iwanttofight said:
Actually this does sound made up to me. Im sure Amazon increased there book sales drastically because of this scam.
I'm inclined to believe the story is valid and true.
Why, because of the Law of Large Numbers: rare things with a once-in-a-million probability happen all the time. Product tampering, although very rare, does happen. With the massive volume of books being sold, it would be more remarkable if things like this did not occasionally happen, even more remarkable for used books.
Amazon is already a huge empire (and why stop there, it may have happened at the book publisher) and there is no credible reason to think their book sales will increase, and in fact good reason to think their sales would decline if it was a major news story of product tampering. 99% of people find hard drugs reprehensible and many customers would stop using Amazon, at least for awhile, which would far outweigh the less than 1% of people whose ears would perk up. It's a small news story which will be quickly forgotten, so the net effect is zero.