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  1. C

    Cellphones / Mobile phones

    So I am getting an upgrade soon and with all the new phones that have come out I am not sure which phone is best. I am looking for a small stylish phone with lots of features and good battery life... At the moment I am looking at the: Nokia N93 and Samsung...
  2. C

    The Power Of Thought

    Give yourself some credit for the way you think, not just "women" ... You didnt change your life through women.. Women just gave you that extra bit of motivation that guided you to thinking a certein way.. Thinking the right way. ;) Laterz...
  3. C

    Latest songs you like

    Bump... Fig - Put Your Hands Up for Detroit
  4. C

    The Power Of Thought

    "The Secret" (movie) I found a movie called The Secret which I think explains and discusses this topic in great and insightful detail. See for more details about the movie. I am going to try get hold of this asap as well. :up: Laterz...
  5. C

    The Power Of Thought

    The Power Of Thought: The power of thought is something that every single one of us underestimates every day of our lives. When we think about things we reflect that type of energy around us. Have you ever noticed when you get really angry, that things normally continue to go wrong? Its...
  6. C

    What to do after 8pm??

    Have you ever heard of the word "nightlife" ? Results 1 - 10 of about 76,300,000 for nightlife [definition]. (0.13 seconds) ... It only took me 0.13 seconds to find 76,300,000 links on things to do during the night. <--- Google is your friend ;) Laterz...
  7. C

    A different approach to women

    hehe yeah.. There we go, now we understand eachother:) Just remember, if you're an ugly guy though, that shouldnt get in the way of you approaching hot women;) Laterz...
  8. C

    Solid Proof with video. To prove that Skiptomyfool dosent know what hes talking about

    .... Weak_Game: I don't think that Skip is really a kbj, I think its rather the case of Skip speaking from his own personal experience, and maybe using it as a generalization too much, as appose to speaking from his own perspective and experience. He is entitled to his own opinion I guess...
  9. C

    A different approach to women

    .... skip2mylou781: I do indeed see your point.... But you keep on saying "she" and speaking on behalf of "all hot women" which is the only thing that you are wrong about. When you say "she", if you are refering to the majority and not ALL hot women, then kewl, I agree with you... But what I...
  10. C

    A different approach to women

    .... You can use the copy/paste function on your computer when speaking to me if you cant type out my nick... Alternatively, you can type my nick out like "aequitas". Anyways, back onto the topic... When I post I post my OPINION... and I do not talk about the majority of the cases... I talk...
  11. C

    A different approach to women

    hmm... skip2mylou781: I personally would be nice to her, but wouldn't touch her, ever. But Thats because I am the way I AM... But I can think of a few people I have come across, that are an 8-9 and have been/are in a long term relationship with someone thats a 3. Different people have...
  12. C

    A different approach to women

    And who is "she" exactly? You seem to be generalising here. And I never said that the guy that was a 3 was a celeb or rich. To me, this simply means that you aren't the type of that SPECIFIC girl that you approached, thats all, each to his own... But that doesn't mean that the hot woman next...
  13. C

    A different approach to women

    "Each to his own" ... That is probably the best way to explain it... Most HB9's wont like a guy thats a 3, sure, but you DO get the HB9's that WOULD date a guy thats a 3 just because of a quality in him that overrides looks in her eyes. If you are at a club, the women there are generally mature...
  14. C

    Help Please! {Advanced Eye Contact}

    .... Hello DJTJ. 1) Girls CAN tell if you are looking at their mouthes as appose to looking at their eyes. 2) When you look at a girls mouth while she/you speaks, then that generally gives the other person the impression that you want to kiss them. 3) Eye contact IS important to make with a...
  15. C

    A different approach to women

    hehe thanx man... Good to be back:D ... And yeah... I know my nick is a little confusing... I guess I was feeling a little OVER-creative when I chose it:D ... P.s.: I normaly say "Laterz" at the end of most of my posts, so try do a search for the word "laterz" :p Laterz...
  16. C

    A different approach to women

    skip2mylou781 : hehe I did kiss her... and got a good amount of kino going too... But I dont like giving too much too soon, you know?:p But yeah, was a fun and interesting night... Looking forward to seeing her again sometime soon:) Laterz...
  17. C

    Depression and motivational quotes!

    Good Stuff! Centaurion: I'm really happy to see that you have taken it upon yourself to CHANGE our life into something u WANT it to be.... Keep it up... There is no ways that so much positivety will give a bad result;) Laterz..
  18. C

    A different approach to women

    yip.. myspacepickupguide : Exactly, I am happy that you are able to relate to what I said. :) Its all about going out and having fun at the end of the day:woo: Laterz...
  19. C

    Pure Gaming

    .... Taken from Shezz's post: If you went out and you came home and you can honestly say that you HAD FUN, then the night was succesful. Look at the bigger picture people. :up: Laterz...
  20. C

    A different approach to women

    Approaching is something that 99% of men, no matter how much of a "Don Juan" or a "PUA" they are, will always be somewhat "scary" ... And not because of the fear of rejection per se , but rather of the unknown. Here you are approaching a complete stranger, and you have no clue what the outcome...