Climax said:
That's what I am getting at... If everyone would ask themselves "Where will I be in 10 million years?" I mean.... Will everyone just die? Or does our "soul" (Or whatever it is - some people believe its an energy?) carry on to another life? And if so, then what will "I" be? What will my abilities be? Will I see the same way that I see now? Will I be able to smell? Will I be able to talk? How will i interact? Where will i be? What will I do? what will be my purpose THEN? (We all try to find our purpose here on Earth, surely it will be similar in the next world?)
These are questions people have thought about for eons and still nobody knows. I've been in kind of a weird funk lately where I've been feeling this sort of existential emptiness and have had a lot of other things ground through my mind making me wonder what is life all about. Have you ever looked at existentialism?
I simply don't know. I feel like I don't know anything. I don't know if purpose will be revealed to us by life, of if we create our own purpose. Some people are hedonist, their life's purpose and only purpose is the pursuit of pleasure in some form, not necessarily decadent pleasure, it could simply be reading imaginative books or taking their family on a vacation. And the only purpose is looking forward to the next pleasure.
Life can be either completely meaningless or special I guess depending on who you ask. In a sense, yes, we're basically insignificant specks in an incomprehensively vast universe and our short lives of 75 years or so nothing but a cosmic nanosecond. We are totally insignificant. Yet at the same time, each person is like a universe unto themselves with almost infinite complexity, our bodies with their complex biomechanics evolved from pond scum and now we have great works of art and music, civilization, technology. So that seems like a miracle as well that against all odds we have evolved this far from one celled organism, whether you believe it was God's guiding hand that led evolution or not, it's still amazing and makes each person a miracle, yet like I said, when compared with the vastness of space and the age of the universe, we are fighteningly insignificant. As much meaning as we may think we have, we are only one mile-wide meteorite away from complete annihilation.
I guess that said, the closest thing I can think of for my own meaning or purpose is to gain wisdom and figure out some of these secrets of the universe. Of course I then have to ask, if I'm going to die and can't take this knowledge with me, or if I'm reborn and have no recollection of what I learned in the past life, then what good was it? What use is anything?