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  1. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Yes... I agree 100% with this! :up: But is that really our destiny? Is there no "purpose" of any sort? The bible of any religion speaks about after life and a higher purpose... So do we disregard something like this as co-incidence? :rolleyes:
  2. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    lol very creative thinking, i like.... :up::D Now onto the point though.... Lets say the future goes how u predicted (for arguments sake), now where do YOU come into the scenario?? Does our "soul" or whatever "we" are (lol) cycle and come back? Or do we go into a different type of world after...
  3. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    ahaha :crackup: Man you think Earth is gonna be around for THAT long? daiiiimnnnn.... My man, this Earth going bye bye 200 years MAX (prob only 100 +- years imo) :D But hey... even if that is what happens to your "remains", dont you believe in an afterlife Dilllberrrto? :o
  4. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    I was just wondering... If there is life after we die as "humens", then what happens after that? And if we live "forever" then what will we DO forever? 100 billion years from now sounds like an insanely long time away, but time never stops and 100 billion years from now WILL at some point...
  5. C


    Hey man.. Nice to see you here :up:
  6. C

    Clubs are the worst places to pick up chicks?!

    True. Your reason for going clubbing should not be to pick up chicks, it should rather be to have a good time, and if you meet a woman that strikes your interest, then approach her, either she will like you, or she wont. You have nothing to lose, and so much to gain. If you don’t gain THE GIRL...
  7. C

    Clubs are the worst places to pick up chicks?!

    My 2c... Umm, guys, I don’t know where you were told that clubs were the hardest, or even that chicks are most defensive in clubs, but that’s not true. All those women in the club looking so hot with their stylish hair and clothing.. You think they get into those tight little outfits for their...
  8. C

    There but not there

    Here is something you can do... Lamia: Here is what you need to do to make things easier for you to kiss her, properly. 1) Arrange for you and her to do something together. A movie, a picnic (I like the beach for a picnic), or anywhere where you and her will have some alone / personal time...
  9. C

    been a long time since i had a girl

    *thumbs up* I like this. Well said. :up:
  10. C

    How do you respond to this question?

    An idea you can try... Her: Whats my name? You: Hey! Thats my line... *grin* ... And its meant for later, no need to rush :) *innocent smile* Her: hehehe what? You: *quoting yourself / the situation* "Whaaaaaats my naaaame! Whaaaaaats my naaaame! Whoooos your daaaddyyy?!" :D ... Her...
  11. C

    What's Up with The Nicknames?

    dotdotdot... I chose my nick because it appeals to me in so many ways... :whistle:
  12. C

    Do you plan to get married one day?

    *nod* To original poster: Yes, I do plan on getting married. Not planning on when, just taking my love life as it comes. :up: Laterz...
  13. C

    Best Friend/Dating HELP!!!

    Pull out while you still can... It does not seem to me that she is ready for a committed relationship. The more pressure you put on her to get into a relationship the more she wont want it. You need to let her mature in her own pace. If you want any chance with this girl in the future I would...
  14. C

    she says she is too young for me

    *nod* This could also work. :yes: Laterz..
  15. C

    When women ask you "do you have a girlfriend"?

    hmm... If you are single, then all you have to say is that you are single, and if/when they ask you WHY, then you simply tell them that its because you choose to be. The continue to say that you are just taking your love life as it comes and when you meet someone special then you will know it...
  16. C

    she says she is too young for me

    hmm... dito. And just to add: If a girl tells you that she is too young then either she isn’t interested, genuinely thinks that she IS too young (also considered as not interested), or playing hard to get. You also need to keep in mind that girls at the age of 19 also have a sh!tload of...
  17. C

    What is your view on your girlfriend hanging out with untrustworthy guys?

    What type of girl do you have? I see it this way: If you have a girlfriend and some guy is hitting on her and is making it clear that he wants her, then in order to avoid temptation (we ARE all human and as strong as we think we are, we are often tempted into things.. some people take short...
  18. C

    Lust's 100 Approaches in 2007 Challenge - Comments/Advice Please!

    hmm... Well the mistake I picked up on that approach is that you told them that you were bored. And as we know, women LOOOOVE to over analyse things. So to them you might as well have said "Hey girls, we have nothing better to do than to come speak to you, entertain us!" But then again, maybe...
  19. C

    My 100 Approach Challenge Reports (3-4)

    hmm... For someone that is only "starting" at this, you sure have a lot of confidence with women. :) Anyways, you seemed to have handled both sets of women smoothly. Only thing I might have to point out is just watch out with those neg hits.. sometimes if you have hardly said a few words to a...
  20. C

    My 100 Approach Challenge Reports (2)

    Getting there... This type of this will always happen to guys. Any guy that has approached a good amount of women has experienced the same or similar responses. Don’t worry or let this bring you down, today those 2 girls were not interested, tomorrow another set of ladies might be, at least you...