exhilarating. However, if it's the nth time going, then it's about the conversation and the relationship. Hence, the TWO YEAR itch we all feel, if it's not a fulfilling relationship WITH someone who's a BEST friend with BENEFITS. And BEST friends are generally people we have ALOT in common with, and some people may even call TWINS. And if it's a case of OPPOSITEs attract, then she and you best be VERY understanding and open-minded to OPPOSITEness. Don't be a hardline catholic, hate gays, and have a hippy wife who has lots of gay friends and think things will fly. They won't.


Reality is the INTERNALness of you, in EXTERNAL expression. If your EXTERNAL world isn't how you want it to be, then get your INTERNAL world worked out. Money issues are the unnatural flow against the laws of money and abundance. A lack of beauty is the unnatural flow against the laws of beauty and attraction. Happiness is an unnatural flow and misunderstanding of the laws of life and happiness.



Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
thank you A-Unit. posts like these are the reason i have not left sosuave since i first came here 20 usernames ago. you are a smart fella and i appreciate your posts always.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Great posts A-Unit - I have a bunch of contacts on my facebook (a site i loathe, except for the basketball pool!) who are total Attention-seeking-W***'s. Mind you, they are already in a relationship or have what they want in life, but it is as if it's not enough for them.

Needless to say, those types of sites have jazzed-up profiles. The reality is that most people are 'ordinary.' The instinct one must trust is that which you get when you are with them face-to-face and in person.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
A-Unit said:
"Reality is a matter of perception." ~ My College Public Speaking Professor.

Reality is what we think it is...and to get what you want, you have to think in the direction of it. Are you getting what you want?A-Unit
A-Unit - your posts are always well written and insightful but you may have overstepped your boundaries here! What you say "sounds" good but it doesn't make sense! It is illogical and it is the mantra of these "new age" thinkers who are the the gatekeepers of The Matrix!

Reality "IS" what it "IS" and NOT what you perceive it to be! Many things that you say are true but your premise is flawed!


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Having a rosy outlook in life and positive mental thinking is all well and good and encouraged to be a healthy human on this planet and ideally get more out of the world, but one as to careful when it comes to ‘thinking’ life can just fall at your feet due to just ‘thinking’.

Now I am going to post this and make it pretty long and I wanted to make a stand towards this new age tripe that is floating about currently.

Now don’t get me wrong this stuff servers a purpose but this stuff for each positive there can be an equal negative, if this is negative thinking due to me challenging these beliefs then that too is simply another docterin you have bought into, it is healthy to question reality around us, including what the new age concept thinking is.

Now is this stuff new?

If I told you this stuff was not new, would you be surprised? Would you be surprised this stuff as parts in more places then one can possibly even comprehend?

Ok these is where the new age stuff can be seen though-out history.

Now this is not based on weird fantasy, these are proven cases and practised still to this day, but not by me, so the truth in them is for some-one else to figure out, I have a different idea of what is going on and I will post that also.

New age thinking and the think and you shall have ideals.
Ok if anyone wanted to browse simple conspiracy ideals you will see these stuff dotted around everywhere?
Why, what and how?

Ok religions, normally restricted free thought, spiritualism and personal research into other methods of religion.

Let’s look at a few things that have encouraged free thinking ideals.
Now this is not about taking a stand on heaven and hell or some other stuff, I don’t believe in some man made religion I simply believe what is ‘right’ for me.

Satanic, rituals:
I am not talking about the stuff you see on TV but the school of satan stuff, which is fundamentally a stab at Christianity and is very much a humanitarian religion then a worship of evil acts.
Anyway Satanic rituals, make the person do certain ‘magic’ that requires one to summon forth spirits OR channel one self into a certain ‘thought’ to allow that ‘thought’ to come true, sound familiar? Now Satanists will swear blind it works, but when you look at what’s been asked one thinks its just another concept people are gripping onto to add meaning, it may work or it may not, we will go further in-depth.

Gnostic and pagan rituals:
These two follow the similar route of channelling ones mind into a certain thought to make it come true.

Yoga and the opening of the 7 Chakra’s.
Chakra opening is linked into new age concepts that allow one to become one with the ‘true’ reality, yoga is a by-product of opening the chakra’s
And Buddhism is a product of combining them to open the 3rd eye, which allows true sight apparently.

New age ideals.
There is videos on YouTube that states a Chinese scientist, did tests on water samples: What he did he channelled his thoughts into water molecules and observed them, this was kinda fascinating, once observed they apparently took on different shapes depending on what he was thinking, i.e negative or positive thoughts.

Allister Crwoley, experimented in Magic ideals which some labled as evil, branding him a dark or black magician, he conducted many things in his life and some of them where under the theory of channelling ones mind.

David Ike goes on about energy and we are all energy and controlled by lizard men.

People will tell you all you need is to channel ones mind to get your hearts desire and focus on it for it to come true.
And the above can be a testament to what people have and are still currently doing.

What am I saying?

None of this new age concepts are new, it is EXPECTED with the fall of major religions, these new age ideals are simply products of things that have been thoughout history as a part of our social order, hidden or otherwise, now it is becoming main-stream and re-packaged into new concepts for one to ‘think’ there way out of the box of life.

Me what do I believe?

Well this always comes up and this cant be argued as reality is solid regardless of what we think it ‘can’ be.

A fly, know nothing about your, mine anything not forced to ‘think’ a certain way, not expected to perform a certain way, but arguably a creature, a living creature just like you and me, in the fact it would possibly have a certain ideal of though and have a next step ideal.

