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  1. C

    What a great profile </sarcasm>

    droogie: If you read my posts properly you would see that I am voicing an opinion that differs from some other people in here. If you're asking me not to voice my point of view then I'm going to have to dissagree with you. On the other hand, I agree with you on the matter that these aspects...
  2. C

    What a great profile </sarcasm>

    Maybe she doesn’t have anyone to "lean on" etc, and this probably lead her to self pity, and even desperation to an extent.. She’s an emotional wreck at the moments due to her past mistakes and now she is just projecting her emotions. None of you have been in her situation and/or have gone...
  3. C

    Being called gay, should I be offended?

    think of it as her saying "hey u've been dancing here next to me for HOW LONG NOW??? Why havnt u made any moves? Now because u made ME make the 1st move i'm gonna disguise it so well you will never think i was making a move on you! PLEASE dance with me now??? *flatter eyelashes* " I hope you at...
  4. C

    fear versus reality

    My 2c I think that there is a lot of points that are brought up in this thread that can pretty much be related to anything in life... Look at the way Earth is run.. A person will live their life to their best ability.. and the only way a person can do this, is to take what he knows, and apply...
  5. C

    NEED help Cousin big time AFC!

    always a pleasure jon... Your intentions are right and you just handled the situation in the best way that you thought, so you deserve credit for that! Hope it all works out for you and your cousin! :up:
  6. C

    I have to tip my hat to the animal planet

    Animal Planet for the win! :up: only thing I dont like about it is too much crocodiles, lol... But yeah.. I'm also a fan of the Animal Planet :) *rawwwr* :woo:
  7. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Good find, thank you Interceptor :) I'm limited on bandwidth at the moment, but I will probably watch all those video's sometime soon :D Thanks again for the link/idea!
  8. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    hmmm... Another one that doesn’t read the thread properly and jumps to conclusions? tsk tsk tsk... I mentioned many times and stressed the point that its an opinion, I'm not asking anyone to explain themselves if they do not wish to.. I gathered my opinion with life experience and speaking...
  9. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Wow very unique theory... And at least you get the point of this thread.. which is to voice and discuss opinions about what will happen to us as individual beings... as appose to some smartasses here that changed the thread to "what will happen to Earth?" and "How’s your grammar today?" or...
  10. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    ahahaha.. my man, I'm just reeeheeeheeely over guys like you who think they know everything and think the world revolves around them. Look how you presume this and that when really I don’t care what you say or think :) no1 is reprimanding anyone for having their opinion, like i said, take your...
  11. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    this place still infested with idiots... pity. I'm over these types of meaningless immature convo's. I make a thread for my own reasons and there always has to be some ego maniac that tries to sound clever and create arguments that are totally off the point. At least I know this place hasn’t...
  12. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    bigjohnson: You are a perfect example, and reminder of why I stopped frequenting this site... *sigh* Here I am trying to have a mature discussion and you come here looking for fault in my grammar and hijack the thread with your unwanted hostility? Please, he day I care about what you think of my...
  13. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    This belief is just my opinion that I have collaborated after putting all that I know together and coming up with an opinion of my own. This is why I made this thread, and it seems you have missed the point of it. I'm not talking about whats going to happen to "Earth", its about you as a "being"...
  14. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Well said speakeasy! :up: Just one thing I would like to comment on... When you spoke about the tsunami wiping people out.. you related that to "bad luck" ... But maybe moving on from THIS life as we know it is a blessing in a way? While to us it may seem like a disaster, maybe passing on will...
  15. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Change is a decision away.... :cheer:
  16. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    speakeasy you raise some interesting points, thank you for that you are deffinatelly someone I can enjoy a nice meaning discussion with :D Hey kitten, good to see you again! (Not sure if you remember me - I use to go by the name AeQu|TaS) Anyways I like your way of thinking, my beliefs are...
  17. C

    NEED help Cousin big time AFC!

    j0n024 Cousin / brother - Its still family bro. You live once, so why not help your cousin out if he needs a little push? I dont see the problem. There are many many guys out there with the same or similar problems that your cousin has with women/confidence etc, but a little help could make all...
  18. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Dude, no1 is questioning the "survival" of anything/anyone... its just an interesting topic to talk about... and hear different opinions etc... No living thing can actually know for sure that there is life after death for you as an individual being. People have said that they were near death...
  19. C

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    That's what I am getting at... If everyone would ask themselves "Where will I be in 10 million years?" I mean.... Will everyone just die? Or does our "soul" (Or whatever it is - some people believe its an energy?) carry on to another life? And if so, then what will "I" be? What will my abilities...
  20. C

    NEED help Cousin big time AFC!

    I think you should have enough respect for your brother than to splatter his personal life in a public forum, you should feel ashamed of yourself. Anyways, as for your situation... I think that your brother has not had as easy time as he might have liked with women... And it caused him a...