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  1. H

    girl finds an 8 ball of cocaine in a book she bought off amazon

    Its a ploy by Amazon to sell more books, obviously.
  2. H

    Bytch dumps BF with cancer, feels entitled to his superbowl tickets Another typical American hor. In a nutshell, This guy bought Superbowl tickets for him and his hor. He was later diagnosed with bladder cancer, and when he told his hor, she dumped him...
  3. H

    IOI's but not very "into" sex

    Your post is very hard to follow. Try a rewrite.
  4. H

    So people are b*tching about how much money Mitt Romney makes

    'Earned income' was never meant to be taxed in the first place. It technically isn't even income at all. What average people do is TRADE either their product or service for money. That is a balanced and EQUAL TRADE. By definition, it is not 'income,' therefore, never supposed be taxed at all...
  5. H

    do you hang out with co-workers?

    Yeah. Why wouldn't you??
  6. H

    Need advice regarding attractive roommate.

    He's not talking about HIS roomate. Try READING the post before replying. Anyway, hell yeah. Go for it.
  7. H

    Talking to best friends ex girl after he dies

    I'll give a link to my thread of a similar experience: This happened about a month and a half after her husband died. Before this, I was just her FRIEND, even though she stayed with me a few nights, in my bed, right after it happened. She just didn't want to be alone, and I didn't throw any...
  8. H

    Liquid vegetables?

    The difference between drinking or eating your veggies, is that your body doesnt need to spend any energy chewing, and digesting it, and can focus that energy towards healing instead. BTW, I read the article about the nuking food myth also. Here's a link...
  9. H

    your signature dish...

    I'll submit two killer recipes: Jalapeno poppers: A shytload of japs. (smaller ones preferably) 1 package or jar of sundried tomatoes. 1 bunch of fresh basil. One tub of WHIPPED cream cheese One package of THICK CUT bacon. carefully slice the japs open to clean the insides, but still be...
  10. H

    Why are women not smiling back at me nor giving eye contact?

    No it doesn't. It means you are a friendly person. (BTW, this is a typical example of people taking the 'advice' on this site too far) Deicide, I can think of two for this: One, Its hard for people in todays society to acknowledge strangers. Dont take it personally. Some of them may have felt...
  11. H

    Should I let her sleep over or not?

    What do you have to lose if she crashes at your place? You might bang her, you might not. You definitely wont, if she stays somewhere else. Forget the flakes, and give her your a-game when you see her, and bang the snot out of her.
  12. H

    Is this consistent with possible BPD?

    Not even close to BPD behaviour. Thats pretty normal chick behaviour, if you ask me.
  13. H

    How to find out if she has a bf?

    I usually just wait till she's off her phone, and ask if her BF is checking up on her. You never have to wait too long these days.
  14. H

    she has a bf, she kissed me... now what?

    You need to give her "BF" a link to this site! How can that even be mistaken for a relationship? Pretend he doesnt exist.
  15. H

    plenty IOI's slept naked - no kissing??? - WTH?

    So, dont kiss her... Just stick your penis in her. Kissing is NOT a requirement for sex, you know.
  16. H

    Escaping the Torture Zone

    Make her sleep on the couch. If she asks why, tell her straight up.
  17. H

    Casually dating a BPD

    I'll be looking forward to future threads from you about how this chick ruined your life. BTW, how do you even know she's BPD? Its VERY hard to know unless you've dated her/or another one, which you obviously haven't.
  18. H

    gf made out with some dude during break up

    Making out with someone else is unimportant. Thats what people do. Who cares? If YOU didnt make out with anyone, it wasn't because you didn't want to. Seriously, you were broke up for SIX MONTHS. Most chicks would have banged ten dudes in that amount of time. The real question is why did you...
  19. H

    But BPD chicks are kinda fun!

    As long as you dont mind, when she flips out on you for little to no reason and is immediately practicing her BJ skills with other men, then calling you five minutes later... go for it.
  20. H

    did the cop have a right to search my car?

    I know a guy who got pulled over in Utah. the cops used an empty red-bull can as probable cause to search his vehicle. They found over twenty hits of ecstasy. He got off scott free because the cops DID NOT HAVE PROBABLE CAUSE. Another buddy got pulled over once. His passenger lit a cigarette as...