Ok this fly is buzzing around your house, it sees this huge opening and makes for it, BAM what’s this, he can see the outside though this opening, but for some-reason he cant reach it. He does not get it, cant understand, so he keeps bashing his little body against the WINDOW in the vain attempt to get out.
Now this fly as a clear indication of what it wants and is the most persistant, most positive fuc8ing creature I can think of, since that window DOES NOT EXIST, the fly cant understand and keeps forcing that body of his out of that window, until exhaustion gets him, his last futile effort, last energie spent and he falls down dead.

The thing is the window was open, he only had to fly 2 more inches up and he would have been out, or he could have gone to another window of opportunity.

The reason why he did not: Well he did not see the problem he was so focused on the result he could not see the main thing that stopped him from achieving his desired result.

Why do I use the fly scenario:

Positive thinking is good, but it can be bad also, here is why:

Thinking one is going to get something by pure thought alone:
Thinking your just going to have the best car the best house by simply concentrating your will to it, goes against logical and normal thinking, the thing I am saying is thinking you will get it by simply ‘thinking’, it cuts out the part where these things ‘cost money’ in other words, work, earn, what car is it, how can you drive it, house how will you fund it, how can you buy it? You see the problem.

I am doing a business course and one of the things I am doing atm is a project plan.
Now positive thinking says I will finish the plan, but rational and logical thinking proves to me I have to invest my time and effort to see a result.
Just chanting, the end result may help in MOTIVATION but it is not going to get my plan finished, only I can do that.

Also motivation type stuff like this:
It can have a detrimental effect also.

Life is not easy, it was not designed to be easy, it was designed to be a challenge, something to work to make things easier, there are bad things in this world if you want to believe it or not, channelling we all live in a rose garden is not going to get rid of the people who enjoy picking roses and sticking them in your eye balls.
What this means is:
If you consistatly have a positive outlook and be blinded to the things that are fuc*ed up in this world your going to get burnt.
Like putting your hand in a fire, positive thinking may suggest your not going to get burned but the TRUE reality knows its going to fuc*ing well hurt.
This can be applied to dating and women, going out with a bad women and thinking it is going to be ok, means your sticking your hand in a fire expecting not to be burned.
Investing money with no clear though, due to positive thinking can get you burnt.
Walking into the bad neighbourhood for a pint of mild, is probably not a good idea, no matter how good you think your positive channelling is.

This can go on and on and on.

So it says to me there is a vested interest in making people believe in fairy tales to commit with out some clear thought or rational, to get people to do things they normally would not due to thinking positive and then brushing off the hardship with some random bull of ‘you should have thought harder’ or ‘you was clearly not channelling positively’.

Now if this is deemed as negative thinking, or cynical or scepticism or what ever you like.
Then to me your nothing better then the people on the street trying to sell me the bible, it is ok for them to sell me there believes and ideas, but as soon as I want to share mine, it’s a whole different matter.

I have learned in this world, question what you want and have a cynical ideal on the mass market, over hyped products of this world.

No I have not read the secret, but I think it will be a watered down ideal of ‘conversation with god’ OTO, Satanism, Gnosticism and other past ideals, made in a way to make the reader FEEL GOOD and probably not much else.

Positive thinking is a great tool to have, coupled with Application and the right vehicle or path for that thinking.
It is very bad though when clearly the situation is not in your favour and not amount of positive thinking will make it better.

Careful what you buy into, positive thinking whilst being shafted, to me sounds like your taking up the back crac* with a smile on your face, you know it hurts, and your not gay, but you keep telling yourself life is perfect, when clearly you need to get off that dic*


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
A-Unit - your posts are always well written and insightful but you may have overstepped your boundaries here! What you say "sounds" good but it doesn't make sense! It is illogical and it is the mantra of these "new age" thinkers who are the the gatekeepers of The Matrix!

Reality "IS" what it "IS" and NOT what you perceive it to be! Many things that you say are true but your premise is flawed!
Einstein would disagree.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
The problem on this site is just this. Most people don't realize that "You created your reality" If your life isn't what you want it to be, or on that path then it is your responsibility to change that. This takes a more honest look at yourself than most are willing to do. You not only have to know your strengths, but you have to give yourself an honest self-evaluation as to where you are lacking.

Only by accepting your weaknesses do you give yourself the room to suceed. Only by knowing what you are lacking can you work to fix those things in order to create your success story.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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I've got a camera that's almost toy-like. It can do great things, and it can fail miserably in shots taken at night. Like a camera, we can do great things and we can be miserably bad at something else. What we need to do is identify what are weaknesses are and find ways to get around it (to accomplish the same thing) or play more frequently on our strengths.

Words easier said as a philosophy but when applied, one creates a reality he wants.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Just a side-note...that whole 10% of the brain thing was pretty much discredited. It was based on an experiment where scientists removed different fractions of a rat's brain to see at what point its function was impeded.

Not to take away from the post...it's brilliant. But you may not want to cite that old piece of urban wisdom. ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Underage poster in the Mature Man forum. Poster is 22
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Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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I'm not saying you're wrong or making any types of judgement, I've watched "What the bleep" and I've read the Secret however they are just another (more rehashes of other) religions that haven't been proved by any scientific tests.

And I've allways found it funny, while yes there are people who have great lives and thank god for all their good fortune. There are others who believe just as much but still live ****ty existences.

If you want to believe in this kind of stuff to make you feel better then go ahead but success in life requires more than simply wanting something to happen or thinking it will happen. It requires that you actually make it happen!

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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Great post! Thanks.

Not planning on buying into "is the secret real" debate.

I'll just say this; if you do try to create your own reality by holding positive thoughts in your head you are happier regardless...
