They have a you guilty until proven innocent attitude, if you start to voice your rights it might end up bad for you. In a traffic stop, you could exit your vehicle, close all windows and lock doors. That is definitely suspicious, and the cop will tell you it's enough probable cause to search it, but no. All he can do is maybe call a dog to sniff it from outside. But he will lecture you, and try to spray you, and sit you down, and maybe tase you and take you in. Because HE thinks you are guilty until YOU prove that you are innocent.
Cop did not have enough probable cause because of bottle inside your car.
You feel like a douch because you live in femenist fascist state. Nazis in skirts giving you anal probes to prove you are not a terrorist.
Now I'm in Russia. With our laws they can search my car. But even if they do it's not as invasive as what happened to you. He'll check glove box and trunk looking for maybe a gun, body, baggie with weed or coke. Even if he finds something you just give him money and be on your way. When cop here stops you, he comes over to you and says hello and introduces himself. Usually checks your license, insurance, registration, and tries to have a small chat with you, about anything, to try and smell if you've been drinking. The road Cops, DPS, are not the same as Police, PPS. Road cop can't even touch you. If you start a fight with him he'll have to call Police and they'll deal with you, even then they'll try and talk to you, maybe reason with you for an hour. Over where you live, it's YOU DO THIS LIKE I TELL YOU or I'm gonna tase your ass.
Recently my ex friend was driving my car, we were both piss drunk and ran from road cops, 3 crews boxed us in, got us out, beat us up and were about to lock us for 15 days and take our licenses, his for running and mine for giving him keys, and we gave them money, about $600 worth and everything was cool.